If I were the moderator at tonight's CNN debate, here's what I'd ask Biden ...

The Washington Post had an article the other day that said that our use of coal, natural gas and oil causes the earth to cool.

See here:

We’ve been accidentally cooling the planet — and it’s about to stop

It is widely accepted that humans have been heating up the planet for over a century by burning coal, oil and gas. Earth has already warmed by almost 1.2 degrees Celsius (2.2 degrees Fahrenheit) since preindustrial times, and the planet is poised to race past the hoped-for limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming.

But fewer people know that burning fossil fuels doesn’t just cause global warming - it also causes global cooling. It is one of the great ironies of climate change that air pollution, which has killed tens of millions, has also curbed some of the worst effects of a warming planet.

Tiny particles from the combustion of coal, oil and gas can reflect sunlight and spur the formation of clouds, shading the planet from the sun’s rays. Since the 1980s, those particles have offset between 40 and 80 percent of the warming caused by greenhouse gases.

And now, as society cleans up pollution, that cooling effect is waning. New regulations have cut the amount of sulfur aerosols from global shipping traffic across the oceans; China, fighting its own air pollution problem, has slashed sulfur pollution dramatically in the last decade.

The result is even warmer temperatures - but exactly how much warmer is still under debate. The answer will have lasting impacts on humanity’s ability to meet its climate goals.

That got me to thinking about the upcoming presidential debate between Joe Biden and President Trump.

It makes me want to come up with a list of questions Biden needs to answer. If I were the CNN moderator at that debate, here is what I would ask:

If you are worried about global warming, shouldn't we continue to use those products instead of seeking to destroy them?

Shouldn't you follow the science?

Didn't your statement that you wanted to destroy reasonably priced energy products cause oil prices to spike and contribute greatly to higher inflation around the world?

Don't those higher prices help Russia and Iran to finance terrorism and wars?

Why have you worked so hard to finance Iran when they pledge death to America and death to Israel?

Isn't the only reason you haven't been charged with felonies for illegally taking and mishandling classified documents because they said you were too incompetent to stand trial?

Why would Trump have suggested to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to surround the Capitol with National Guard troops if he really wanted to overthrow the government?

Why don't you blame Pelosi for not securing the Capitol since she was clearly warned that there would be a big crowd that day?

Most European countries limit abortions to the first 12 to 14 weeks. Are they anti-woman? What limits would you support?

Isn't it a bald-faced lie to say that Trump wants a national ban on abortion when what he says is the issue belongs to each state? Does the Supreme Court or any court have the right to make laws or amend the Constitution?

Aren't you abusing your power and violating the separation of powers when you are dictatorially forgiving student loans? Does the president have the right to spend government money without congressional approval?

Is it pro-women to force them to compete with men and force them to share their locker rooms with them?

On day one you issued a huge number of executive orders opening the border. Why don't you just reverse those orders if you really care about securing the border?

Why have you lied for seven years that Trump supported Nazis and white supremacists? Doesn't that lie generate racial division and hate? 

Why do you continually lie that Trump's tax cuts cost the government trillions when they have actually generated more revenue? 

Why do you oppose giving poor and minority children an opportunity to attend a school they choose? 

Why do you continually lie that you inherited a disastrous economy when you inherited a rapidly growing economy? 

Why have you continually lied that you inherited high inflation when it was below 2% when you took office?

Why did you lie to the American people that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation?  Should you be charged with a crime for hiding the truth from the American people since that is essentially what Trump was convicted of?

Why have you continually lied to the American people that you had nothing to do with Hunter's business dealings when you took him around the world in a government jet collecting kickbacks and sat in on his phone calls?

Sadly, most of the media, and especially CNN haven't cared about facts for a long time so they won't ask good questions. Instead they will spend their time seeking to destroy Trump and working their hardest to prop up the corrupt, incompetent, dishonest Biden.

Image: Niaz and dnet, via Wikipedia // CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED

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