It’s up to you New York, New York

More and more people are singing “I hate New York” these days, and I’m not talking about Red Sox fans.  According to a New York Post editorial, the natives are restless.  Check this out:

New York’s dominant Democratic-progressive establishment basically ignored the voter anger exposed in the 2022 elections — and the voters have noticed.

The new Siena poll is the latest evidence: More than half the state’s registered voters say New York is heading in the ‘wrong direction.’

How, exactly?

Well, 49% say crime has gotten worse across the state this last year; only 17% think it’s improved; 31%, stayed the same.

And a full 83% say the migrant influx is a ‘serious’ problem, including more than three-quarters of Democrats.

Since everyone knows that’s mainly on President Biden, that may be why more of the Empire State says the whole country is on the wrong track (by 61%, to 31% ‘right track[’]) than do New York state itself (52% wrong, 37% right).

And, former President Trump is only down eight points!   The Governor is highly unpopular.

Nothing new in this editorial.  I hear this from friends in New York City all the time.  They keep saying that they are moving out, but of course that’s easier said than done.  Packing up and leaving means selling a home or getting a new job or just leaving your life behind.  It’s probably easier for the young, but it's tougher for adults with roots there.

So the answer is for people to stay and vote for more responsible leaders.  They can start with a fellow named Bragg who is obsessed with hanging Trump but couldn't care less about the criminals harassing bodegueros or non-students creating havoc at a local university.  They can elect a governor who loves the state taxpayers more than pleasing a crazy left bent on destroying everything known as the United States.

It’s up to you New Yorkers and only you can change your state.  Like California, New York is a mess and only voters can do anything about it.

P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts, and videos.

kgroovy, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Flickr, unaltered.

Image: kgroovy, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, unaltered.

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