Little Marco little no more

It won’t be easy because there are some great choices.  Based on what I’ve seen, let me cast a vote for Senator Marco Rubio in the VP sweepstakes.  The other side must agree because there are already articles like this one from Michael LaRosa, a former special assistant to Joe Biden and a former press secretary for Jill Biden.  This is what he wrote:

That sound you’re hearing is the collective explosion of heads from my friends in the Democratic Party, followed by admonitions that Latinos do not vote as a monolith. That’s true: Cuban, Venezuelan, Dominican and Mexican Americans, as well as Puerto Ricans, do not vote in unison.

But there is something Latino voters have in common: their Latin American roots and the pride that comes from casting a vote for someone who looks and talks like them. Mr. Rubio would break a significant cultural barrier as the first Latino on a national ticket. We’ve seen how that feeling of cultural and identity pride can marshal voters and transcend ideological and partisan preferences, and it should never be underestimated.

Seldom do running mates play an outsize role in our presidential contests, as most voters focus on the top of the ticket. But Mr. Rubio would give Mr. Trump something no other presidential candidate has offered: the chance for Latinos to vote for one of their own to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.

As a Cuban-American, I’d be very proud to vote for a son of Cuban immigrants.  My vote for Rubio goes beyond that though; in other words, I would not vote for a Hispanic Democrat just to make an ethnic point.

What makes Rubio a good choice for VP is that he understands the issues that matter, specifically the foreign policy mess that a potential Trump-Rubio team would inherit.  He has spent years in important Senate committees dealing with exactly the issues that the new administration will face.

On television, he is an effective and disciplined communicator who can talk about abortion and kitchen table issues well.

Again, there are a lot of options.  I am a big fan of Senator Cotton and former Secretary Mike Pompeo.  Senator Scott is amiable and likable.  So the choices are hard, but give me Rubio by a field goal.

Last, but not least, a Trump-Rubio would be a photographer’s dream with a couple of ladies that the country will love to see.

P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts, and videos.

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Image: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.

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