School district issues apology to Muslim activists after a teacher labeled Islamic State a ‘terrorist organization’ on a quiz

The teachers unions, in concert with the Department of Education, have inflicted irreparable damage to the fabric of our nation.

I’m no school administrator, but I’d say that an organized group of militants who don black garb like they’re a revamped iteration of the Klan and go about lopping off civilians’ heads over mass graves, selling Yazidi Christian women and children into sexual exploitation, and conducting public crucifixions, basically sums up “terrorist organization” but then again, I’m not in the public “education” sector now am I?

When a teacher in New Jersey recently allowed a quiz question that asked students to identify a “terrorist organization” with the correct answer being Islamic State, it sent a group of Muslim activists into a fit of hysterics. Here are the details, from a report at the New York Post:

The [activist] group, which describes itself on its website as a network of Muslim educators that confronts ‘discrimination, implicit bias, and institutional racism’ against Muslims in public schools, shared an Instagram post condemning a quiz question that one teacher posed to his seventh-grade students about the Islamic State.

The group shared a screenshot of the question, which read, ‘It is a terrorist organization that commits acts of violence, destroys cultural artifacts, and encourages loss of life in order to achieve its goal of global rule under strict Islamic Sharia law.’

But duh! Things like unspeakable violence, the destruction of cultural artifacts, and genocidal ambitions don’t equate to terrorism—loving Jesus and voting for Donald Trump is! From Hot Air today:

DHS Doc: Trump Supporters, Military, Religious People Most Likely Terrorists

Last year, the Biden administration quietly established an advisory board within the Department of Homeland Security that was intended to help them identify potential domestic terrorism threats.

So which groups of people inside the United States were most likely to foment a terror threat? Was it shadowy Islamic extremists affiliated with ISIS? Exiled former members of Latin American drug cartels? Nope. According to new documents obtained by America First Legal, at the top of the list were supporters of Donald Trump, military veterans, and religious individuals.

Boy am I glad we have our priorities straight—wouldn’t want me to turn the other cheek too hard, walk another mile with you while helping to bear any burden you have, love my neighbor as myself, or follow this instruction:

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you….

So naturally, in the aftermath, the school district issued a statement…apologizing to the activists for an “unacceptable” incident. No, I’m not joking, though I wish I were. From Fox News:

When asked to confirm details of TWM’s [activist group] account against Schuyler-Colfax Middle School, the superintendent’s office provided its statement apologizing for the incident.

It read, ‘First, I sincerely apologize on behalf of the school district. Such incidents are unacceptable and do not reflect the standards we uphold for our educational community. We understand the deep concern and disappointment this has caused among students, parents, and the broader community. It is also important to recognize that one question does not define our entire school community.’

The statement went on to say an ‘investigation’ had been launched into the matter and found that ‘the test question was derived, in part, from software used as a resource for this class.’

As the Post reported, the statement also assured the public that the district would continue to “provide cultural sensitivity training to all teachers and staff.”

Now, for all that multiculturalism talk from the left, it’s quite ironic given that being pro-Islam is the most unicultural belief set one can have—Islam means Sharia, and Sharia means total domination and zero tolerance for infidels.

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Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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