The bizarre debate performance of Joe Biden

The recent debate featuring Joe Biden was nothing short of perplexing. Throughout the evening, Biden repeatedly lost his train of thought, a disconcerting display for someone in his position.

However, what was truly baffling was the juxtaposition of these moments with episodes where he rattled off statistics like a genius. It was almost as if he transformed into a different person—or even seemed possessed by some spirit channeling through him.

At times, Biden's performance bordered on the surreal. He stared off into the distance, as if he were reading from a teleprompter invisible to the audience, articulating long strings of statistics and facts with impressive clarity. Yet, just moments later, he would appear like a deer in the headlights, dazed and disoriented, struggling to recall basic points. This stark contrast raises serious questions about what was really happening during the debate.
One can’t help but wonder if Biden was receiving some form of assistance through a hidden hearing aid or another device. The idea of intermittent signals might explain why he seemed so articulate one moment and utterly confused the next. When the supposed signal cut out, he fumbled, lost his place, and appeared clueless. This erratic switching between moments of brilliance and confusion was mind-boggling and concerning for a leader.
During one segment, Biden drifted from discussing tax policy to health policy, then veered off into COVID-19, only to trail off mid-sentence with a vague, “excuse me, with, dealing with,” before losing his train of thought entirely. His time ran out with the odd statement, “Look, we finally beat Medicare.”
Biden also struggled when addressing abortion rights, a critical issue for many voters. He failed to clearly articulate his stance on Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion nationwide but was overturned by a conservative Supreme Court two years ago. His response was muddled and confusing, stating he “supports Roe v. Wade, which had three trimesters. The first time is between a woman and a doctor. Second time is between a doctor and an extreme situation. A third time is between the doctor, I mean, between the woman and the state.”
This performance leaves us with more questions than answers. How could someone oscillate so wildly between coherence and confusion? What was the cause of these disjointed moments? While speculation about hidden devices or supernatural influences remains unproven, the debate highlighted an unsettling inconsistency in Biden’s ability to communicate effectively.
And speaking of communication, the best thing that ever happened to Donald Trump in the debate was not Joe Biden‘s faltering, but rather the rule about the mute button that didn’t allow Trump to be a bully and go beyond his allotted time. 
During the last election season debate, the only reason Trump did not cream Biden was because he came across as a bully hogging time. With a mute button rule enforced, Trump had no choice but to stay within the boundaries. He did an excellent job within those boundaries. He didn’t need any extra time. Joe Biden self-destructed sufficiently while the entire world watched.

Jerry McGlothlin is a seasoned media expert and political commentator and CEO of Special Guests Publicity.

Image: Screen shot from The Wall Street Journal video, via YouTube

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