What we can learn from the presidential debate analysis

Thursday’s presidential debate revealed the intellectual mismatch between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. 

For those ignorant of Biden’s mental decline, the truth was laid bare and the world saw how vulnerable our nation has become. 

Our elected president has been managed by his aides and our country is run by unelected functionaries. 

But make no mistake about it, the Bidens will not readily give up the power they secured in 2020. 

Perhaps the most curious response to this debate performance by Biden was the reaction by the CNN and MSNBC analysts.

The panels on these networks joined those on Fox News in recognizing the Biden failure under conditions his campaign established. 

First, the two moderators, Dana Bash and Jake Tapper, were amazingly fair and provided questions and conditions that allowed Donald Trump to demonstrate control over his behavior and answer questions to the satisfaction of many undecided potential voters. Thus, the debate win will gain votes for the Trump campaign. This puts more pressure on the Biden campaign. But, the response of the leftist analysts was surprising.

When Van Jones remarked that Biden must go, that was enough for me. An Obama supporter reflects the thinking of the extreme leftist politicos in the Democrat party.  Surely many financial donors to the Democrats were disturbed by the Biden performance, but why signal that he has become a liability? 

There are many issues here. Joe could not handle the most critical issue for progressives, abortion, in a coherent way. Further, he mishandled the border crisis issues when he combined it with his concern over rape.  But, after calling Trump a liar, he claimed that no American soldier died under his watch, disregarding the loss of military personnel in Afghanistan’s Abbey Gate during the botched withdrawal from that country. This was appalling.

It is likely the smart money already understood that Biden was probably a loser this time. Professional advisors may have determined that Trump was going to win the presidency no matter who was nominated by the Democrats. 

They were more concerned about the down-ballot positions. In this situation, we may see money moving toward the congressional elections for House and Senate to save Democrat seats and limit Republican control over that federal branch. The loss differential determines how many congressional seats will be lost. This underlies the fear demonstrated after the debate by progressive analysts. They believe a replacement will do better against Trump in 2024.

However, there are other elections at stake, too. 

The state elections will be determined by turnout and this will be increased by enthusiasm for Trump and decreased by apathy for Biden. Biden feels that the September debate may save his position, but he is unlikely to do significantly better. 

Remember, his best performances have occurred when reading a prepared speech.  Off the cuff remarks have been steadily worse with time. This dementia will not likely reverse. 

But then the press has lied to us for four years, saying he was alert and sentient, so this act is not believable. 

Remember, Joe Biden received millions of votes while hiding in the basement, claiming COVID was responsible. 

So, we have ourselves (or his voters) to blame for this mess. Let us hope that our foreign adversaries will not use the remaining months of 2024 to take advantage of our weak president.

Image: Screen shot from MSNBC video, via YouTube

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