Who knew and when did they know it?

President Biden’s incoherent debate performance appeared to shock the world. But is it truly surprising? Politician Biden has always been a phony and a grifter. He has never been the sharpest tool in the shed, but his accelerating decline over the last few years has been obvious to everyone.  Yet when conservative media points this out they are savaged by the Left, accused of “cheap fakes” and purely political motivation. 

Here is a list of just some of the people who were absolutely aware of President Biden’s extreme cognitive decline, and who deliberately concealed it from the public: the entire White House staff; his entire cabinet; the leadership of the Democrat party, including especially the Obamas and the Clintons; congressional leadership of both parties; the entire Washington press corps from all major media corporations; and most despicably, “Dr.” Jill and the president’s entire family.  

If he were merely someone’s grandpa sitting in his rocker, he would deserve our compassion, and the contemptible behavior of these people would rightly be seen as elder abuse. Instead, his presence in the White House is an existential threat to this nation, and to world peace. There is no room left for compassion. And the threat did not begin with the debate. The threat has been going on for years while a corrupt corporate media gaslit the public.

Do not forget who else has known about his incapacity for years: Putin, Xi, Khamenei, Zelenskyy, Netanyahu, and every world leader who has interacted with him on the world stage, or behind closed doors, allies and adversaries alike.

Our nation is certainly not being run by this desiccated shell of a formerly mediocre politician. At best, his unelected subordinates are making all the decisions, likely at the behest of behind-the-scenes unelected Democrat party leaders. We can easily see the disastrous results of those decisions. But results aside, isn’t this the true “threat to democracy” endlessly brayed about by the Left? From unaccountable and unelected decision makers running our nation, to a rigged primary, to the likely selection of a new candidate in a “smoke-free” room at the Democrat party convention, Democrat voters have been snubbed and abandoned by their party elite. How will they respond? 

Image: U.S. Government

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