Why haven’t they already replaced Biden?

On the left, it's axiomatic that they are guilty of whatever they accuse you of doing. 

Leftists are lying when they hurl the accusation about President Trump being a threat to "our democracy," having eviscerated our liberty and gone full authoritarian.

They howl about 'destroying democracy' while they are negating your vote. 

Or now that Democrats are in a political crisis over their insentient leader, Axios says they're having a ‘Biden oligarchy’ decide his fate.

Forget the pundits. Ignore New York Times editorials and columnists. Tune out people popping off on X.

The only way President Biden steps aside, despite his debate debacle, is if the same small group of lifelong loyalists who enabled his run suddenly — and shockingly — decides it's time for him to call it quits.

Why it matters: Dr. Jill Biden; his younger sister, Valerie Biden; and 85-year-old Ted Kaufman, the president's longtime friend and constant adviser — plus a small band of White House advisers — are the only Biden deciders.

The Axios article details the fact that the volks-comrades of a small oligarchy that claims to be ‘defending democracy’ -- even though the U.S. is a constitutional republic -- are going to be making a major decision at the expense of ‘democracy.’ 

So much for caring about the ‘will of the people.’ 

But you knew already if leftists didn’t lie, they wouldn’t be saying anything.  They interminably project that on the pro-freedom right, except that we have the receipts of how the left lies, and all they can do is tiresomely repeat the charge.

Still, the larger question remains, why haven’t they already replaced their man?  Just what was their plan?  Did they expect Biden to last until November – or at least until the bulk of early mail-in cheating … voting was accomplished?

Trying to figure out the meanderings of the Biden puppet regime is like trying to discern the inner workings of the Politburo of the defunct Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei.  We ‘proles’ aren’t important enough to know what they know or decide our fate for that matter, we are only to cheerfully agree with their decisions like trained seals at a circus.

We can only make an educated guess about what happened behind the scenes — beginning with the question of why they decided on this debate.  Why did they schedule it so early and what is going to happen next?  And most importantly, will it matter?

There are likely two or more camps within the inner circles of this far-left ruling class. Their only concern in all of this is maintaining a death grip on power – they don’t care how they do it, only that they stay in control.  Joe Biden is nothing but political cannon fodder for them, disposable like everyone else that they can use and discard when no longer needed.

One camp prefers keeping Biden ostensibly at the top of the ticket - the ‘stay the course’ confederation.  The other camp saw all the problems with Biden and wanted to replace him with someone else -- someone who can win, but will still be under their immediate control.   The debate was a quick and dirty way of resolving the issue once and for all.  

Why did they push to have it so early?  You can easily guess that with Biden’s steady decline, the odds favored a debate earlier than later because they probably realized he’s going to be a lot worse one or two months from now.

One theory is that they wanted it early to give a possible replacement enough time to campaign and get up to speed. That's fine, except that the national media is arguing amongst themselves about whether this is even possible before the convention.  And it wouldn’t exactly be ‘democratic’ if they did, but rank hypocrisy has never stopped them in the past, so why would it now?  After the Democratic National Convention, it would be a slightly different story. Here's what the DNC has said:

G. Filling a Vacancy on the National Ticket: In the event of death, resignation or disability of a nominee of the Party for President or Vice President after the adjournment of the National Convention, the National Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee shall confer with the Democratic leadership of the United States Congress and the Democratic Governors Association and shall report to the Democratic National Committee, which is authorized to fill the vacancy or vacancies.

They could, of course, throw out the rule book, ignore the will of the people, and do like dictators have always done. They could replace Biden with Michelle Obama as we and so many others have speculated. 

Yes, you do have to wonder about the timing of that other Axios piece at this time. That would undeniably look horrible coming from the supposed ‘defenders of democracy.’  

But remember, these are people who work day and night to destroy individual liberty while dishonestly calling themselves ‘liberals,’ so you’ve got to figure hypocrisy has to be part of their hidden by-laws.

But we still haven’t answered our original question: Why haven’t they already replaced Biden?  After all, the Biden oligarchy in the words of Axios has been on the inside all this time.  They’ve witnessed the decline.  They know why they kept the man in the basement four years ago.  They ignore the severe national security threat of having a man of this diminished capacity at the helm. Most of the country on the pro-freedom side of the spectrum knew of this problem for years.  It just became obvious to the rest of the people last Thursday night when evidence was right in front of their eyes and they couldn’t lie and claim it was a ‘cheap fake.’

We can gain a little insight from a poll taken a few months ago in February about Biden being the best candidate for the Democrats, but their internal polling likely shows the same thing: Biden performs better against Trump than Harris, Newsom.

In a hypothetical match-up, Trump leads Vice President Harris 46 percent to 43 percent and California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) 46 percent to 36 percent. He also leads Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) 45 percent to 33 percent.

The poll showed that Biden performed the best among several high-profile Democrats, but still trailed President Trump.  That could explain why they haven’t made the switch. They could have shown they weren’t democratic after all and gone all dictatorial, picking someone favored by the dissenting Democrats but the polling shows it wouldn’t have helped.

Let’s make it clear, whether it’s Biden or what’s behind Door Number 3, it’s not going to make any difference because whoever it is will still push the disastrous policies of the left.  Biden was just a puppet for their Politburo, and so will be anyone else chosen by the oligarchy.

The bottom line is that it won’t matter who they put in the puppet presidency. The left’s socialist agenda is nothing but societal slavery and a disastrous dead end.  That is why that agenda is being rejected around the world. These leftists can go into ‘aggressive panic’ all they want, but liberty will always win and it will coincide with a rejection of the fascist far-left.

D. Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, former director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

Image: Screen shot from WTHR video, via YouTube

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