And now for the Kam blues

Well, it's happening so fast that God only knows what's about to happen in the next few days. Everything is on the table, and your guess is as good as mine.

We do know this.  Vice President Kamala Harris is not an asset to the Democrats.  She has issues as Paul Bedard wrote:

One poll arrived on Friday, and it’s not good for Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris.

Rasmussen Reports asked voters directly what Biden and Harris should do, and they made it clear that they want a totally new 2024 ticket to choose from.

In the survey shared with Secrets on Friday morning, 55% said that Biden should get out of the presidential election. And 50% said that the party should skip over Harris in picking a replacement for Biden.

“Importantly, nearly half (48%) of Democratic voters at least somewhat agree that Biden should step aside and let the Democratic Party choose another candidate,” the survey outlet said.

No Kam, or so they say.

Vice President Harris will face three big hurdles if she is nominated in Chicago.

First, the vice president has not distinguished herself in the job.  She had the opportunity of the century on the border, a problem that most Americans want solutions to.

Instead, she became the abortion lady with a talent for word salads.

Second, a candidate Harris cannot disconnect herself from the Biden record.  Like Vice President Humphrey, who had to defend President Johnson's handling of the Vietnam War, VP Harris will be running on the Biden-Harris record, and it's not a popular one, according to the polls.

Third, she will have to explain how she missed the president's mental decline.  How do you regularly eat lunch with someone and miss that the elevator is not going to the top floor?  Did she ever do anything beyond talking about the 25th Amendment behind the scenes?

Of course, they can't really drop her either unless she loses some overnight primary or delegate vote count on the convention floor.  More than likely, there is no way that the party of identity politics can overlook her identity. 

So Kam is not the answer but it may be too late to do anything about it.

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Image: Defense Visual Information Distribution Service, via Picryl // public domain

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