Biden’s cognitive abilities are as good as ever

Biden’s cognitive abilities are as good as ever.  He has never been very sharp.  His foreign policy decisions have been 100% wrong. 

Jill and Joe have zero empathy for anyone but themselves.  They don’t care about women who are raped and killed by illegal aliens. 

Biden Campaign Co-Chair on if Biden Is Like What We Saw in Debate: ‘His Cognitive Capabilities Are as Good as Ever

On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” Biden Campaign Co-Chair Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) dodged on if President Joe Biden is like the person we saw on the debate stage on Thursday, but stated that “he is sharp and engaged, his cognitive capabilities are as good as ever.”

Biden, Obama, and most of the media regurgitate that at least Joe Biden tells the truth and knows the difference between right and wrong.  That means they all clearly have a problem distinguishing between truth and lies and right and wrong.  How can anyone misremember so much and have such destructive policies unless he has severe cognitive weaknesses?

For example: 

How could Biden sign a bouquet of executive orders opening the border to illegals, including terrorists, and then repeatedly say the border is closed and secure and any problems are Trump’s fault?

Did Biden forget he signed them?  Who wrote the orders for him?  Did he read them and understand them before he signed them?  I doubt it.

How could Biden say terrorists aren’t coming across the border when the FBI head has repeatedly warned about the risk?  Doesn’t he have the capability to read or listen?

Who in his right mind would seek to destroy our oil industry when the policy clearly would cause a spike in prices?  Doesn’t Biden have minimal comprehension to understand how that policy would help strengthen Iran and Russia and allow them to finance terrorism and wars?

Why would people like Biden, Obama, Blinken, and Sullivan support building up Iran’s finances when the Iranians pledge death to America and death to Israel?  Can’t they comprehend?

Why does Biden have trouble misremembering that the U.S. was experiencing a rapid economic recovery in the second half of 2020 instead of continually repeating that the economy was in economic collapse and claiming he saved it?  Those appear to be the thoughts of a delusional man.

Biden even remembers that inflation was 1.4% when he took office and blames Trump for people not having enough money to buy stuff at the inflated prices that his policies caused. 

Somehow, Biden never had the brain to know he wasn’t supposed to steal classified documents when he was a senator.  He said he didn’t know he had them or what they were despite having some in his garage.  He also didn’t know right from wrong when he shared the documents with his ghostwriter.

Does Biden even remember that he would have been charged with multiple felonies if Robert Hur hadn’t said his mind was shot?

Biden clearly can’t comprehend or analyze numbers because he continually misinforms the public that Trump’s tax rate cuts cost the government trillions and caused the deficit to rise when the fact is that revenues went up, not down.  He clearly lacks the intellectual capacity to understand that increased revenues don’t cause deficits. 

Biden seems to have a lot of difficulty remembering that he took Hunter around the world, taking kickbacks, and that he repeatedly met with and talked on the phone with several of Hunter’s business associates.  Most of the media also seem not to be able to comprehend how corrupt this is. 

Biden also can’t seem to remember that military people died under his watch in Afghanistan and elsewhere.  Of course, he is so delusional that he continues to claim what a success Afghanistan is.

Biden desn’t seem to understand that when Democrats vote against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, they are supporting abortion on demand with no limits. 

Biden, most of the media, and other Democrats also don’t seem to understand how many pronouncements from Anthony Fauci were just made up.  They had nothing to do with science.

Biden and most Democrats also seem to have trouble telling the difference between men and women.  It is hard to comprehend how much someone’s brain has had to deteriorate to be that confused. 

When Biden was told in the debate that his repeated statements about Trump and Charlottesville were 100% wrong, he seemed to be completely befuddled.  He looked like a deer in headlights. 

How many journalists and other Democrats didn’t have the brains to understand that the Russian collusion story was a fictional conspiracy, and the Biden laptop story was real?

How many of them repeatedly didn’t understand that Trump was a legitimate president and that Trump’s policies of giving power and money back to the people is the opposite of what a dictator would do?

Basically, Biden doesn’t know what is going on, yet journalists will still vote for him.  Who is running the government?  It is certainly not Biden or Kamala, yet most of the media don’t care. 

Chris Matthews: Biden ‘Not Sure What Isn’t True’ ‘Thinks Things Are Going on’ ‘He Doesn’t Know About’

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” former MSNBC host Chris Matthews stated that he believes President Joe Biden “thinks things are going on in this administration he doesn’t know about, that’s his problem. He’s not sure what isn’t true.” And therefore, can’t call out 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump effectively.

But according to Biden and the media, it is Trump who lies and can’t tell the difference between right and wrong.  That is what you get when you have a sycophant media establishment campaigning for a corrupt, incompetent Democrat. 

As for Trump and what he supposedly has done wrong:

Valuing properties high is not a crime.  It is an opinion, especially when he told the banks not to rely on the valuations.

And not telling the public everything about your private life when running for office is not a crime, or almost all politicians would be in jail.  It is also not a crime to pay legal bills and call them legal expenses, or corporate officers would fill the jails. 

And everyone should remember what Ronald Reagan said about liberals:  “the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”

<p><i>Image: Gage Skidmore via <a href="">Flickr</a>, <a href="">CC BY-SA 2.0</a>.</i></p>

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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