Biden’s failure vs. Trump’s success

In November, as Americans prepare to cast their votes, they face a critical decision that goes beyond mere political preference—it’s a choice with profound implications for the nation’s economy and security.

At the heart of this decision is the stark contrast between the proven leadership of Donald Trump, an unwavering advocate for both the working class and the business community, and the faltering policies of Joe Biden. This choice resonates deeply as it reflects on tangible impacts felt across every corner of American society.

Under Trump’s administration, significant strides were made to fortify America’s borders and overhaul the immigration system, which are fundamental pillars of national security and economic stability. The introduction of stringent national security travel bans and a robust information-sharing framework exemplified a proactive approach to safeguarding American lives and livelihoods against threats posed by terrorists and extremists.

These measures were not reactive but preemptive, setting a standard for global security protocols that prioritized the safety of American citizens.

Economically, Trump’s administration demonstrated a clear commitment to benefiting American workers and taxpayers through comprehensive border security reforms. By drastically reducing refugee resettlement by 85%, resources were redirected to more efficient overseas resettlement and burden-sharing initiatives, thereby alleviating pressures on local communities and ensuring that resources were used judiciously.

Equally pivotal was the comprehensive overhaul of the refugee security screening process, ensuring that those admitted posed no threat to national security or the domestic labor market, thus safeguarding job opportunities for American workers.

Beyond immigration reform, Trump enacted policies designed to protect American taxpayers and ensure the self-sufficiency of immigrants arriving in the United States. The implementation of a comprehensive “public charge” regulation was instrumental in ensuring newcomers could financially support themselves, thereby relieving the burden on taxpayers and promoting fiscal responsibility in immigration policies.

Measures aimed at combating “birth tourism” and restricting illegal aliens’ access to public housing were critical steps in preserving resources for those who lawfully contribute to the economy, while also maintaining fairness in public services.

Moreover, Trump’s administration prioritized American workers by instituting policies that mandated federal agencies hire domestically first, thus mitigating displacement of U.S. workers in favor of foreign labor. This commitment to protecting American jobs was underscored by reforms to the H-1B visa program, which sought to ensure skilled foreign workers complement rather than compete with American talent.

The decision to withdraw from the United Nations’s Global Compact on Migration underscored a steadfast dedication to preserving U.S. sovereignty and safeguarding American jobs, reinforcing the administration’s commitment to putting American interests first.

Legislatively, Trump’s policies restored integrity to programs like Temporary Protected Status (TPS), ensuring strict adherence to statutory conditions and preventing abuse of the system intended for genuine humanitarian crises. This principled approach not only upheld the rule of law but also maintained the integrity of immigration processes critical to national security, promoting a fair and orderly immigration system that prioritized the safety and well-being of American citizens.

The economic rationale underlying these reforms is incontrovertible. By securing borders and enforcing immigration laws, the Trump administration fostered a predictable and stable environment conducive to business growth. Certainty in labor markets, coupled with protections against illegal competition, bolstered confidence among investors and entrepreneurs alike, catalyzing economic expansion and innovation across various sectors.

This environment stimulated job creation and wage growth, benefiting American workers and reinforcing economic resilience amid global challenges.

In stark contrast, the Biden administration’s approach has been marked by inefficiency and misplaced priorities, resulting in four tumultuous years marred by insecurity and economic instability. From lax border enforcement to policies that inadvertently incentivized illegal immigration, Biden’s tenure left American workers vulnerable to displacement and taxpayers burdened by the costs of unchecked migration.

The lack of strategic foresight and effective policy implementation has undermined national security and economic progress, jeopardizing the future prosperity of the American people.

In conclusion, the upcoming election is not merely a choice between political figures; it represents a pivotal decision about America's future trajectory. Donald Trump’s demonstrated record in fortifying national security, protecting American workers, and nurturing economic prosperity stands in stark contrast to the failures of Joe Biden. For voters prioritizing national security, economic vitality, and a government that champions the interests of its citizens, the choice to support Trump is clear.

Supporting Trump means reaffirming America's sovereignty, revitalizing its economy, and ensuring that hard-working Americans—from Main Street to corporate offices—can flourish in a nation that prioritizes their well-being. It is a choice that resonates with those who seek a secure and prosperous future for themselves and future generations, founded on principles of strength, opportunity, and resilience.

As November approaches, the decision is not just about who leads the nation, but about the values and vision that will shape America’s path forward for years to come.

Joseph Ford Cotto, 1st Baron Cotto, GCCCR (DBA) is the author of What Happened to America?: How—and Why—the American Dream Became a Nightmare. He hosts News Sight, an online program with a sharp focus on the current events that impact your life. During 2014, HLM King Kigeli V of Rwanda bestowed a hereditary knighthood upon him. It was followed by a barony the next year. Cotto holds a doctorate in business administration.


Image: Public domain.

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