Dem dishonesty is a reminder that Biden was the ‘installed’ party candidate in 2020.

We have known for years that Joseph Robinette Biden has become a modern Walter Mitty, with made-up stories and deep fantasies that raise serious questions about both his character and mental health. What is fascinating is that after “hidin’ Biden” for most of his “presidency,” we have finally reached the point where even the Democrat party’s propaganda arm, the US “mainstream media,” is no longer confident that even its best efforts at gaslighting the American voters can get it past the trainwreck of last Thursday’s debate. These are the same diabolical propagandists who continue to lecture us about “democracy being at stake.”

Just think back to the last few years of Soviet show trials and a weaponized justice system. However, when it really comes to democracy, wasn’t it the Democrats who disenfranchised their own voters in 2020 by selecting (not electing) Pudding-head Biden as their nominee? This was because Democrat party leaders believed that with such a pathetically weak and unimpressive field of candidates, the former VP would be their best chance to beat the incumbent president. The widespread fraud of the 2020 presidential election further proved that these modern-day Bolsheviks (Democrats) do not believe in elections, only selections. Didn’t the Soviet communist party elite also select their leaders?


Image by AI.

The selection occurred immediately after FJB “won” the 2020 South Carolina primary, essentially rigged by Rep. James Clyburn (D-South Carolina), who at the time was the House Majority Whip and highest-ranking African American in Congress. Clyburn certainly dispensed political favors (and possibly cash), delivering the black vote to FJB and resulting in his first-ever primary win following three losses to Bernie Sanders. In exchange, Clyburn extracted from FJB promises that he’d choose a black woman running mate and make a black woman his first Supreme Court Justice appointee, promises which were fulfilled.

Most importantly, the rigged 2020 South Carolina primary provided the excuse for the party leadership to pressure all other candidates to drop out of the race. All simultaneously followed that order under fear of risking/losing future Democrat party financial support. However, Bernie Sanders, who led the race at the time, even though he understood that the US was not yet ready for a fourth—and this time openly socialist president (following Wilson, FDR, and Obama)—extracted his own pound of flesh, got the party to agree that his policies would be supported and, where possible implemented. We have been living the devastating consequences of this Faustian bargain.

Democrat party leadership is now preparing a new twist on their primary selection process. Since Biden won enough delegates (after democratically disallowing any challengers), he remains the presumptive nominee. Until last Thursday’s debate, his handlers had managed to maintain a gilded cage. No more. The knives have come out. Now, we wait and watch as the Democrats again conspire to “subvert democracy in order to save it.”

There are so many delicious ironies. The senile and demented dotard himself may have the ultimate say in whether he stays or goes, perhaps the only decision his handlers are unable to “manage.”

Sunday night, at Camp David, Biden apparently sought the counsel of his dysfunctional family of corrupt bag men, druggies, extortionists, felons, grifters, and sex addicts. The irony here is that his family is an illustrative microcosm of the Democrat party and its constituency, now the 2nd largest criminal organization on Earth (though not far behind Hunter’s benefactors, the CCP).

Perhaps the ultimate irony is that Hunter Biden, himself a corrupt, criminal drug and sex addict, exercises significant input over his addled father. This enables Hunter, a convicted felon facing numerous other legitimate legal issues and who himself should be ineligible to vote, to influence a decision as to whether half of the USA electorate is to be disenfranchised.

Jonathan Gault is a pseudonym.

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