Democrats are cycling through Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s five stages of grief

In the immediate aftermath of the Trump-Biden debate, those who viewed American politics at arm’s length described Biden’s dementia-addled performance as “carnage” and a “shipwreck.”

In the US, the media could not continue the ruse that Biden had the mental faculties to be president. Even Politico, the media arm of the DNC, published an article describing the debate as a “disaster” that Democrats could not spin.

But for those with a vested interest in Biden’s and the Democrats’ hold on power—many of whom have spent the past four years wallowing in deliberate ignorance about his cognitive decline—the debate performance was a traumatic event with terminal implications. These people are experiencing real grief.

According to psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, people process grief in five stages. All have been on display among progressives since the debate.

Image: Grieving Democrats by AI.

Stage 1: Denial

“The first reaction is denial. In this stage, individuals believe the precipitating event is somehow mistaken, and cling to a false, preferable reality.”

No one exhibits denial more than Dan Goldman (D-NY), who claims that the level of dementia Biden exhibited at the debate is not truly meaningful:

And indeed, this denial and panic were generalized throughout the Democrat party:

Stage 2: Anger 

“When the individual recognizes that denial cannot continue, they become frustrated, especially at proximate individuals.”

Within 24 hours of Joe’s meltdown on the stage, Jill Biden lashed out at the people who did Joe’s debate prep:

And according to James Clyburn, the debate prep team committed the “classic” blunder of “overpreparing” Joe for the debate:

Stage 3: Bargaining

“The third stage involves the hope that the individual can avoid a cause of grief.”

Here is television’s Meathead, who sees the oncoming cataclysm and is trying to bargain with Americans to vote for a demented man regardless of what that means for America. “OUR DEMOCRACY” hangs in the balance, don’t you know:

And not surprisingly, America’s most infamous unindicted felon, Hillary Clinton, was right there with him:

It is not clear whether Pelosi’s reported bargaining is a Babylon Bee satire. It is so hard lately to separate satire from reality:

Stage 4: Despair

During the fourth stage, the individual despairs at the recognition of their mortality.

Many a tear was shed in the aftermath of the debate for Biden’s political demise and—if one is to believe the histrionics—the death of democracy itself:

Democrat donors are now demanding refunds:

Alternatively, they’re switching all of their future donations solely to congressional races:

Stage 5: Acceptance

In this last stage, individuals embrace mortality or inevitable future, or that of a loved one, or other tragic event.

In this fifth stage, we see that many Democrat lawmakers have accepted the inevitable and are now lining up to call for Biden to step down:

To date, only one Democrat lawmaker has embraced the inevitable Trump presidency without histrionics, and that was Rep. Jared Golden of Maine:

As the entire Democrat Party slowly moves towards acceptance of the reality that Joe is demented and Trump will likely sweep into the presidency, let us shed our own tears that the industrial-scale (and completely justified) schadenfreude we are experiencing cannot be bottled, then savored over time.

I leave you with dementia, Joe, being led off into the sunset by Jill.

Wolf Howling is a pseudonym.

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