Is the United Kingdom on the verge of its own Independence Day?

The British election is being held today, and Nigel Farage’s reform party seems to be on the verge of a historic victory. As in other parts of Europe, the citizens of the United Kingdom have tired of their elite policies that are turning their countries over to people from the Middle East and Africa, people who do not share the common people’s values and are breaking their systems.

England, like America, has labored for a long time under two political parties that are essentially identical. They rejoice under different names (Labour and Tory) and use different rhetoric, but they’re effectively identical in practice: Big government and unlimited immigration from countries that do not share British values.

For many years, the British have been shouldering the burden of those policies. However, they’re noticing that their systems, especially their beloved National Health Service, are breaking, and their social compact is tattered.

Vast swaths of England look like Pakistan:

Naturally, there’s the virulent antisemitism that comes with a country’s Islamisization:

While ordinary Brits may have no great love for Jews or Israel, this type of thing goes too far.

In addition to taking over the streets, Islamists are also taking over British politics. As always, I distinguish between good people who are Muslim and people who are radical Islamists, seeking a total caliphate conquest, complete with the end of all liberty, including forced conversions and the subjugation and often murder of all non-Muslims.

The issue, of course, is values, and that’s where Nigel Farage’s UK party comes into play. It currently appears that Reform UK, which is about ending unlimited immigration and restoring traditional British norms, is about to wipe out the Tories. In the short term, this is good for the Labour Party. However, as Paul Joseph Watson makes clear, the Tories are functionally indistinguishable from the Labour Party. They need to go:

Yes, Labour will win but it will be out very soon because its policies will be even more disastrous than the Tory’s policies have been. The government will fall, an election will be called, and, with luck, Reform UK will be there to pick up the pieces.

Of course, as Watson notes in his video, both the Labourites and the Tories are going all-out to attack Reform UK as the second coming of Hitler. However, what should be the death blow to that line of attack is the amazing speech that the Muslim tech millionaire, Zia Yusuf, gave at a rally for Reform UK—a party he’s substantially funded:

This is a Muslim man of Pakistani origin who is speaking up for core British values and against the unlimited immigration that is destroying his country economically and socially. He’s not speaking in terms of race. He’s talking about liberty—and the fact that the British Uniparty (just like the American Uniparty) is anti-liberty.

Because England holds its election on a single day, requires voter ID, has paper ballots, and places limits on mail-in ballots, the election results will be known quickly, and they will be accurate. By tomorrow night, it won’t matter whether Labour wins. What will matter is whether the venerable Tory party is deservedly wiped out and a new, liberty-oriented, English-values Reform UK party rises in its place.

Image: Nigel Farage at the Reform UK rally in Birmingham. YouTibe screen grab.

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