Just call him President Hunter Biden

The recent presidential debate demonstrated how badly Joe Biden's mental deterioration has skidded. Never particularly bright to start with, what little mental acuity he did have is now in steep decline, raising the question of who runs the country while he's gibbering unintelligible statements. That used to be a parlor game, or a right-wing conspiracy theory, now it's a question that's for real. The usual candidates mentioned are smarter leftists such as George or Alex Soros or Barack Obama.

But Biden doesn't listen to Obama very much and hasn't met with him in the wake of his debate disaster. Many Obama operatives are long gone from Joe's cabinet. What was last heard was that Obama couldn't get his phone calls through. As for George Soros, he's ailing in his old age and has handed over his reigns of power to his 30-something son Alex. It's hard to imagine a sniveling punk like Alex giving old Joe his marching orders, despite his vast trove of unearned money.

That leaves Jill Biden, who most certainly is issuing Joe his orders and insulating him from any exposure to outside naysayers.

But it's worse than just Jill -- the reports are coming out that it's Hunter now taking on the role of White House gatekeeper, shielding Joe from any exposure to the outside world, and advising him on matters of state and appearance. Hard-living Hunter, fresh from a felony conviction on a gun charge, is calling the shots now for the president of the United States.

According to NBC News:

WASHINGTON — Hunter Biden has joined meetings with President Joe Biden and his top aides since his father returned to the White House from Camp David, Maryland, on Monday evening, according to four people familiar with the matter. 

The president’s son has also been talking to senior White House staff members, these people said.

While he is regularly at the White House residence and events, it is unusual for Hunter Biden to be in and around meetings his father is having with his team, these people said. They said the president’s aides were struck by his presence during their discussions. 


One of the people familiar with the matter said Hunter Biden has been closely advising his father since the family gathered over the weekend at Camp David after Thursday’s debate. This person said Hunter Biden has "popped into" a couple of meetings and phone calls the president has had with some of his advisers.

That would be the same Hunter who was the likely culprit in the White House cocaine scandal where a baggie full of snort was found on White House grounds despite all the security of the edifice. One likely story is that someone who didn't have to go through security departed without his stash.

And that's hardly the all of it. This is also the same Hunter Biden of the famous laptop fame, whose sex with young-looking females and cocaine-addled romps through the luxury hotels of Beverly Hills during the Trump years got him thrown out of those establishments. His dissolute lifestyle hasn't changed any, and he's clearly continued it given that he was thrown out of his Venice Beach residence last year for reportedly trashing the place and not paying their rent.

He's also the deadbeat dad who ran out on his tab for the daughter he spawned with an Arkansas stripper.

But that's just him and his. He's also the corruption nexus of the entire Biden family, the bagman, the guy who followed Joe from foreign pit stop to foreign pit stop on official junkets, his figurative knapsack open to collect.

Now he's in the White House, calling the shots, same guy Joe Biden calls "the smartest guy I know."

Collin Rugg describes just what that looks like:



This doesn't look too normal, either:



We don't even know if he's a 'former' drug addict, given the cocaine found in the White House and given the absence of statements from either Hunter himself or the White House. And some in Congress are asking questions:



Is this drug-addicted degenerate reading classified material? Is he getting briefings? Why is he allowed onto the White House grounds at all, given his record?

We speak of Biden's staff shielding him from information he doesn't like because he goes bonkers if he hears it as a national security risk, but just allowing Hunter in the room is yet another national security risk. Hunter has demonstrated, based on his laptop contents, that he sells anything and everything to the highest bidder.

Now he's running the White House. A vote for Joe is not a vote for Joe with this information, it's a vote for Hunter. President Hunter, as he's bound to be calling himself.

Any questions as to why so many regimes, fair and foul, see the U.S. as in steep decline? This is like Caligula or Nero running Rome as it burns, or barbarians are storming the gates.

This doesn't bode well for the fate of the republic.

Image: Twitter video screen shot

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