Let's test Joe

Every congressional Republican and patriotic Democrat needs to immediately put an end to all legislative activities until President Biden shows he is mentally competent to remain President. Nothing should be allowed to proceed. Put a stop to everything.

For the love of this country this needs to be done now. Not next month. Not next week. Now.

We don’t have a king or dictator who decides if and when they will pass the baton. Hunter’s and Jill’s wants and desires mean nothing. It’s not their choice. Nor is it Sleepy Joe’s.

The free people of this country do that. The President is our collective representative, not our ruling sovereign. The power -- and ultimate choice -- resides in us, not them.  

A two-hour unscripted news conference with no teleprompters, no notes, and no technological assistance should be more than enough to settle the matter. This could be done with almost no preparation, so there is no reason to not do it immediately.  What would be the reason for not doing it?

Perhaps combine this with a mental competency test -- I watched my mom take one recently and it shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes -- and either our fears can be put to rest or they can quickly start the process of making VP Kamala Harris the President of the United States.

That’s the reason we have a VP in the first place. And from a political perspective, little will change from having President Harris versus President Biden. So, other than blindly clinging to power, there really isn’t any reason why this shouldn’t be done in the next day or two.

If President Biden refuses to do so, that alone is evidence enough of his unfitness for office and Kamala should become President.

Republicans and patriotic Democrats should stop everything until this is done. This might not be a politically wise move, but the country is far more important than temporary political advantage. Remember, you swore an oath to the Constitution, not the Democrat or Republican party.

How or if this impacts the upcoming election is meaningless. The country being represented by a mentally competent President is far more important. 

Although one could make a strong case that Kamala, who would be able to pick her own VP, would be a formidable -- and historic -- incumbent in the upcoming election. Like Obama’s first election, I’d guess she would gather millions of votes just for the historic nature of her candidacy.

But that too is meaningless. The election will come and go but ensuring this country is represented by a mentally competent President is far more important.

This is a binary situation; either Biden is competent or he is not.  It is quite easy to put our fears to rest or to show beyond all doubt it is time for President Harris. 

Stop it all until this is done.

John Conlin is an expert in organizational design and change.  He is also founder and President of E.I.C. Enterprises. He has been published in American Greatness, The Federalist, The Daily Caller, American Thinker, Houston Chronicle, Denver Post, and Public Square Magazine among others.

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