Maybe this is why people are not watching

Once upon a time, one could watch Johnny Carson and be entertained. 

The viewer counted on Carson to crack jokes both ways. 
On the other channel, you had the Dick Cavett option, a bit more serious but no one turned it off because all the jokes were against Republicans as we do today. 
I guess that those were the days when T.V. executives understood that "red" plus "blue" meant more advertising revenue.  Funny how that works.

So we hear that fewer people are watching the late night shows?     

Here is the story:

Media Research Center also analyzed each of the 9,518 political jokes told on late-night television in 2023, finding that 81% of jokes targeted conservatives.
Late-night's pivot to overt partisan politics coincided with Donald Trump's first run for president in 2016. The pivot also coincided with rapid viewership declines – which continue today. 
"In 2024, CBS’ "Late Show' is down 8% in total viewers compared to the first six months of 2023 for the biggest decline of the trio, while NBC’s ‘Tonight Show’ is down 12% for the biggest loss among the key demographic ages of 25-54 during the same period," Fox News Digital reported earlier this month.
Moreover, ad revenue for the top five late-night shows is also down more than 60% in 2016, according to Axios. 
A bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome?  Yes, I think that a visit to a psychiatrist requesting to get Trump out of their heads may be in order.   
The big flaw is mixing humor with partisan politics.  It's one thing to mix humor with politics and keep it down the middle, e.g., Johnny Carson.  It's another thing to use your show to push an agenda and assume that everyone hates Trump as much as you do.  Or to mock half of the country that votes the other way.
The left destroys everything, even humor.
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