SCOTUS decision on Trump immunity case sparks a media meltdown

The Supreme Court makes an obviously correct ruling about presidential immunity, and most of the media and other Democrats have a collective cow, trying to scare the public into believing that this ruling would lead to a dictatorship. Here are the headlines from the Democrat campaign workers at The Washington Post this morning, post-ruling:

Trump immunity ruling poses risk for democracy, scholars say”;

Biden denounces decision on presidential immunity”;

God save us from this dishonorable court”;

and “The Trump immunity decision isn’t the end of democracy — but it is bad”.

In the decision’s wake, a whiny AOC declared her intention to file Articles of Impeachment against some of the justices for their role:

The media and other Democrats have lied for years, accusing Trump of being a dictator while he sought to give the money, power, and freedom back to the people. That is the opposite of what dictators would do.

They have been trying to destroy Justices Thomas and Alito, and erode the integrity of the Supreme Court for years, because these men believe in the separation of powers, and the framework of the Constitution. Of course, these progressive Democrats lambast Trump when he chastises legitimately partisan judges.

The Court gives the authority to determine abortion policy back to legislators where it belongs; the media and other Democrats lie to the public that Roe v. Wade was a constitutional right, when in reality, it was merely a court ruling, and a faulty one at that. The courts do not have the right to make laws or unilaterally amend the Constitution. Kamala Harris and other Democrats use the Dobbs ruling to lie to the public and announce that Trump wants a nationwide abortion ban.

They also can’t stand that the Supreme court correctly ruled that it is Congress that needs to make laws, not unelected bureaucrats—they’ve been in a fit of hysterics since Chevron was eliminated just the other day.

Presidents need to have absolute immunity for their official acts or they could be sued or criminally charged for things when people just disagreed with their decisions.

Does AOC understand that members of Congress essentially have absolute immunity for what they do in their official capacity? Can anyone imagine how many would be charged if they passed something that was unconstitutional if they didn’t have immunity?

Should Obama have been charged for dictatorially implementing DACA? The media sure cheered for that one.

Should Biden be criminally charged for deaths because of his open border policies? What about dictatorially and unconstitutionally running up debt when he tries to buy votes by paying off student loans?

The solution for an out-of-control president would be impeachment and conviction in the Senate.

Sonia Sotomayor was nuts in her dissent; a president could not take bribes and use the military for personal vengeance. If Sotomayer wants to see an example of where a president seemingly sold a pardon for a bribe, she need look no further than Bill Clinton and Marc Rich. It is a shame that Biden and Obama used the IRS and Justice Department to target political opponents, because those are certainly not part of their official duties.

Image: Public domain.

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