Should have known better with a girl like Jill

Fair or unfair, the consensus is that Jill Biden is the villain of the Joe has dementia story.  I say fair or unfair because Jill is not the only Biden riding the last name to fame and fortune.

Nevertheless, all the signs are pointing to Jill, especially, when she goes on Biden-friendly T.V. to talk like this:

In an interview with MSNBC’s Morning Joe released Thursday, Jill Biden responded to those concerned the Democratic president is too old, saying, I say his age is an asset.

He has wisdom. He has experience, she continued. He knows every leader on the world stage. He’s lived history. He knows history. He’s thoughtful in his decisions. He is the right man or the right person for the job at this moment in history.

Come on, Jill, to paraphrase Joe's favorite comeback.  No one is talking about Joe's age or long government experience. 

We are talking about the man that we saw on T.V. or the image that confirmed what many have feared for some time.

Its not about age.  My father lived to 89 and he was totally on the ball for 88 years.  Other men and women, such as Sen. Bernie Sanders, are in their 80s and they dont freeze like that in public.

So why do so many think that Jill is the villain? 

Watch her.  She helps Joe off the stage.  She tells him in front of voters that he did a great job because he answered all the questions.

Really?  And now she goes on Biden-friendly MSNBC and overlooks her husband's problems.

Its not his age or wisdom or experience.  Its his mental acuity and that’s not a desirable quality for the commander-in-chief of the worlds biggest superpower.

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