Were you there when he froze?

First, it was Russia Russia.  Then, it was the laptop and the 51.  Now it’s the debate.  Notice a pattern here?

A few days ago, Carl Bernstein said that all of Joe Biden’s men, women and whatever other gender he’s got in his crew knew a lot more about President’s Biden’s condition than they let on.  In other words, Thursday night was not a debut performance.

This is from Miranda Devine:

Carl Bernstein just let the cat out of the bag about the media conspiracy to hide Joe Biden’s long-running cognitive collapse from voters.

The former fabled Watergate ­reporter-turned-Trump-derange-ment merchant told CNN this week that he knew of 15 or 20 occasions in the past 18 months when Joe Biden’s brain has malfunctioned as it did during last week’s debate.

Several people ‘who are very close to President Biden . . . are adamant that what we saw the other night, the Joe Biden we saw, is not a one-off . . . In the last six months particularly there has been a marked incidence of cognitive ­decline.’

Bernstein cited ‘numerous instances where the president has lost his train of thought [and] can’t pick it up again,’ including when he froze at the podium as if he had ‘rigor mortis’ during a fund­raiser in New York in June 2023. 

‘This was a year ago almost exactly at the old Four Seasons restaurant on Park Avenue. And he became very stiff and a chair had to be brought for him.’

Bernstein said it was ‘significant’ how many people around the president ‘are aware of such incidents, including some reporters, incidentally, who witnessed some of them.’

Yes, that’s a big cat, more like a tiger out of the bag.   

The Washington media is now in journalism mode.  They are asking the press secretary a ton of questions about the president’s condition.

Wonder how many of those curious souls were the ones that Carl was talking about?  Were you there when he froze?

On the sidelines, the American people are watching another episode of “our job is to get Trump” series.  And don’t blame folks if they switch off and send all of these reporters to a place that rhymes with tell.

P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts, and videos.

Biden, senile

Image: YouTube video screen grab.

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