Interviews & Appearances

Jared Taylor, editor of American Renaissance, welcomes interviews. If you would like to request an interview with Mr. Taylor, please contact us here. His appearances include:

Television Radio
Scarborough Country
Buchanan and Press
Fox News Channel
The Queen Latifah Show
CNN Prime News With Erica Hill 
CNN Paula Zahn Now
CTV News
The Young Turks
Russia Today
Black Entertainment TV
The David Brudnoy Show
The Larry Elder Show
The Ken Hamblin Show
The Laura Ingraham Show
The Mike Gallagher Show
The Mike McConnell Show

The Jim Bohannon Show
The Tom Roten Show
The Jesse Lee Peterson Show
The John Oakley Morning Show
The Political Cesspool
The Rick Amato Show
The Lars Larson Show
Ringside Politics with Jeff Crouere
White Voice

Here are partial listings of media appearances, media mentions, and published articles outside of American Renaissance and New Century Foundation.


  • May 12: Aporia — Is white culture a thing? An interview with Jared Taylor (audio)
  • January 10: GabrielSprach — Gabriel Sprach interviews Jared Taylor on “White Activism” (video)


  • December 16: Les Braves — Jared Taylor and Renaud Camus discuss the education of the next generation of Europeans (video, in French)
  • October 18: Breizsh-Info — Jared Taylor interviewed by a French identitarian website (transcript, in French)
  • July 31: The White-Papers Podcast — Jared Taylor discusses white advocacy, race realism, and much more (audio)


  • October 27: Les Braves — Jared Taylor discusses “The Last Taboo” with Timothé Vorgens and Joffrey Marrot (video, in French)
  • July 29: Genesis, Natural Law, Freedom — Two-hour presentation and Q&A with Jared Taylor, speaking to the Israeli group (video)
  • May 31: GabrielSprach — Jared Taylor was interviewed for the GabrielSprach YouTube channel on May 28 (video)
  • March 30: Patriotic Weekly Review — Mark Collett and Jason Kohne interview Jared Taylor on the war in Ukraine, the AFPAC conference, and reasons for optimism (audio)


  • July 26: The Unwashed — Nick Cotton interviews Jared Taylor (video)
  • April 17: Counter-Currents Radio — A wide-ranging discussion of events since Jared Taylor’s White Identity was first published, 10 years ago (audio)


  • December 6: USA Survival — Cliff Kincaid interviews Jared Taylor on Donald Trump’s record, the racial dynamics of the 2020 election, and what we can expect from a Biden/Harris administration (video)
  • November 3: Counter-Currents Radio — Greg Johnson and Gregory Hood discuss the 2020 Presidential election (audio)
  • October 27: Counter-Currents Radio — Greg Johnson and Jared Taylor discuss Japanese culture and cinema, including Isao Takahata’s Grave of the Fireflies (audio)
  • September 27: Aleš Ernecl — Slovenian nationalist interviews Jared Taylor about Taylor’s travel bans, BLMania, why the other side calls us names, and much more (video)
  • July 19: Aleš Ernecl — Interview with a Slovenian nationalist (video)
  • June 7: Vive L’Europe — Daniel Conversano interviews Jared Taylor about the BLM demonstrations in the United States (video, in French)


  • November 25: NPR — Interview with Joel Rose for “All Things Considered” (article and audio, full interview)
  • June 30: CNN — Fareed Zakaria interviews Jared Taylor as part of a program called “State of Hate.” (video clip, full interview audio, full interview transcript, background article)
  • April 24: Resolving Reality — Interview with Jared Taylor on “diversity,” white identity, and race (video)
  • April 15: Vesta Investment — “Jared Taylor.” This professionally produced 9-minute video introduces Jared Taylor to Chinese-speakers.
  • April 9: La France Rebelle — “Poland has Banished the American Dissident Intellectual Jared Taylor” (article, in French)
  • April 6: Breizh-Info — “Political Dissident Jared Taylor Banned from Schengen by Poland [Interview]” (article, in French)
  • April 2: Red Ice TV — Jared Taylor joins Henrik Palmgren to talk about his ban from the Schengen area (video)
  • March 10: Arktos — John Bruce Leonard interviews Jared Taylor on the legacy of the French identitarian writer Guillaume Faye (video)
  • February 23: Etnofuture III — Jared Taylor speaks at a conference in Estonia organized by Blue Awakening, the youth group of the Conservative Peoples Party of Estonia (video report)
  • January 21: Be Reasonable Podcast — Debate between Jared Taylor and “Marsh” about race realism (audio)


  • November 17: Piero San Giorgio —  Conversation (in French) about the 2018 elections with Piero San Giorgio (video)
  • November 14: Radio Athéna —  “The Future of Whites” (in French) (video)
  • October 13: Black Channel Films — Jared Taylor takes part in a Q&A at the New York premiere of the documentary Race War (video, article)
  • September 26: TV Liberte — Martial Bild interviews Jared Taylor (in French) on Donald Trump, immigration, and American politics (video)
  • September 25: Age of Rage  — Jared Taylor discusses what former presidents really thought on race (video)
  • September 15: Scandza Forum — Jared Taylor speaks in Stockholm, Sweden (video)
  • February 22: Voice of America — Panel discussion with Jared Taylor to discuss (in French) the Second Amendment (video)
  • February 8: Baked Alaska — Jared Taylor debates Tariq Nasheed on whether the United States is “white supremacist” (video)
  • January 31: Andywarski — Andy Warski, Jean-Francois Gariépy, and Jared Taylor debate race


  • December 19: RadioFree RockyD — Jared Taylor discusses his ban from Twitter (audio)
  • October 24: Red Ice TV — Jared Taylor and James Allsup discuss YouTube censorship with Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff (video)
  • October 23: Cerno Media —  Jared Taylor and Andrew Meyer discuss racial politics and the future of America (video)
  • October 14: Erkenbrand Conference  — Jared Taylor speaks at the Dutch group’s inaugural meeting (article)
  • September 20: The Thinkery  — Sargon of Akkad discusses race issues with Jared Taylor (video)
  • September 6: Tree of Logic — A black race realist interviews Jared Taylor (video)
  • August 17: CNN —  Drew Griffin interviews Jared Taylor (transcript)
  • May 15: CNN  — Sara Sidner interviews Jared Taylor (CNN segment)
  • April 30: 60 Minutes Australia — Liz Hayes interviews Jared Taylor (article, video excerpt, extended interview).
  • April 23: JLP Talk — Jesse Lee Peterson and Jared Taylor discuss the Alt-Right and white nationalism (video).
  • March 21: ABC News — Amna Nawaz interviews Jared Taylor for the debut episode of her “Uncomfortable” podcast series (article, which includes links to the podcast).
  • February 12: ViewPoint from Overseas —  “Are Whites Near Extinction in USA and Europe?” (video).


  • November 21: Vox —  Zack Beauchamp interviews Jared Taylor about Donald Trump’s election and the rise of white identity politics (article).
  • November 18: WNYC —  Bob Garfield interviews Jared Taylor about Trump’s election and race realism (audio).
  • November 15: Nouvel Observateur  —  “Jared Taylor, Theoretician of ‘Race Realism,’ Writes to Us.” Long letter to the editor (in French) in reply to article of November 6 (article)
  • November 13: Radio Canada  —  “The Extreme Right at the Center of Power?” Leo Kalinda interviews Jared Taylor (in French) (audio).
  • November 11: RadioFree Rocky D — Jared Taylor discusses the Trump election and subsequent violence from Hillary voters (audio).
  • November 9: i24news — Jared Taylor interviews on Morning Edition with Yael Lavie (video)
  • November 9: TV Asahi — Jared Taylor is interviewed (in Japanese) about the significance of Donald Trump’s election (video).
  • November 6: Nouvel Observateur  — “Jared Taylor: Racist ideologue. ‘Trump will save whites.'” Profile (in French) of Jared Taylor, in which this French weekly is just as tendentious as American media (article).
  • November 4: Yuan Media — A sympathetic treatment of Jared Taylor a Chinese media outlet. The narration is in Chinese but the graphics and production quality are high, and there are long excerpts — in English — from a September 2016 interview (video).
  • October 28: Fusion  — “Hate Rising with Jorge Ramos.” Univision anchor interviews Jared Taylor (video).
  • October 20: TV Libertés  —  “How White is the American Electorate?” Jared Taylor discusses the 2016 elections (in French).
  • September 9: Alt-Right Press Conference  — Peter Brimelow, Richard Spencer, and Jared Taylor hold a press conference in Washington, DC, to discuss the Alt-Right (video, article, article).
  • August 29: The Diane Rehm Show  — Jared Taylor discusses the “rise of the alt-right movement and its place in this year’s presidential campaign” (audio).
  • August 29: The Alan Colmes Show  — Jared Taylor talks American history, the Alt-Right, and white identity with Alan Colmes (announcement).
  • August 26: Sirius XM  — Jared Rizzi interviews Jared Taylor about Hillary Clinton’s speech on the Alt Right (audio).
  • August 26: NPR (KPCC)  — “Everything You Need to Know About the Alt-Right Movement” (audio).
  • August 26: The Guardian  — “‘The Races Are Not Equal’: Meet the Alt-Right Leader in Clinton’s Campaign Ad” (article).
  • August 24: Fox News  — Jared Taylor featured on “Special Report with Bret Baier” (video).
  • August 20: Washington Post  — ” ‘Racialists’ Are Cheered by Trump’s Latest Strategy” (article).
  • August 16: Grace & Steel  —  Kevin Michael Grace speaks with Jared Taylor about the alt-right (audio).
  • August 14: Darwin Digest  — “A Chat with Jared Taylor”
  • August 13: The Political Cesspool  — Jared Taylor discusses his article “Trump and the ‘Atmosphere of Hate’ ” with James Edwards (audio).
  • July 8: Freedomain Radio  — Stefan Molyneux interviews Jared Taylor about “The Color of Crime” and race differences (video).
  • June 27: Piero San Giorgio  — A conversation about Brexit, Donald Trump, race, and crime (audio).
  • June 3: Pale Hominid  — Interview with Jared Taylor (audio).
  • May 16: Right On Radio  — Matt Forney and Jared Taylor discuss white identity and mass immigration.
  • May 6: Red Ice Radio  — Henrik Palmgren interviews Jared Taylor on “The Rise of European Advocacy and Trump” (audio).
  • April 21: Kentucky State University  — Jared Taylor debates Professor Wilfred Reilly on the merits of racial diversity (video).
  • March 23: The Gavin McInnes Show  — Jared Taylor is interviewed about the 2016 “Color of Crime” report (video).
  • February 4: The Washington Post  — Interview with Jared Taylor on the legacy of Barack Obama (video).
  • January 20: Présent —  Jared Taylor is interviewed (in French) about the rise of Donald Trump (article, p.4).
  • January 16: The Political Cesspool — James Edwards interviews Jared Taylor about the 2016 American Renaissance conference (audio).
  • January 12: The Washington Post — Peter Holley interviews Jared Taylor about white advocates’ support of Donald Trump (article).
  • January 11: Daily Kos — Rod Webber interviews Jared Taylor about the his robocalls for Donald Trump (article, audio).


  • September 29: Center for Security Policy  — Frank Gaffney interviews Jared Taylor about the “refugee” crisis and what it means for Europe (article, transcript)
  • August 31: New Yorker  — Jared Taylor is interviewed in a piece on the rise of Donald Trump (article). Mr. Taylor’s response to the article is here.
  • August 31: Fox News Radio  — Alan Colmes interviews Jared Taylor about immigration, racial consciousness, and Donald Trump (video).
  • August 26: BuzzFeed  — Jared Taylor is quoted at length in an article about racialist support for Donald Trump (article)
  • July 22: America’s Survival TV  —  Jared Taylor is interviewed about the white vote, Donald Trump, and the invasion of the U.S. through immigration
  • July 13: Voice of America  — Jared Taylor appears on the show “Washington Forum” (in French) for an interview on the Dylann Roof shooting, race, and crime (video)
  • June 22: Al Jazeera America  — David Shuster interviews Jared Taylor about race, crime, and media bias (video)
  • April 26: The Stark Truth  — Robert Stark and Robert Lindsay interview Jared Taylor (audio)
  • April 3: The Pressure Project  — Master Chim interviews Jared Taylor
  • March 30: Steel Broadcast  — Host Fedor Biryukov interviews Jared Taylor (in Russian) on the Russian television channel Day TV (video)
  • March 21: Russian Imperial Movement — Jared Taylor addresses an audience of nationalists in Saint Petersburg in English, with consecutive interpretation in Russian (article)
  • March 11: Red Ice Radio —  “The Suppressed Conversation About Race.” Host Henrik Palmgren interviews Jared Taylor (audio)
  • March 7: The Political Cesspool —   Jared Taylor discusses conservatism and the 2015 American Renaissance Conference (audio)
  • March 1: Manner of Man — Jared Taylor is interviewed about race realism (article)
  • February 27 — Jared Taylor speaks at the National Policy Institute’s “Beyond Conservatism” event at the National Press Club (transcript)
  • February 12: The Unz Review  — “What I Like About Blacks,” by Jared Taylor (article)
  • January 12: Muftah  —  Israeli multiculturalist interviews Jared Taylor about white consciousness and Zionism (article, full-length video)


  • October 7: TV Libertés  — Jared Taylor is interviewed (in French) about the banned “Future of Europe” conference (video)
  • October 4: Future of Europe Conference  — Jared Taylor speaks to a meeting in Budapest (article and transcript)
  • October 1: The Snowy Owl (Quebec)  — Letter to Quebec nationalists by Jared Taylor (article)
  • August 18: New Times (Sweden)  — Interview with Jared Taylor (article)
  • April 24: American Thinker  — Jeff Lipkes profiles Jared Taylor (article)


  • September 22: Property and Freedom Society  — Jared Taylor speaks to a meeting in Bodrum, Turkey (article and video)
  • June 28: Fédération des Québécois de Souche  —  Jared Taylor speaks (in French) to a meeting in Montreal (article and video)
  • June 8: Council of Conservative Citizens —  Jared Taylor speaks at the national conference about the religion of the Left
  • April 19: Bloomsbury Forum  — Jared Taylor gives an account of America’s racial transformation and political prospects in London
  • April 13: Prorussia —  Jared Taylor is interviewed (in French) after giving a speech in Paris to the Institute of Geopolitics and Populations (PDF)
  • January 12: The Political Cesspool —   Jared Taylor discusses the upcoming AR conference


  • October 23: Diversity: The Assault on Whites  — Jared Taylor speaks at Texas A&M (video)
  • October 11: HuffPost Live  — Interview with Jared Taylor (video)
  • October 2: Towson Student News  —  White Student Union Speaker Jared Taylor (video)
  • October 2: The Case for White Identity  — Jared Taylor speaks at Towson University (video)
  • May 2: The Stark Truth  — Robert Stark interviews Jared Taylor (audio)
  • March 10: France in Danger  — Jared Taylor speaks before an audience of more than 700 French nationalists about diversity in the United States (in French) (video)
  • February 8: The Unsolicited Opinion  — Jared Taylor discusses the biological basis of race
  • January 21: The Political Cesspool  — Jared Taylor (audio)


  • December 8: Radio Courtoisie  — French radio interview with Jared Taylor (audio)
  • November 29: Sunday Night Safran  — Jared Taylor debates Daryl Lamont Jenkins (audio)
  • Summer: White Voice — Joe Adams interviews Jared Taylor
  • February 16: The Unsolicited Opinion — Maggie interviews Jared Taylor on AM radio 1360 in Philadelphia (announcement)


  • December 23: Taki’s MagazineNoble Lies Are for Children: A Q&A With Jared Taylor
  • December 18: The Political Cesspool — Jared Taylor (announcement)
  • July 27: Russia Today — “Is ‘Affirmative Action’ racism against whites?” Jared Taylor counters Adam Lerman, an organizer for affirmative action group By Any Means Necessary. (video)
  • July 20: Examiner — Jared Taylor interviewed by Jamie Triplin-Hines (transcript)
  • March 8: Tom Roten Show — Jared Taylor discusses the steps taken by opponents of free speech to cancel the 2010 AR Conference (audio)
  • February 26: Russia Today — Jared Taylor outlines the steps taken by opponents of free speech to cancel the 2010 AR Conference (video)
  • February 19: Ringside Politics (WGSO 990 AM New Orleans) — Jared Taylor discusses the forced cancellation of the 2010 AR Conference and other related topics. Jeff Crouere hosts. (announcement)
  • February 8: Cross Talk (Russia Today) — Jared Taylor takes part in a panel discussion about whether or not Barack Obama is a post-racial president. Peter Lavelle hosts. (video)


  • December 1: Radio Free Mississippi — Host Jim Giles interviews Jared Taylor about race, immigration, and the coming white numerical minority (audio)
  • November 11: The Mark and Jim Show (KION Salinas, CA) — Jared Taylor discusses the terrorist attack at Ft. Hood and the cost of diversity (audio)
  • July 24: The John Oakley Show — Jared Taylor discusses racial profiling and the arrest of Henry Louis Gates (announcement)
  • June 26: Council of Conservative Citizens Conference — address by Jared Taylor (audio)
  • June 3: The Lars Larson Show — Jared Taylor on the Sonia Sotomayor Pronunciation Controversy (announcement)
  • June 1: Taki’s Magazine — “What Do White Nationalists Want?” by Jared Taylor
  • May 30: The Political Cesspool with James Edwards (radio) — Jared Taylor (announcement)
  • May 17: Work with Marty Nemko — Jared Taylor debates the merits of workplace diversity.
  • January 19: The Tom Roten Show — Stephen Webster discusses “The Unknown Martin Luther King, Jr.” (audio)
  • January 7: The Rick Amato Show — Jared Taylor debates John Dovidio (audio)


  • September 19: The John Oakley Morning Show — Jared Taylor and Steven Skurka (audio)
  • September 13: The Political Cesspool with James Edwards (radio) — Jared Taylor
  • August 18: The Young Turks with Cenk Uygar (video)
  • August 10: The Political Cesspool with James Edwards (radio) — Jared Taylor (announcement)
  • April 1: Texas A&M — public appearance by Jared Taylor (announcement)
  • February 14: The Political Cesspool with James Edwards — Jared Taylor on the AR Conference and the failure of integration (announcement)
  • January 15: The Political Cesspool with James Edwards (radio) — Jared Taylor


  • November 19: The Political Cesspool with James Edwards — Jared Taylor
  • November 12: The Political Cesspool with James Edwards — Jared Taylor
  • July 30: The Political Cesspool with James Edwards — Jared Taylor
  • July 17: The Tom Roten Show — Jared Taylor debates Jose Rivera (audio)
  • April 9: Clemson University — public appearance by Jared Taylor
  • March 7: The John Oakley Morning Show — Jared Taylor debates Peter March (audio)
  • February 5: The Political Cesspool with James Edwards — Jared Taylor
  • January 17: CTV News — on the Halifax fiasco (video)


  • December 12: CNN, Paula Zahn Now — Jared Taylor joins a panel discussion on “Hidden Racism” (transcript) (video)
  • September 6: The Mike McConnell Show (audio)
  • August 30: Race and Conservatism: Jared Taylor debates John Derbyshire at the Robert Taft Club (audio)
  • April 28: Debate between Jared Taylor and Jose Angel Gutierrez (audio and transcript)
  • March 23: The Political Cesspool with James Edwards  — Jared Taylor
  • February 14: Frankly Speaking — Jared Taylor debates Oscar de la Torre on the Hispanicization of America, and the impact of legal and illegal immigration (audio)
  • January 24: The Political Cesspool with James Edwards  — Jared Taylor


  • November 8: The Political Cesspool with James Edwards — Jared Taylor
  • September 27: The Political Cesspool — Jared Taylor on “The Color of Crime” (audio)
  • May 11: Infidel Guy Show — Jared Taylor debates Tim Wise on immigration (audio and transcript)
  • May 9: The Jesse Lee Peterson Show — Jared Taylor (audio)
  • January 19: Frankly Speaking — Frank Whalen interviews Jared Taylor (audio)


  • August-September: Right Now — Derek Turner interviews Jared Taylor (transcript)
  • January 6: Scarborough Country — Jared Taylor discusses immigration (transcript)



  • January 16: — “Why a National Slavery Museum Is a Bad Idea,” by Jared Taylor (article)


  • August 31: The Steve Brown Show — Jared Taylor (audio)


  • December 13: Queen Latifah Show — Jared Taylor discusses racial profiling (video)
  • May 18: KSTP AM — interview with Jared Taylor
  • Date unknown: Black Entertainment TV (BET) — Jared Taylor discusses racial profiling (video)


  • December 21 — Contemporary Voices of White Nationalism in America —  Russell K. Nieli interviews Jared Taylor (transcript)
  • July 10: C-SPAN — Multiculturalism and America’s Future (video)
  • June 23: Hardball with Chris Mathews — Jared Taylor discusses The Color of Crime
  • June 22: The Bottom Line with Kweisi Mfume — Jared Taylor discusses The Color of Crime
  • June 15: The Next Revolution with Bill Lind — Jared Taylor discusses The Color of Crime
  • June 2: C-SPAN — Jared Taylor announces the publication of The Color of Crime (video)


  • December 19: C-SPAN2 — Opposing President Clinton’s Initiative on Race (video)


  • Counsel of Conservative Citizens — Jared Taylor smashes the politically-correct view on “racial profiling” (video)


  • Allerlei  — Interview with Jared Taylor (article)


  • February 7: KGO AM radio — interview with Jared Taylor

Mentions and press coverage

Here is a partial listing of media coverage mentioning Jared Taylor and/or American Renaissance.