April 2002

American Renaissance magazine
Vol. 13, No. 4 April 2002


In Defense of Western Man
Hard Time
The Last White Man
O Tempora, O Mores!
Letters from Readers


In Defense of Western Man

Record turnout for 2002 AR Conference

Undeterred by post-9/11 concerns about air travel, nearly 250 people from all over the country and as far away as South Africa gathered in northern Virginia over the weekend of February 22-24 for the fifth biennial American Renaissance conference, “In Defense of Western Man.” Both newcomers and veterans of past conferences agreed that this year’s event was a great success. A threatened protest failed to materialize, depriving the audience of extra entertainment, but allowing it to concentrate fully on the program.

The meeting, held in Herndon, Virginia, began on Friday evening with a tribute to Glayde Whitney by Jared Taylor, editor of American Renaissance. Dr. Whitney, a professor of psychology at Florida State University and a distinguished geneticist, was a contributing editor to AR, and wrote the popular “Galton Report.”He was scheduled to address the conference, but died unexpectedly on January 9. Mr. Taylor emphasized the importance of Prof. Whitney’s research on the biological differences between races, and expressed admiration for Prof. Whitney’s bravery in speaking his mind on subjects he knew would destroy his reputation and damage his career. Following Mr. Taylor’s remarks, guests mingled at a cocktail reception, where they caught up with old friends, made new ones, and enjoyed the liberating atmosphere of the company of colleagues.

The general session began on Saturday morning, Feb. 23, with remarks on immigration and national security by syndicated columnist Samuel Francis. Dr. Francis began by describing the threat Muslim immigration poses to the continued existence of the West. It is a threat that has racial, religious and cultural elements, and one we have faced for a thousand years. The current “war” on terrorism is only the latest battle in this struggle, and once again, the West has been slow to respond. Dr. Francis noted that when Islam last menaced Christendom, in 1683, the nations of Western Europe sat on the sidelines while a Muslim army drove toward the heart of Europe, only to be stopped at the gates of Vienna by an Eastern European — King Jan Sobieski of Poland. Like the European monarchs of the 17th century, today’s political elites refuse to see the threat their immigration policies create. For them, Dr. Francis said, open borders have become “the essence of American national identity.”

Islam cannot now defeat the West by military invasion, but it can do so through unchecked immigration. Large numbers of unmarried immigrant men hate the West, refuse to assimilate, and make prime recruits for terrorism. Dr. Francis warned that non-Western immigration is creating an immigrant counter-culture that, if allowed to develop, will outnumber and destroy us. The solution, he said is to “round ‘em up and ship ‘em out.”

Glenn Spencer of AmericanPatrol.com expanded on this theme in remarks on “The Second Mexican-American War.” Mr. Spencer warned that Mexican immigration into the Southwest is nothing less than an unarmed invasion to reconquer land lost in the first Mexican-American War. By failing to halt illegal Mexican immigration, the United States is importing poverty, turning California into a Third-World nation, and inviting secession. Mexican irredentists, active in groups like MeCha and La Raza, have won elective office in California, and Mr. Spencer effectively demonstrated the threat by playing recordings of inflammatory speeches by Hispanic leaders.

Although immigration apologists say la Reconquista is a myth promoted by a few Hispanic activists and anti-Mexican bigots, Mr. Spencer argued that it is Mexican government policy. Mexico is encouraging migration into the United States and promoting dual nationality in order to have direct influence on American policy. In effect, Mexico is supporting the ethnic cleansing of the American Southwest. Whites are fleeing California at the rate of 100,000 per year, but the state’s population keeps growing. From 1990 to 2000, the number of Hispanics in California increased 80 percent, with no end in sight.

Mr. Spencer believes tension on the border will inevitably lead to bloodshed. He noted that Spanish language television encourages Hispanics to hate whites. Historical resentments, Mexican government propaganda, and anti-American Hispanic intellectuals have set the tinder, and all that is missing is the spark. Mr. Spencer thinks that could come in the form of a confrontation between US border agents and Mexican police or military forces, both of which have fired on the border patrol in the past. Mr. Spencer put the odds of such a violent confrontation — followed by large-scale anti-white rioting — at better than 50-50 by 2003.

Professor Michael Levin of the City University of New York followed with a brilliant dissection of the black campaign for reparations for slavery. Prof. Levin argued that not only do demands for reparations have no moral or legal basis, they are nothing more than a rationalization for black failure. Reparations advocates claim black poverty stems from centuries of slavery and racism, and refuse to recognize that failure is rooted in low IQ. Prof. Levin pointed out that whites usually counter black demands with “polite” arguments about the legal uncertainty of cross-generational guilt, but it is essential to lay the blame where it belongs: on differences in intelligence.

Extortion — blacks have proposed assessments of $2.1 to $7 trillion — will do nothing to boost black achievement. It also disregards the many forms of past reparations, such as racial preferences, quotas, and anti-poverty programs aimed primarily at blacks. These have already cost trillions of dollars, yet show little result. Black-on-white crime also serves as a form of free-lance reparations. The current campaign is nothing more than the latest in a series of endless grievances by blacks against whites that underscore the determination of blacks to avoid the truth about themselves.

IQ was the subject of a joint presentation by Richard Lynn of the Ulster Institute for Social Research and J. Philippe Rushton of the University of Western Ontario. Dr. Lynn discussed his new book, IQ and the Wealth of Nations, in which he examines the correlation between a country’s wealth and the average IQ of its citizens. While many factors determine national wealth, including climate and natural resources, Dr. Lynn found that the strongest indicator of per capita national income is IQ. Western nations are rich because whites have high IQs. East Asian nations have recently enjoyed economic success because political reforms have enabled their societies to reap the rewards of high innate intelligence. Sub-Saharan Africa is mired in poverty because blacks have, on average, the lowest IQs of any major group. Dr. Lynn warned that large numbers of low-IQ immigrants will undermine Western affluence.

Dr. Rushton explained the methodology of recent research on African intelligence that has led him to conclude that the average African IQ is 70. He conducted a major study at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, one of the best schools in Africa, with students — black and white — who are the brightest on the continent. He administered a state-of-the-art, culturally unbiased IQ test to students of both races. The blacks scored around 100 while the whites scored around 130. On the assumption that top university students are about two standards deviations (or 30 points) above the population average, this confirms a white average of 100 and suggests a black average of 70. Dr. Rushton has also found that black students at less demanding universities get average scores of 85. Working backward from the fact that white students in less demanding universities have IQ scores about one standard deviation (15 points) above the population average, this, too, suggests an average black IQ of about 70.

Dr. Rushton pointed out that it is hard for many people to accept the idea that an entire race could have an average IQ that is, by Western standards, at the borderline of retardation. He argued, however, that a 70 IQ is adequate for functioning in a simple society.

Jared Taylor spoke about ethnic conflict and its implications for whites. Although liberals say cultural or class differences cause ethnic tension, he reported that recent research confirms it has roots in biology. We have a natural affinity for members of our own families and extended families, and race is the most extended form of family to which people feel a natural loyalty. Preference for one’s own kind or “ethnic nepotism,” as the scholars call it, stems from the instinct to ensure the survival of our own genes and of those who are related to us.

In the United States, all other racial groups show high levels of solidarity but whites do not. Blacks and Hispanics advance their own racial interests without hesitation, whereas whites speak as whites only to apologize. The dynamics of ethnic solidarity are at work in America’s prisons. Mr. Taylor reported that black and Hispanic prisoners rape white inmates with impunity, because they know whites will not stand and fight as a group (see book review, next page). At the same time, they defend their own races from rape by others. The loss of white solidarity has worked its way down to the most vulnerable people — convicted prisoners — with often horrifying consequences.

The purpose of American Renaissance, Mr. Taylor said, is to encourage whites to defend their own interests. “We in this room are the Paul Reveres of our time,” he concluded. “We are riding through the night, not just in a few New England hamlets but all through the world, crying, ‘White man, wake up.’”

Following Mr. Taylor’s remarks, Gordon Baum of the Council of Conservative Citizens gave a short presentation on the activities of the Council, and urged those at the conference to join in its important grass-roots activities. Lou Calabro of the European American Issues Forum spoke next, asking for support for his efforts to reopen the police investigation into the San Francisco “Zebra” killings, in which blacks killed scores of whites in the 1970s. He was followed by Kevin Lamb, editor of The Occidental Quarterly, who urged conferees to subscribe to this new, racially-oriented magazine.

The Saturday banquet speaker was Nick Griffin, chairman of the British National Party (BNP). He said the common belief that a nationalist party can succeed only at a time of economic crisis has been proven wrong by election results in Austria and Belgium. A crisis does exist, but it is a crisis for liberal elites, who have been eradicating national identities for two generations by importing Third-World immigrants. Nationalist parties are demanding a change. In Britain, where Muslim immigrants are creating strong ethnic communities and driving out whites, the BNP is gaining support, and is expected to win seats in local elections this May.

Mr. Griffin argued that the success of European nationalists is born of a dual betrayal by our rulers. The left has betrayed the white working class, while the right has betrayed the white middle class. Thanks to the efforts of the BNP and other European nationalists, whites are waking up to a new political landscape.

Except, that is, in the United States. Noting that events breed opportunities, he said the Sept. 11 attacks should be the catalyst for establishing a nationalist political party — but only if people act now. He encouraged American nationalists to learn from their more experienced international counterparts.

Author and elected New York school board member Frank Borzellieri began the Sunday program by recounting his experiences as a racially-aware weekly columnist for the Ledger-Observer chain of newspapers. Mr. Borzellieri writes openly about race, and his views often cause trouble for his publisher. Needless to say, Mr. Borzellieri, who speaks for the silent majority, is very popular with readers. When his publisher suspended him for a column criticizing a school official who is the publisher’s close friend, an avalanche of letters in his favor forced his reinstatement. Mr. Borzellieri is obviously a dauntless fighter, and the audience greatly enjoyed his accounts of battling the establishment.

The next event was a panel discussion of Patrick Buchanan’s new book, The Death of the West, featuring Samuel Francis; Jared Taylor; and Atlanta attorney Sam Dickson. The consensus among the panelists was that, while it contains an important message, the book suffers from Mr. Buchanan’s refusal to take a stand on race. Although his thesis is that whites are a vanishing breed, Mr. Buchanan never explicitly calls for white racial consciousness. Mr. Buchanan was chided for dismissing white racial solidarity, and suggested racially conscious whites should practice “cultural secession.” Mr. Dickson, calling himself the “bad cop” of the panel, openly criticized Mr. Buchanan, noting that he has “no sense of race,” and will never be committed to racial solidarity. Dr. Francis defended Mr. Buchanan, pointing out that The Death of the West was originally entitled The Death of Whitey, and that the publisher removed many explicitly racial passages. Dr. Francis did acknowledge The Death of the West suffers from Mr. Buchanan’s inability to distinguish between religion and race.

This confusion is apparent in Mr. Buchanan’s public appearances to promote the book. He says Europeans aren’t reproducing and their culture is in decline because they have fallen away from Christianity. His critics want to know why he then does not welcome Catholic Hispanic immigrants. Mr. Buchanan cannot answer this question because he refuses to take a squarely racial position.

Addressing his fifth AR Conference, Mr. Dickson closed the program by urging the audience to be “happy warriors” in the struggle. He concluded with a verse from Isaiah: “They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not be faint.” All of us, he pointed out, have different abilities, and can all be inspired to do our best — some who fly like eagles, some who run, and others who walk. His was a message of good cheer that sent the audience home in high spirits.

A number of print reporters and Internet correspondents covered the conference. The Washington Times published an article on Glenn Spencer’s remarks, and Jonathan Tilove of Newhouse News wrote a lengthy, fair-minded piece that has appeared in many papers, including the San Francisco Chronicle, the Louisville Courier-Journal, and the Austin American-Statesman. Even Suara Pembaruan, an Indonesian newspaper, sent its US correspondent and has published an account — in a language we cannot read.

As always, the conference was as much an opportunity to meet and socialize with friends and committed colleagues as it was a chance to hear some of the boldest thinkers of our day. By all accounts, the 2002 conference was the best ever, with many participants looking forward to the next, probably to be held in early 2004.

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Hard Time

Cruel and unusual punishment in American prisons.

Joanne Mariner, No Escape: Male Rape in U.S. Prisons, Human Rights Watch, 2001, $25.00, (softcover), 378 pp.

There are probably more men than women raped in the United States every year — most of them in prison. Best estimates put the annual number of prison rapes at about 140,000, which is 50,000 more than the 90,000 or so rapes of women reported to police. Gang rape of the most brutal kind is common, and weaker prisoners often seek protection from a “daddy” who fights off other predators in exchange for total submission and sex on demand. There is an ugly racial dimension to prison rape: Blacks and Mexicans deliberately seek out white victims, and black-on-white rape is probably more common than any other kind. Prison rape is an appalling secret in a country that prides itself on human rights.

One reason there is so much prison rape is that Americans refuse even to think about it. The sheer brutality of it and the racial hatred that so often drives it are too gruesome to face. To its immense credit, a lefty organization called Human Rights Watch has done a serious prison-rape study and has published its findings in a book-length report called No Escape. Human Rights Watch ordinarily specializes in trendy causes: opposition to landmines, the death penalty, and alleged violence against homosexuals in American schools. In this case, it has taken on the most untrendy of subjects, and describes inmate rape — and hatred for whites — in unflinching detail. It solicited accounts of rape by advertising in Prison Legal News and Prison Life — magazines that have high circulation in prisons — and reaped a wealth of first-hand horror stories.

There is considerable variation from one prison system to another, and among different prisons within the same system, but the general picture that emerges is of a world of constant violence. As one prisoner explains in No Escape:

When a new inmate enters an open barracks prison it triggers a sort of competition among the convicts as to who will seduce and subjugate that new arrival . . . Every new arrival is a potential victim. Unless the new arrival is strong, ugly, and efficient at violence, they are subject to get seduced, coerced, or raped . . . Psychosocially, emotionally, and physically the most dangerous and traumatic place I can conceive of is the open-barracks prison when first viewed by a new inmate.

The only sure defense against rape is a willingness to fight, and even this may be no protection against gang assault. In many prisons a small, unaggressive white is sure to be raped, probably by blacks or Hispanics. As one prison guard explains, a young white has “almost zero” chance of escaping rape “unless he’s willing to stick someone with a knife and fortunate enough to have one.” Some of the tougher inmates may even fight each other for the chance to rape an effeminate young white.

Rape is so common it has its own terminology. To rape a heterosexual man and turn him into a sexual plaything is to “turn him out,” and the victim is known as a “turnout” or “punk.” If a turnout seeks the protection of another inmate to avoid an endless series of rapes by other prisoners, he is “riding with” his protector. He becomes essentially the property of his protector and is known as his “bitch” or “ho” or “boy.”

One inmate uses the lingo to explain the importance of violence: “If you’re knocked down and don’t get up you’re a ‘ho’; you have to ride.” This is because an essential quality in prison is “heart,” or a man’s willingness to keep fighting long after he is clearly beaten. As inmates explained to Human Rights Watch, a real man “would die before giving up his anal virginity.” A man who will not fight is a “punk” who deserves humiliation and exploitation.

The racial dynamic in prisons puts whites at a tremendous disadvantage. First, whites are often outnumbered by both blacks and Hispanics. But far more important, just as they show no racial solidarity in “the free world,” whites in prison do not band together to protect each other from predators. As No Escape reports, Hispanics sometimes rape Hispanics, and blacks sometimes rape blacks, but neither group permits anyone of another race to rape its own people. If a black tried to “turn out” a Mexican, the Mexicans would riot and try to kill him. Blacks also defend each other from white or Hispanic rapists. It is only whites — unless they are known members of white racialist gangs who do stick together — who are on their own and can be raped with impunity. It would be hard to think of a more cruel consequence of stripping whites of racial consciousness.

Some whites must choose between being the sex slave of one man or facing repeated assault. The stories they told No Escape read like nightmares:

I had no choice but to submit to being Inmate B’s prison wife. Out of fear for my life, I submitted to sucking his dick, being fucked in my ass, and performing other duties as a woman, such as making his bed. In all reality, I was his slave . . . I determined I’d be better off to willingly have sex with one person, than I would be to face violence and rape by multiple people. The most tragic part to this is that the person I chose to ‘be with’ has AIDS.

A Michigan inmate writes:

[Another prisoner] claimed me as his property and I didn’t dispute it. I became obedient, telling myself at least I was surviving . . . He publicly humiliated and degraded me, making sure all the inmates and guards knew that I was a queen and his property. Within a week he was pimping me out to other inmates at $3.00 a man. This state of existence continued for two months until he sold me for $25.00 to another black male who purchased me to be his wife.

A different inmate describes how he became a black man’s “ho:”

You will clean the house, he said, have my clothes clean, and when I’m ready to get my ‘freak’ [sex] no arguments or there will be a punishment! I will, he said, let my homeboys have you or I’ll just sale you off. Do we have an understanding? With fear, misery, and confusion inside me . . . I said yes.

Once a man “owns” another — and it is almost always a black “owning” a white — he is property in every sense. He can be rented out, sold or auctioned, told how to dress and talk, and given a woman’s name. That this can happen is essentially unknown outside the prison world. “It would amaze you (as it did me) to see human beings bought & sold like shoes,” writes a Texan prisoner. “You can buy a kid for 20 or 30 dollars on most wings!!” writes another. “They sell them like cattle.”

“Riding” with a “daddy” may be the only way to avoid the degradation of one Virginia inmate who described what happened when six blacks entered his cell and demanded sex:

I said to myself, ‘Oh no! I’m in trouble!’ I looked toward the door for an escape route finding it blocked. It was at this time that the floor officer came by on the bottom tier (I was on the top tier), doing or supposedly doing, his rounds. He noticed the inmates in my cell and asked if everything was all right. Too terrified to answer, I just nodded. [The officer] never came to the top tier during his round. I was then dragged back to my bed . . . [All of them, plus one more] took turns anally and orally raping me at the same time. All of them repeatedly did this. Somewhere in the middle of this, inmate F entered and said ‘suck this dick you white bitch.’ . . . [One said,] ‘If you snitch on us, we’ll kill you!!’ At that time, I really believed them, and I still think this today.

As one Indiana prisoner explains, repeated rape takes a staggering physical and psychological toll:

I’ve been sentenced for a D.U.I. offense. My 3rd one. I’m a tall white male, who unfortunately has a small amount of feminine characteristics. And very shy. These characteristics have got me raped so many times I have no more feelings physically. I have been raped by up to 5 black men at a time . . . I probably have AIDS now. I have great difficulty raising food to my mouth from shaking after nightmares or thinking so hard on all this . . . I’ve laid down without a physical fight to be sodomized. To prevent so much damage in struggles, ripping and tearing. Though in not fighting, it caused my heart and spirit to be raped as well. Something I don’t know if I’ll ever forgive myself for.

Needless to say, men will do just about anything to avoid this kind of horror. Suicide is the leading cause of death in prisons, and is the only way out for some rape victims. Some break prison rules so they will be locked up in punitive custody. One prisoner even had his family deposit money into bank accounts owned by the black Crips gang in the hope of buying protection. Of course, he was raped anyway.

No Escape recognizes reluctantly that blacks and Hispanics often rape whites out of pure hatred, and relish the chance to degrade whites. As one inmate explains, “Gangs of black and Spanish inmates are very angry at free-world white people for a variety of reasons, and this results in an attitude of vengeance towards white people in prisons.” Blacks reportedly like to say “Y’all may run it out there, but this is our world!” or “Ain’t no fun when the rabbit’s got the gun, is it?”

One white explains that “those two races [blacks and Hispanics] have a lot of people in here and take advantage of us by making the small and weak ones ride or turn them out, and the big ones have to fight all the time.”

Human Rights Watch appears surprised to discover the obvious:

Certain prison systems seem to have almost no positive social interaction — not even the most trivial — between members of different races.

Prisoners’ social relationships are largely determined by race; their gang affiliation, if they have one, is racially defined; and whatever racist beliefs they may have held prior to their imprisonment are likely to be significantly strengthened over the course of their stay in prison.

Despite what the book tells us about what happens to so many whites, No Escape cannot resist conventional pieties:

Many white prisoners told Human Rights Watch that they were uncomfortable with blacks and would prefer to live in a racially segregated environment. A few espoused virulently racist views. More so than African American prisoners, many whites asserted that the prison experience had made them racist — or, as they tended to put it, ‘racially aware.’

It is hardly astonishing that white prisoners should be “uncomfortable” around blacks. Nor is it surprising that they want to get away from them, whereas blacks are less inclined to be separated from people they can rape, buy and sell, pimp out, and humiliate with impunity. It is true that prison doesn’t teach blacks and Hispanics to hate whites; they hate whites long before they get to prison. Needless to say, this book makes no attempt to understand this hatred, implying that it is normal for victims of a “racist” society. Nor is any black or Hispanic reported to express “virulently racist views,” not even when he tells a white victim, “suck this dick, you white bitch.”

The book is full of recommendations — some good — but the one about race relations is an almost perfect distillation of liberal foolishness:

Given the element of racial bias in many instances of prisoner-on-prisoner sexual abuse, steps should be taken to address racial tensions in the inmate population. DOC [Department of Corrections] staff should receive racial sensitivity training. Racial slurs and other forms of harassment — whether from inmates or staff — should not be tolerated.

As anyone not blinded by orthodoxy knows, the only thing that will “address racial tensions in the inmate population” is segregation. Blacks and Hispanics hate whites because they cannot build the societies and institutions whites can, and because everyone — including whites — tells them whites are to blame for their failures. They also hate whites because whites are weak and refuse to defend each other. “Sensitivity training” for prison guards would affect this as much as it would affect the law of gravity.

Even some of the inmates don’t understand what is happening. “I hate to say this,” [emphasis added] says one, “but if you weren’t racist when you came to prison more than likely you will be when you leave.” Despite what he has seen and suffered, this man still thinks he has to apologize for not wanting to be around blacks and Hispanics.

Why is prison rape so well hidden, and why haven’t prisoners brought huge damages suits against the prisons that permit it? First, the guards appear to be uniformly oblivious to rape. No Escape finds that “raped inmates frequently say that they are treated scornfully by guards who do not bother to hide the fact that they despise prisoners who are so ‘weak’ as to be victimized.” The report quotes one warden who testified at a trial that “it was the prisoners’ own responsibility to fight off sexual abuse — that prisoners had to let the others ‘understand that [they]’re not going to put up with that.’”

No Escape does not go into this, but prison guards are likely to be a low breed of cattle themselves. Many are likely to be black, and some may be just as happy as the rapists to see whites humiliated. Many victims therefore do not report rapes. Some are afraid that if they “snitch” their tormentors will kill them. Others are so ashamed of what has happened they tell no one.

There are times when talking might do some good. John King became famous for dragging a black man to death in Jasper, Texas, in 1998. He became a byword for white “racism,” but with some luck and savvy he could have turned the tables and made the case one of black brutality. Before he killed James Byrd, he had just spent 21 months for burglary in one of Texas’ toughest prisons, the Beto Unit. He was 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighed only 140 pounds when he was sentenced, and reportedly had no pronounced racial views. He emerged covered with white-power tattoos. His lawyer said rape by blacks had deeply affected Mr. King, but that he rarely talked about it.

Whites who kill blacks get no mercy, and Mr. King could not have avoided a death sentence no matter how often he was gang-buggered, but a full account of his horrors would have won considerable public sympathy and attracted badly-needed attention to the tortures white prisoners often face. For a country that is ever on the hunt for “root causes” of black deviance, it would have been edifying to know just what it was that made John King hate blacks. Needless to say, the press never let on, and his crime has been recorded as yet another example of the unfathomable evil of whites.

Rape is, of course, a crime, whether committed in prison or the “free world.” However, prosecutors do not think of criminals as part of their constituency, and get little credit in the community for charging perpetrators who are already in jail. Also, they prefer to stay on good terms with prison authorities and let them take care of discipline problems. As this report points out, most violence goes unpunished in prisons, and guards often ignore rape or simply lock the victim in protective custody. Prisoners face actual criminal charges in only extreme cases: murder or assault on a guard.

Human Rights Watch has been unable to find a single case in which a prisoner has been charged with rape, though it would be a strong deterrent if rapists got half a dozen more years tacked onto their sentences. There have been a few successful civil suits against prison systems, but No Escape explains why they are hard to win:

“Under the ‘deliberate indifference’ standard that is applicable to legal challenges to prison officials’ failure to protect prisoners from inter-prisoner abuses such as rape, the prisoner must prove to the court that the defendants had actual knowledge of a substantial risk to him, and that they disregarded that risk. As the courts have emphasized, it is not enough for the prisoner to prove that ‘the risk was obvious and a reasonable prison official would have noticed it.’ Instead, if a prison official lacked knowledge of the risk — no matter how obvious it was to anyone else — he cannot be held liable. In other words, rather than trying to ascertain the true dimensions of the problem of prisoner-on-prisoner sexual abuse, prison officials have good reason to want to remain unaware of it.”

The United States is always lecturing other countries about human rights, yet we do virtually nothing about a scandalous practice we would denounce in the most self-righteous tones were it to come to light in China or Iraq. It is difficult not to conclude that the racial aspect of these horrors has a lot to do with our determination to ignore them. If whites were routinely gang-buggering and enslaving blacks, there would be a high-powered campaign to stop them, with movie stars queuing up to befriend the victims, and senators preening themselves on their virtuous concern. Because whites are the victims, any investigation would run head-on into facts too awful for public consumption: that blacks and Hispanics are the “racists,” and that forced integration is even more of a disaster behind bars than in the free world.

At the same time, it is a testimony to the power of liberal propaganda that it has driven white racial solidarity out of the minds even of convicted felons. One would have expected an elemental tribalism among the lower orders, but even here only a few “white supremacists” are willing to fight for each other.

To those who can see beyond liberal clichés about race, the dynamics of prison rape are perfectly understandable. To those, like the author of this report, who cannot or will not understand what race really means, this book is an incomprehensible horror. Our prisons reflect our society, and as long as whites are official scapegoats and are forbidden to act in their own interests, and as long as we insist on forcing on prisoners a brutal form of integration no one would choose for himself, white prisoners will be pimped, beaten, gang raped, and infected with AIDS. America refuses to face this problem because it refuses to face itself.

The full text of the Human Rights Watch report can be read at https://www.hrw.org/reports/2001/prison

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The Last White Man

Welcome to the 22nd Century.

Ward Kendall, Hold Back This Day, Writers Club Press, 2001, $13.95, 179 pp.

What will the world be like if all the current anti-white trends — multiculturalism, the denigration of whites, miscegenation, plummeting white birthrates and massive non-white immigration into the West — continue? Could it resemble the world described by Ward Kendall in this chilling dystopian novel, in which a handful of whites struggle to survive domination by non-whites?

Hold Back This Day by Ward Kendall

This story unfolds in the mid-22nd century, nearly 100 years after the planet has been forcibly united under World Gov, an authoritarian regime dedicated to eliminating racism and discrimination of all kinds. World Gov’s cure for racism is forced blending of peoples to engineer a single human racial hue called Skintone 5 (whites are Skintone 1, African blacks are Skintone 10). A new, state-mandated faith, Chrislamhinbuddism, has eliminated religious discrimination. World Gov encourages homosexuality as a population-control measure, but still struggles to feed its 19 billion subjects. Famine is widespread, and the government orders euthanasia for the wretches it cannot feed.

Jeff Huxton is a skoolplex administrator, or principal, whose job is to make sure students learn proper attitudes. He is an unblended white, who sticks out uncomfortably in a brown world. He suffers prejudice, but accepts it because of the role his forefathers played in creating the world of white privilege World Gov thankfully replaced with the Unification. He and his second wife, Li Ming, have produced a beautiful Skintone 6.2 daughter, Puja, but he is still haunted by the death of his first wife, a Skintone 1 like himself, during a race riot in Ciudad Detroit years earlier. He worries that his son by her, Adam, also an unblended white, will not fit in. He is so committed to the ideals of World Gov that he envies the nondescript racelessness of his boss, Ahmad Yehudit:

Yehudit was a natural, Jeff realized, the end genetic result of parents, grandparents, and great grandparents who themselves had been racially mixed and remixed until all traces of their original racial ancestry had been dissolved into one great vat of racial homogeneity. For like a child gifted with high intelligence, Yehudit was ‘gifted’ with an utterly bland racial appearance. Being of no particular race, culture, nation, or ethnicity, he was the 22nd century’s Everyman.

‘The Ideal,’ Jeff thought.

‘Everything the Unification had fought to achieve.’

Huxton, increasingly worried by 16-year-old Adam’s troubles in school, searches his room and finds he has joined a terrorist organization called Nayra (Never Again Yield Racial Allegiance, or Aryan spelled backwards). Nayra plans to hijack a spaceship, and Huxton pretends to join the plot in the hope of sabotaging it and keeping Adam out of trouble. There follows much adventure, in which Huxton meets the heroic Nayra leader, Karl Ramstrom, but is not swayed by his eloquence or his fierce racial pride.

The Nayra plot succeeds despite Huxton’s efforts, but Huxton manages to convince World Gov authorities that he valiantly tried to stop it, and is rewarded with a trip to the World Gov capital, Beijing. Many plot twists later, and after considerable maturation of his own understanding about race, Huxton has a final confrontation with Yehudit, now a senior World Gov official. Huxton discovers the famous quotation from Abraham Lincoln arguing that the physical differences between blacks and whites will always prevent them from living in social and political equality.

‘So they knew . . . even back then,’ said Huxton.

Yehudit is unfazed. ‘So they did. What of it? Your kind were too weak to heed the warning. For centuries, your kind held the world in the palm of your hand . . . and yet you gave it up . . . And now, this is how you end.’

‘We gave up the world believing we could bring about a nobler and better humanity.’

Ahmad laughed. ‘I know something of those times myself. Even World Gov has preserved the truth, deep inside its archives.’

‘And what is the truth, Ahmad?’

The man who was of all races and no race at all, replied, ‘It was not nobility of spirit that made your leaders turn over the world to us non-whites. It was fear, Jeff. Nothing more. Just cowardly fear . . . Your people should have listened to a man like [Lincoln] . . . while you still had the chance.’

In the end, of course, Huxton makes a noble sacrifice and the whites are saved, presumably never to repeat their past errors.

There is very little modern white nationalist fiction, most of it awful. Hold Back This Day is something of an exception. Ward Kendall has written a compelling story, set in a convincingly developed future. Unfortunately, the writing is florid, and the characters are undeveloped. Nayra leader Karl Ramstrom — scientist, killer, secret agent, charismatic leader — is far too good to be true. Still, fans of science fiction and futuristic novels may well enjoy this book so long as they are not expecting another Brave New World.

Every broad-based movement eventually develops a literature that reflects its commitments and sensibilities. Racial solidarity used to figure in the backgrounds of European and American novels just as naturally as sky and mountains — that is to say, just as naturally as it did in daily life. It will be long before we return to those sane and healthy times, but Hold Back This Day is a beginning.

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O Tempora, O Mores!

Zimbabwe ‘Votes’

Zimbabwe Falg

As AR goes to press, the people of Zimbabwe are at the polls, presumably choosing between current president Robert Mugabe, who has run the country during all 22 years of black rule, and his opponent Morgan Tsvangirai, a trade union leader and head of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC). Neither the campaign nor the election has been remotely fair. Since the hard-fought election of 2000 activists in Mr. Mugabe’s ZANU-PF party have killed more than 100 MDC supporters and candidates, and have beaten and tortured thousands. The government has banned MDC campaigning in large parts of the country, and reduced the number of polling stations in Harare and Bulawayo, where the MDC has the most strength. As balloting began on March 8, there were lines of voters a mile long at downtown Harare polling stations, where red tape and antiquated polling equipment were processing an estimated eight people per hour.

Several opinion surveys have shown that Mr. Tsvangirai could beat Mr. Mugabe in a fair election. In the last years of his power, Mr. Mugabe has grown increasingly erratic and anti-white, blaming the country’s annual six to eight percent decline in GNP on sabotage by the white minority, who are no more than 70,000 out of a population of six million. He says Mr. Tsvangirai, whom he calls a “tea boy,” is a stooge of the whites and of Britain, the former colonial power, which wants to reestablish white rule.

It is, of course, ZANU-PF’s mismanagement and corruption that have brought misery and famine to what was once one of Africa’s best-run economies. After strangling the formerly profitable mining sector, Mr. Mugabe turned on white farmers. Whites are virtually the only people in Zimbabwe who run commercial rather than subsistence farms. They accounted for the country’s profitable food exports, and their efficiency kept food prices low. Three years ago, Mr. Mugabe gave bands of thugs the green light to occupy white farms and terrorize workers and owners. Blacks have killed half-a-dozen farmers and have driven thousands off the land. Blacks who occupy the farms have neither the knowledge nor the discipline to run them, and what were once bustling plantations are now shanty towns surrounded by hand-tilled plots. Large-scale farming is essentially at a standstill, and the country now needs food aid. Foreign investment has dropped from $436 million in 1998, before the latest anti-white excesses, to $5.4 million last year. Tourism, which used to be an important industry, has virtually disappeared.

Mr. Mugabe makes no secret of his goals: “Zimbabwe is for black people not white people,” he said at a recent political rally. He has encouraged supporters to mob the headquarters of white-owned businesses, and to beat up passing whites in the streets. Although most Zimbabwe whites have no legal ties to any other country, Mr. Mugabe has revoked their Zimbabwean citizenship and struck many from voting lists. He follows the standard black pattern of blaming everything that goes wrong on whites.

The election results cannot be good. If Mr. Mugabe wins, everyone will assume he stole the election. As he explained when asked if he would abide by the results, “I would accept the results because I would have won.” In the unlikely event there is enough honest vote-counting to confirm a victory for the MDC, there would probably be a military coup. Either outcome could lead to civil war, further economic deterioration, and untold horrors.

Events in Zimbabwe have prompted edifying developments elsewhere. At its biennial summit in Australia in March, just before the election, the Commonwealth debated — and shelved — a British proposal to suspend Zimbabwe from the organization. There was a perfect black/white split, with all white countries in favor of suspension and all African ones opposed. British Prime Minister Tony Blair insisted the disagreement had nothing to do with race. Mr. Mugabe contributed to the debate by telling reporters Mr. Blair could “go to hell.”

Both in the Commonwealth and at the US State Department, which recently issued a report criticizing Zimbabwe, the focus has been on Mr. Mugabe’s repression of political opposition. There is hardly an African country — Commonwealth member or not — that has free elections, and plenty of respectable countries like Saudi Arabia don’t bother with elections at all. Far more serious is his campaign against whites, for which criticism is ominously absent in neighboring South Africa. In healthier times, British troops would be instantly dispatched to end such outrages, and the American public would be shouting for stern measures. Now, the whole continent knows that whites can be murdered and dispossessed with impunity. South African whites should be paying close attention.

Happy Hispanics

On Feb. 21, a white teenage girl living in Ballard, Washington, held a party at her house while her mother was out of town. Just past midnight, four Hispanic men in their 20s, dressed identically in FUBU-brand jackets and black pants, arrived uninvited. “Do you feel like beating some white guys?” they reportedly asked a black partygoer, who declined the invitation, and went into the backyard for a smoke. The Hispanics then attacked a white teenager, whom they threw to the ground, where they repeatedly kicked and punched him. They also punched several other whites who tried to come to his rescue. After a few minutes, they went out the door to a car, but returned to give the victim a few more kicks before driving off. The 17-year-old was hospitalized in serious condition. [Ian Ith, Hate Crime Suspected in Attacks in Ballard, Seattle Times, Feb. 22, 2002.]

Divisive Banner

Early in January, 18-year-old Clark Barr hung a large Canadian flag on the sliding glass door of his ground-floor apartment in Edmonton, Canada, as a gesture of support for Canadian troops preparing to leave for Afghanistan. A few days later he got a note from his landlord ordering him to take down the flag because it might offend non-Canadians and new immigrants. Mr. Barr’s landlord is not even foreign. It is Boardwalk Equities, a Calgary company that owns many apartment buildings in Edmonton. Mr. Barr did as he was told. [Jim Farrell, Tenant Ordered to Remove ‘Offensive’ Canadian Flag, Edmonton Journal, Jan. 21, 2001.]

Pandering Shamelessly to Whites

Candidates for the March 12 Democratic primary for the Texas governor’s race have debated each other in Spanish. On March 1st, businessman Tony Sanchez and former Texas attorney general Dan Morales spoke in English for an hour and then switched to Spanish for a second hour. The first hour’s discussion was about conventional politics whereas the second hour concentrated on such things as racial preferences and relations with Mexico.

Mr. Morales, who made a more traditional appeal to Hispanics, seems to have won the Spanish debate. He accused Mr. Sanchez of hypocrisy for going to Harvard Law School but opposing race preferences. Mr. Sanchez also lost points by occasionally speaking English during the Spanish debate, and by saying English is the “primary language” of Texas. Carlos Rivera, who watched the debate, said Mr. Sanchez was “pandering to non-Hispanics.”

Texas is 35 percent Hispanic, and the electorate is 20 percent Hispanic. [Kelley Shannon, Texas Candidates Debate in Spanish, AP, March 2, 2002.]

African Justice

According to South Africa’s Minimum Sentencing Act, child rapists are supposed to get life sentences unless there are “essential and compelling circumstances.” Magistrate Seka Monaledi managed to find such circumstances, when he heard the case of 18-year-old Success Makwetsa, who admitted raping a five-year-old girl. Medical examiners found evidence the girl had already had sexual intercourse and was therefore not a virgin. Given the loose character of the girl, Magistrate Monaledi decided the appropriate punishment was a suspended sentence.

A Pretoria High Court Judge, Johan Els, was furious when he learned of the ruling, pointing out that if the girl was not a virgin it was no doubt because she had been raped before — perhaps by Mr. Makwetsa — and that the past experience or behavior of a five-year-old could have no possible bearing on the rapist’s sentence. He promised to reopen the case against Mr. Makwetsa. [Nicolize Mulder and Sonja Carstens, Rape Victim, 5, ‘Not a Virgin,’ News24, South Africa, Feb. 4, 2002.]

Firm Measures

Israelis are considering firm measures to keep Israel Jewish. In an article called “How To Force Them To Leave,” one of the most prominent writers for a leading Russian-Israeli daily, Novosti, suggested that if Arabs were threatened with castration they might be persuaded to go elsewhere. Marian Belenki also proposed the Chinese method for lowering birth rates: Any Arabs who had more than one child would be deprived of benefits, fired from their jobs, and threatened with exile. She also suggested Arab men be offered cash in return for sterilization. Novosti’s editor later apologized for the article, and gave the editor who approved it a three-month suspension. Novosti did not, however, receive any complaints about the article from its readers. [Lily Galili, Israeli-Russian Journalist Calls for Castration as Anti-terror Step, Haaretz (Israel), Jan. 19, 2002.]

African Diversity

Anarchy in the Congo has left a power vacuum in which old tribal animosities have taken a deadly turn. Fighting between the Hema and the Lendu in the northeastern part of the country claimed up to 200 lives during intense clashes on Feb. 14 and 15. Tribesmen fought with spears and machetes in the latest battles of a feud that has left thousands dead in just a few years. A spokesman for the Hema says the fight is over land. “There are too many economic interests, too much interest in raw materials,” explained Baptiste Dhetchuvi. “It’s a region that has gold and timber.”

The America to Come

In New York City, 20.4 percent of every high school senior class fails to graduate. However, when the city tallies all the students who drop out before senior year, or who are held back and “age out” of the system when they turn 21, the dropout rate rises to 30.5 percent. The rate would be even higher if it included students who leave during junior high school, but no one keeps track of them. Blacks and Hispanics drop out at twice the rate of whites and Asians. [Carl Campanile, Call it Dropout City, New York Post, March 2, 2002.]

Army Discriminates

A federal judge has ruled that the US Army’s promotion standards discriminate against white men. In a ruling that could completely revamp the Army’s personnel policies, Judge Royce Lamberth of the DC Circuit Court found the current race and sex preferences unconstitutional. The US Supreme Court has clearly ruled that preferences are permitted only if there has been proven past discrimination, and Judge Lamberth found that, if anything, since 1970 blacks have been promoted more quickly than whites. It was not immediately clear whether the Army would appeal the ruling or what position the Bush administration would take. [Neely Tucker, Judge Halts An Army Policy on Promotion, Washington Post, March 5, 2001, p. A1.]

Keeping Them Out

Malaysia is a reasonably successful Asian nation that has attracted immigrants from poorer countries. It is a member of the Commonwealth, and has traditionally admitted citizens of other Commonwealth nations without visas, but is about to change that policy for Africans. Too many are overstaying their tourist period, setting up as street vendors, and committing crimes. “They are not only depriving locals of business opportunities but are also a nuisance,” says Deputy Home Minister Chor Chee Heung, noting that Africans cause disturbances in bars and other entertainment spots. Just a few weeks ago, Malaysian police rounded up 200 Africans as part of an anti-crime effort in the capital Kuala Lumpur. There are now 5,000 foreigners in Malaysian jails and many are African. [Malaysia Considers Visa Restrictions on Africans, Reuters, Feb. 10, 2002.]

Making the Grade

ABC News president David Westin has put his staff on notice — use non-whites for on-air or taped comments, or else. The network has a database of 480 minority commentators, but news producers ignore most of them. In February, Mr. Westin upped the ante by reminding his staff that evaluations will be based in part on how many non-white sources they use. ABC spokesman Jeffrey Schneider explains that “diversity is very important to this news division and company, both in front of and behind the camera. We’re proud of our efforts to try to reflect the great diversity in our country.”

CBS and NBC have similar lists of non-white sources, and also grade producers on how often they use them. CNN has diversity plans, but doesn’t grade producers. Fox News has no plan. Spokeswoman Irena Steffan says its sources are “people who know what they’re talking about.” [Peter Johnson, ABC News’ Evaluation: Diversity is a Priority, USA Today, Feb. 18, 2002.]


Cassandra Chandler was appointed FBI training director on February 5, making her the highest-ranking black woman at the bureau. Her top priority? Eliminating the FBI’s “old-boy network.” “I think you are going to see that crashing rapidly,” she says. “The world is changing. We have to make sure that we have the skills, the mindset and the type of individuals with multiple backgrounds who can take on this big world.” Assistant Director Chandler will oversee training for the 900 new agents the agency wants to hire by September. [Toni Locy, FBI Appoints Training Director, USA Today, Feb. 6, 2002, p. 5A.]

Jamaica Farewell

In February, as part of her 50-year jubilee, Queen Elizabeth visited Jamaica. She performed her usual ceremonial duties, but was met with frequent messages along her route from Rastafarians. They have long sought repatriation to Africa, which they consider their homeland, and think the Queen can somehow help them. “Colonization has disfigured us, and we deserve some response to what we have been through,” says Sam Clayton of something called Mystic Revelation of Rastafari. The Queen’s views of the matter are not recorded. [Ratsas Want Queen to Send Them to Africa, Miami Herald, Feb. 18, 2002, p. 11-A. Horace Helps, Britain’s Queen Arrives in Jamaica for Visit, Reuters, Feb. 18, 2002.]

Tafari Rennock is a 23-year-old Jamaican who would rather be in North America than go back to Africa. He lived in the United States for several years, where he accumulated a lengthy criminal record of burglary, rape, drug-peddling, and robbery. Two years ago, the US deported him back to Jamaica, but he slipped into Canada. Police arrested him as an illegal and turned him over to immigration officials. The Immigration and Refugee Board promptly granted him refugee status, and now refuses to discuss the case, citing the need for confidentiality. [Tom Godfrey, Cops Rage Because Violent Fugitive’s Still Here, Toronto Sun, Feb. 20, 2002.]

Good Catholics

When the Spanish conquered Mexico in the 16th Century, they converted the natives to Catholicism. Rather than turn away completely from their ancient beliefs, many Indians wove them into the new ceremonies. Now the Tzeltal Indians of Chiapas want the Church officially to recognize their brand of hybrid Catholicism as a distinctive Catholic rite. Juan Giron, a Tzeltal representative, said they need a Church with “its own identity in its own language, with a faith and spirituality that reflect reality, in its own liturgy, symbols and celebrations.” [Indians Ask For Mix in Religious Rites, Herald (Miami), Jan 14, 2002, p.5-A.]

On a Wing and a Prayer

We reproduce the following news story, verbatim, from the South African news service, News24:

Johannesburg — Huffing and puffing, a fainting pilot, a missing jack and an empty nitrogen canister added to passengers’ fury when a Kenya Airways flight was stranded with a flat tire.

After the flight was postponed by a fortnight ‘for technical reasons,’ an airline official added fuel to their fury by calling passengers and journalists unpatriotic trouble-makers.

About 42 passengers were on board and ready to fly from Kisumu to Berlin via Jomo Kenyatta Airport when the pilot noticed the flat tire. No spare was available and the nitrogen canister at the airport at Kisumu was empty.

‘One of the passengers suggested that we take the tire to the nearest garage to have it inflated. But then we discovered that the jack was missing, so we couldn’t remove the tire,’ airline spokesperson Weseka Sambu explained to Kenyan newspaper The Standard.

‘Our technicians bravely tried to pump it with a bicycle pump but it didn’t work. One pilot even tried to inflate it by mouth but he fainted,’ said Sambu.

When I announced that the flight had been cancelled, one of the passengers slapped me in the face with the whistle of a life-jacket and said we (Kenya Airways) were a national embarrassment.

I told him he was exaggerating and that there would be another flight in two weeks’ time. He could use the opportunity to explore the wonderful natural beauty of Kisumu.

He was just very upset that he would not be reimbursed for the two weeks’ accommodation in Kisumu.

Sambu said any airline could develop such a technical problem. ‘It was nothing serious.’ [Erika Gibson, Huffing About Flat Plane Tyre, News24, March 3, 2001.]

African Indifference

The dimensions of the AIDS epidemic in South Africa are generally well known. In 1994, at the start of black rule, about eight percent of the adult population carried the HIV virus; now the figure is 25 percent. International organizations call AIDS the single biggest killer in the country, and project that more than half of the country’s 15-year-olds will die of AIDS-related diseases. Not everyone is worried. Thabo Mbeki, president of South Africa, says whites deliberately overplay the disease so they can think of Africans as “promiscuous carriers of germs.” His advisors say foreign drug companies want to stir up fear so they can sell more drugs that don’t work anyway.

Meanwhile, the New York Times recently looked into the way ordinary Africans in the most heavily infected province, KwaZulu Natal, think about the disease. In the Zulu town of Hlabisa, 35 percent of adults are HIV positive. The men are essentially fatalistic. “Because if your are a man, you are born to die,” says one. “We are not scared of death,” says a police officer. “I don’t see the importance of AIDS.” Another man is somewhat more reflective: “Because we are Zulus, we don’t believe AIDS can affect us. We see our sisters dying, but we don’t believe it’s AIDS. We think it’s TB or pneumonia.” By now they have all heard the message about safe sex, but when more than 1,000 Hlabisa adults were asked about condoms, only 26 percent said they had ever used one. The men say condoms dull the pleasure, and many are suspicious of them. “Some men say condoms come from the white man to stop us having children,” says one 40-year-old. “Some think the AIDS is inside the condom,” he adds.

Most women have no say over whether a man uses a condom. One morning eight women in their 20s and early 30s who work as volunteer AIDS educators gathered to practice delivering the message: Don’t have sex; if you do, use a condom; stick to one partner. Not one of the women takes her own advice. As one explained:

“For us Zulus, it has been a tradition for men to have extra women. We do ask them to stop, but it’s up to them to change. If he doesn’t want to use condoms, I can’t do anything. If I say no, he might go and take another lady.” If a woman asks a man to wear a condom he will accuse her of being promiscuous or infected. “And he will hit you,” says one woman. “Definitely, he will hit you.”

Zulu men agree that women have no say in the matter. “The woman has no power with the man,” says a schoolteacher. Of his wife, he says, “Because I paid 11 cows for her, she is supposed to do everything I say.”

In a town where there is a lot of fornication and much promiscuity, there is still great embarrassment about AIDS, because it is sexually transmitted. Zulu children almost never get sex education at home because their parents are too shy. When even prominent townspeople get sick with AIDS, it is as if they suddenly ceased to exist. No one talks about them, because they are dying of an unspeakable disease. Zebulon Mthethwa is a retired Anglican priest called back into service because there were not enough priests for funerals. He says AIDS is taboo. “People are afraid of talking about it. They are afraid to say, ‘Here is the danger that is coming.’” [Rachel Swarns, South Africa’s AIDS Vortex Engulfs a Rural Community, New York Times, Nov. 25, 2001. Donald McNeil, AIDS and Death Hold No Sting for Fatalistic Men at African Bar, New York Times, Nov. 29, 2001.]

It’s Who You Know

President George Bush and his brother, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, like to blame bad non-white schools on the “soft bigotry of low expectations.” Black lawmakers in Florida are accusing Gov. Bush of insultingly low expectations in appointing Representative Rudy Bradley to a post on the Public Service Commission. Mr. Bradley, who is black, embarrassed other black legislators during confirmation hearings last month with his halting answers, and inability to understand some of the key issues he will face on the commission.

“It’s minority access in the worst way,” says state Senator Kendrick Meek. Fellow senator Mandy Dawson walked out of the hearing before voting. She said she felt pressured to vote for a fellow black, but couldn’t stomach Mr. Bradley. She noted that his job application was handwritten and that in describing his 2000 state senate bid, he wrote “I lossed my election.”

“It is the natural stereotype that they would accept this kind of work from an African-American,” she adds. “It sends a terrible message from the governor that says, ‘Don’t worry. You don’t have to be qualified.’ My fear is that they put a red ribbon on him and parade him through the black community, and he becomes a role model.”

Mr. Bradley, a former Democrat who switched parties to support Gov. Bush, says attacks on his qualifications are just politics. As he explains: “I’m an inner-city African-American. I speak two dialects. I speak English and ebonics. I guess ebonics came out the day I did that application.” The committee voted 9-1 to recommend confirmation to the $119,000-a-year job. [Peter Wallsten, Black Legislators Riled by Bush Nominee’s Dubious Qualifications, Herald (Miami), Feb. 17, 2002, p. 6B.]

Non-Violent Offender

In September, 1995, Haitian refugee Melanie Jeanbeaucejour was convicted in Buffalo, N.Y., of second-degree manslaughter. Mrs. Jeanbeaucejour worked as a nanny and beat to death an 18-month-old child (race unspecified) in her care. In court testimony, she said she struck the child to make it stop crying. An autopsy showed the child died from severe trauma to the head, chest and abdomen, and an official familiar with the case said he had never seen such a brutally beaten child. Mrs. Jeanbeaucejour’s conviction came less than a year after her arrival in the United States as a refugee from Haiti. After she got out of prison in 1997, the INS called for her deportation as an alien convicted of a violent crime. Mrs. Jeanbeaucejour appealed her deportation on the grounds that her family would suffer “extreme hardship” if she were returned to Haiti, and last March a three-judge panel of the U.S. Immigration Board of Appeals overturned the deportation order, in an astonishing ruling that concluded she was not guilty of a crime of violence. The INS has appealed to the full 18-member appeals board, but an agency spokesman said the full board rarely meets, and is unlikely to accept the case. Mrs. Jeanbeaucejour will probably stay in the United States. [Jerry Seper, U.S. Panel Overturns Deportation, Washington Times, August 22, 2001.]

Hijacking the Battle Flag

Black rap performers are trying to “demystify” the Confederate flag. Lil Jon appears on the cover of his most recent album draped in the battle flag, while two more burn in the background. David Banner burns rebel flags on stage, and Pastor Troy encourages his audience to wave Confederate flags during his performances. This is supposed to strip the flag of its power over blacks.

“My thinking is that if they [whites] see us with the flag, see us nit-pick at it, toss it, shake it, throw it on the ground, the flag loses its pride, its value,” says Pastor Troy. “It’s time we change our thinking, let the world know we are beyond the flag and they can’t keep us down anymore. This is a new day.”

Big Gipp of the Goodie Mob says: “The Confederate flag is a symbol of racism. Anytime I get the opportunity to speak the truth, I do. I wear it to show that racism is still alive.”

“It pisses people off,” says Lil Jon. “I take something that is precious to them and put it on. It’s like going out with their daughter.”

But Kevin Powell, the black author of Keepin’ it Real: Post-MTV Reflections on Race, Sex and Politics, says all this may give young blacks the wrong idea about the flag, and anyway, its reputation is too ugly to be reinterpreted:

The problem is that the history always gets lost or forgotten, and a lot of young people who see these rappers incorporating the Confederate flag into their work and lives will not get the manipulation of it. Black people, no matter who we are, need to cease always trying to claim what white folks have put on us, be it the ‘N’ word or the Confederate flag, and act as if claiming those things somehow makes them right or OK. The only response to white racism is to resist those words and symbols, not to embrace them in a twisted notion that we are making it our own. [Audra D.S. Burch, The Rebel’s New Cause, Herald (Miami), Sept. 6, 2001, p. 1E.]

William Clinton — Black Superstar

Former President William Clinton remains very popular with blacks. In a recent ABC News poll, they overwhelmingly chose him as the greatest American President. Abraham Lincoln, who signed the Emancipation Proclamation, came in a distant second. [Americans Place Lincoln at Top of Greatest Presidents’ Poll, George W. Bush Ahead of Reagan, AP, Feb. 18, 2002.]

Black entrepreneurs are hoping to capitalize on that popularity by opening businesses near the future site of the Clinton presidential library in Little Rock, Arkansas. “Moving down here is about being at the right place at the right time,” says Deun Shonowo, owner of Afrikan de Boutique, a store that sells West African clothing and art. “One of the reasons I moved down here was the library and the tourists.” Andy Ingraham, president of the National Association of Black Hotel Owners, Operators and Developers, said the library is a “big deal in terms of economic impact and an opportunity for African-American vendors to get a piece of the pie.”

There are plans to promote the Clinton library specifically to black tour groups, citing its proximity to Little Rock’s Central High School, where the National Guard enforced integration in the 1950s. Blacks are already flocking to the site, where a preview exhibit opened last December. They like photographs of Mr. Clinton with black singers, gifts Mr. Clinton received from African heads of state, and a statue of basketball player Michael Jordan. “This is tight,” says 11-year-old Keagan Scribner. “I didn’t know President Clinton liked Michael Jordan.”

Blacks are vague about why they love Mr. Clinton. Author Toni Morrison, who once referred to him as the nation’s first black president, says he understands the black condition because he grew up poor and was reared for a time by a single mother. Little Rock fifth-grade teacher Joann Williams says its because “President Clinton had the decency and dignity to let people know that African-Americans are capable.” Adds Rev. Arthur Hughes of West Helena, Arkansas, “We love him, we celebrate him, we just believe in him. He has always given African-Americans their just due.” [Melissa Nelson, Blacks Eye Clinton Library Profits, AP, Feb. 14, 2002.]

Flocks of a Feather

Churches continue to be among the most segregated institutions in America. According to one study, only 3.5 percent of all congregations include a second race that accounts for as much as 20 percent of members. There are now nearly 4,000 Asian congregations (3,000 Korean, 700 Chinese, and 200 Japanese), which are thoroughly segregated. Most sprang up after the 1965 change in immigration laws, and many still conduct services in Asian languages, but even the English-speaking congregations are overwhelmingly Asian.

Some Asian preachers are trying to change that. Victor Kim of Remnant Presbyterian Church in New York City pulled out all the stops to diversify his Korean congregation. He barred Korean food at church functions, and refused to make announcements for Asian events. He even discouraged members from going to nearby Koreatown for lunch. Six years later, his church still has only a handful of blacks or whites. “I just never really fit in,” explains Kyle Allen, who attended for a while and dropped out.

At NewSong Community Church in Irvine, California, half-Korean Senior Pastor David Gibbons has tried mightily to integrate. He caters to a young flock with a hip-hop dance ministry and MTV-style videos of black, white, Hispanic, and Asian members cavorting. He preaches what he calls a “theology of discomfort,” which means people at his church will have to mix with people unlike themselves. He regularly features a black assistant preacher and has hired a Hispanic. The result? His 1,500-member congregation is still 80 percent Asian.

Stacy Heisey-Terrell is a 27-year-old white woman married to a man who is half-black and half-Hispanic. She and her husband have decided racial reconciliation is a big part of their Christianity, so they drive half an hour to attend Evergreen Baptist Church in Rosemead, California, another Korean congregation that is trying to integrate. It still doesn’t work. “I can’t take this anymore,” she says, of being the only white woman. “There’s no one like me.” She was mortified when she organized a church picnic and the Koreans would not touch her bean salad.

Some people have sense enough to accept the inevitable. David Ahn is a Korean who grew up in America and attended a white church in San Francisco for a while, but went back to a Korean congregation. “In general, Korean people and white people just act very differently,” he explains. “I don’t necessarily see them as good or bad, just very different than I am.” David Kang, is another Korean who does not apologize for his preferences. “Where else can I go to feel Korean, or feel Asian?” he asks. [Michael Luo, Asian-American Christians Find Church Integration a Complicated Challenge, AP, Jan. 20, 2002.]

Dutch Courage

The tide may be turning in the Netherlands. The country famous for tolerating anything — especially non-whites — was shocked on Feb. 7 to find that an openly anti-immigrant movement has now won the largest vote in Rotterdam, the country’s second largest city. The movement is led by Pim Fortuyn, an openly homosexual former Marxist, who has come round to the view that immigration is changing his country for the worse. In August last year, the 52-year-old author and television personality became the leader of a mildly anti-immigrant party called Livable Netherlands, but lost the job in February when he gave a newspaper interview that shocked party leaders. He declared that “16 million Dutchmen are about enough,” adding “this is a full country.” He said if it were up to him, he would cut immigration to no more than 10,000 a year and close the borders. He is alarmed by the 800,000 mostly Moroccan and Turkish Muslims who live in Holland and comprise five percent of the population. He said they have “a backward culture,” stick together, and look down on the Dutch. “Moroccan boys never steal from Moroccans,” he said. “Have you noticed that?” But what particularly alarmed Livable Netherlands was his call to revoke a non-discrimination clause in the constitution that is much like the American Civil Rights Act of 1964.

After he was booted from the party he promised to organize a new movement and was as good as his word. In the Feb 7 elections his candidates won 34.7 percent of the vote and 17 of 45 city council seats, finally ending the Labor Party’s post-war dominance. Opinion polls from earlier this year suggest Mr. Fortuyn will be a powerful force in national elections in May. Thirty-six percent of women ages 18 to 30 and 46 percent of young men said they planned to vote for him, and his party could win 36 of 150 seats. He has made no secret of his desire to be prime minister. His supporters may yet get a “livable Netherlands” after all. [Andrew Osborn, Dutch Youth Back Far-Right Immigration Policy, The Guardian (England), Feb. 23, 2002. Andrew Osborn, Huge Gains for Dutch Far Right, The Guardian, March 8, 2002.]

School Daze

Tiffany and Lakeisha Grayson, sisters and both in their 20s, used to teach at Beaufort High School in Beaufort, South Carolina. They were furious to discover that a student was having sex with Tiffany’s adult boyfriend. On Feb. 5, Tiffany was overheard yelling in the school office: “That little ho, she thinks she’s grown because she sleeping with a grown man.” That same day at a basketball game she reportedly approached three students and offered them money to beat up the “little ho.” On Feb. 19, Lakeisha made a similar offer to four students, and the next day repeated her offer in a classroom. No beatings are reported to have taken place, but both sisters are now charged with disturbing school and contributing to the delinquency of minors. [Stephanie Broadbent, Teachers Allegedly Tried to Hire Students to Beat Girl, Carolina Morning News (South Carolina), March 9, 2002.]

On Feb. 21, a 14-year old Hispanic student at Cashmere High School in Cashmere, Washington, ran up to a 16-year-old white student after school and stabbed him eight or nine times in the back, side, and chest. Mike Placentia claimed Dane Montgomery had made racial insults earlier during the day. The Hispanic was expelled from school and charged with first-degree assault, but what has surprised many people in the area is that the white stabbing victim — whose injuries were not life-threatening — has been suspended. “Evidence suggests the boy who was attacked made some serious racial, racist comments toward the Latino boy,” says Principal Sam Willsey. “That’s against the law, that’s against school policy and that’s something that resulted in serious punishment.” [School Suspends Stabbing Victim, Spokesman-Review (Spokane), March 2, 2002.]

The Spokane Spokesman-Review posted this story to its web site and invited comments from readers. There was intense criticism of the school for disciplining the white boy, and virtually no one defended the suspension.

Giant Mistake

February is Black History Month. A Giant supermarket in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, posted the following special promotion: “In honor of Black History Month, we at Giant are offering a special saving on fried chicken.” Customer Lance Sellers was offended by the sign and complained to the store manager — who couldn’t understand why anyone was upset. Paula Harris of the local NAACP was called in to explain that the sign reinforces “racist” stereotypes. Giant Foods apologized for the promotion, saying the sign appeared in only one store and was taken down after the complaints. [Store Apologizes for Fried Chicken Special for Black History Month, AP, Feb. 6, 2002.]

This is Diversity?

According to a recent poll carried out by the Center for the Study of Popular Culture, more than 80 percent of Ivy League professors voted for Al Gore in the 2000 election and only nine percent voted for George Bush. Only three percent described themselves as Republicans. When asked who was the best president in the last 40 years, 71 percent chose a Democrat and only eight percent chose a Republican. The top vote getters were William Clinton (26 percent of those polled), John Kennedy (17 percent), Lyndon Johnson (15 percent), and James Carter (13 percent). Ronald Reagan, the top-scoring Republican, was the first choice of only four percent. [Robert McCain, Poll Confirms Ivy League Liberal Tilt, Washington Times, Feb. 14, 2002.]

Let the Little Felons Come Unto Me

In 1996, Congress passed a law requiring automatic deportation of immigrants who commit felonies. It was retroactive so immigrants convicted of felonies before 1996 could also be expelled. Prior to the law, the INS had discretion over deportation, meaning many immigrant felons were allowed to stay. Now Democrats, led by Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank and black Michigan Congressman John Conyers, want to change the law back. They held a press conference on March 7 to tout the Restoration of Fairness in Immigration Law Act of 2002, which Mr. Conyers says will stop the “scapegoating” of immigrants. The bill would allow immigrant criminals who hold green cards and have jobs and family in this country to petition immigration judges to let them stay. According to Mr. Conyers, Congress has been passing anti-immigrant legislation since 1994 by “playing on our worst fears and prejudices.”

“We are fending off legislation almost daily intended to reduce, if not eliminate, immigration to this country,” he says. Among the bills Mr. Conyers has been fighting are proposals to eliminate birthright citizenship, prohibit bilingual ballots, and limit the number of refugees. Joining Reps. Frank and Conyers at the press conference were members of the Congressional Black Caucus, the National Council of La Raza, the American Immigration Lawyers Association, the National Immigration Forum, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund. [Michael W. Freeman, Frank Pushes Bill to Soften Deportation Laws, Fall River (Mass.) Herald News, March 9, 2002.]

Aboriginal Sin

Winsome Matthews, an Australian Aborigine, is chairman of the New South Wales Aboriginal Justice Advisory Council. Unlike many ethnic activists, she does not want to conceal or deny failure but to publicize it in the hope of correcting it. Her particular interest is sexual assault and domestic violence, and she has been studying offense rates among Aborigines. She says Aborigines in New South Wales are three times more likely than whites to be rapists, and 2.6 times more likely to commit sexual assault against children. They are no less than 6.2 times more likely to attack spouses, and Miss Matthews says this figure is probably too low because Aboriginal women are reluctant to report domestic violence. The Advisory Council recently surveyed almost 100 Aboriginal women in jail and found that three quarters had been sexually assaulted but that 80 percent of the victims never told anyone.

Miss Matthews thinks jail does not work for Aborigines. She proposes an ill-defined “alternative sentencing process” that would “empower people who are victims” and would “aim at healing and reparation.” [Jon Reid, Black Violence and Sex Assault ‘is an Epidemic,’ Sydney Morning Herald (Australia), March 1, 2002.]

Driving Mr. Biggs

Chante Mallard is a black, 25-year-old nurse’s assistant. Last October 26, she crashed her car into a white pedestrian, who ended up stuck in the windshield with half his body hanging into the passenger side of the car. Miss Mallard reportedly drove to her Ft. Worth, Texas, home, parked in her garage, went into the house, and had sex with her boyfriend. The two then came out to the garage to have a look at Greg Biggs, who was still alive and stuck in the car. Miss Mallard kept the car in the garage for 48 hours, during which time she came out several times to talk to the man, who begged for help. She did nothing for him, and the man, who was homeless and suffered from mental problems, bled to death.

Miss Mallard then got her boyfriend and several friends to help her dislodge Mr. Biggs’ body and dump it in a park. Police found the body soon after, and concluded it must have been a hit-and-run case, but had no leads. Several months afterwards, Miss Mallard explained to a group of people why she was no longer driving. “I hit this white man,” she explained, and giggled. On February 25 someone who heard her say this reported it to the police. Officers found Miss Mallard’s car still in her garage, with the windshield and front seats removed, but with Mr. Biggs’ blood and hair still on it. Miss Mallard said she had burned the seats to get rid of the evidence, and planned to burn the car and buy a new one when her tax refund check arrived.

Miss Mallard was charged with murder, and was at first held on $10,000 bail at home with an electronic monitor, but prosecutors had bail raised to $250,000 to keep her in jail. Her lawyer says she is not a monster but a confused woman who was drunk and using Ecstacy when she hit Mr. Biggs, and didn’t know what she was doing. [Judge Raises Bail of Hit-Run Suspect to $250,000, AP, March 9, 2002.]

Keeping Georgia Decent

Dorothy Pelote is a black woman who has served in the Georgia state house for ten years. She is known for proposing strange laws that do not make it out of committee. At one time she wanted to ban long fingernails for students, and make it a crime for supermarket baggers to lick their fingers. She now plans to sponsor a bill to prohibit Georgians from answering their doorbells naked. “The law allows [a person] to come to the door naked. It just doesn’t let him go outside,” Miss Pelote explains. “I don’t even want him coming to the door naked.” No one expects this bill to go anywhere. During a special legislative session last summer, Miss Pelote startled house colleagues by claiming to have been visited by the spirit of missing Washington DC intern, Chandra Levy. [Dave Williams, Pelote Stands Against Nudity at the Door, Savannah Morning News, Jan. 16, 2002.]

More Apologies

In the early 16th century, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella expelled all the Moors left in Spain. It is estimated that some 270,000 were forced across the straits to North Africa. Now their descendants want an apology and recognition of their “historic rights” to go back to Spain as immigrants. Mohamed Azzuz, a Moroccan historian, says “We are like the Palestinians who keep the keys to their houses for their return. Our expulsion was a disaster, a form of ethnic cleansing.” He adds: “King Juan Carlos has already given a sort of apology for the expulsion of the Jews when he visited Israel so why not do the same for us?” The king is reportedly studying the matter. No one seems to remember the invasion that brought the Moors. [Isambard Wilkinson, ‘Moors’ Want Apology for Spanish Exodus, Electronic Telegraph, Feb. 15, 2002.]

Riots Rumble On

Cincinnati is still suffering from last year’s race riots, which erupted when a white police officer shot and killed a black criminal. A black group called the Coalition for a Just Cincinnati has been sabotaging the Cincinnati Arts Association’s attempts to book black entertainers to perform in the city. The coalition has persuaded Bill Cosby, Wynton Marsalis, and the Temptations to call off performances, leaving the non-profit arts association liable for nearly $80,000 in losses. Federal law forbids boycotts of groups or people who are not parties to the initial dispute that prompted the boycott, and the arts association has invoked that law in a suit against the coalition. The coalition says it will not stop the sabotage, and Mr. Cosby has issued a statement saying “I still stand by the fact that I feel very uncomfortable playing the concerts at this time in this climate.”

Another city group called the Black United Front is trying to keep tourists away. Both it and the coalition say they will not stop their efforts until the city meets a long list of demands, including amnesty for all rioters, billions of dollars in development money for black areas, and a host of other handouts. [Steve Miller, Arts Group Threatens to Sue Boycott Leaders, Washington Times, March 11, 2002, p. A1.]

Taking From the Poor

“Mother” Clara Hale was a New York City black woman who worried about some of the most vulnerable black New Yorkers: drug-addicted children whose parents were in jail. Thirty years ago she founded Hale House in Harlem, where her staff raised money from private donors to care for these children. When “Mother” Hale died in 1992, her daughter Lorraine took over the operation. Lorraine is now charged with stealing about $1 million from the charity, and spending it on improvements to her home in Scarsdale and on expensive artwork. The state attorney general has started civil forfeiture proceedings against Mrs. Hale and her husband, who are said to have roughly $10 million in cash and real estate. [Joe Cunningham and Devlin Barrett, Hale and Hubby Indicted, New York Post, Feb. 6, 2002.]

Fly by Night

Federal agents have arrested six commercial pilots and two airport ramp workers who paid as much as $25,000 for illegal documents to enter the United States. All eight are Venezuelans, and two of the pilots flew for American Airlines. One was arrested when he landed his plane at Dallas-Fort Worth, and two when they touched down in Miami. The fraud involved paying high prices for forged passport stamps of the kind issued by American consulates to clear an immigrant to live and work in the United States. The flying licenses were apparently valid, but all the men had immigrated and were working without security checks of any kind. The INS is looking for the people who forged the hard-to-duplicate consular stamps. [Luisa Yanez and Charles Rabin, Pilots Got Papers Illegally, INS Says, Herald (Miami), Feb. 10, 2002, p. 1B.]

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Letters from readers

Sir — I read with interest the article on neoconservatives and immigration in the March 2002 issue of AR. I have to say I laughed heartily at Ed Meese’s suggestion that Chinese scientists and students in America will go back to their homeland and “liberalize it.” A good joke, indeed!

Mr. Meese may be unaware that the vast majority of Chinese have no intention of going back to China, and even if they did, their attitudes are far from “liberal.” Of the huge number of Chinese PhDs and MDs I personally know, not a single one intends to return to China. Not one! They are all either applying for permanent residency, or already have it. Not that they plan to “assimilate” and become good, loyal Americans. Virtually all are passionately loyal to the Chinese government and are anti-American. Many, especially the men, are anti-white in a racial sense. Some are the well-to-do and arrogant offspring of powerful Chinese Communist officials, and their contempt for native white Americans oozes from every pore. No budding American patriots here!

Why does China let its better citizens come to America, when it is obvious most will not return? First, we must remember that information transfer does not require transfer of people. In the Internet age, vital information gained by Chinese in America can be sent to their homeland instantly via email. Scientists in China, certainly not stupid, can easily use this transferred knowledge, so there is no need for Chinese nationals in America to go back. In addition, the presence of an intelligent and anti-American Chinese colony in America could be very useful to the PRC, especially in a time of Sino-American conflict.

Finally, these Chinese migrants damage America in a more subtle way, by eliminating native white Americans from the science field. They take jobs that would otherwise have gone to whites. They depress science salaries to low and undesirable levels. They make the working environment a hostile place; in some “American” academic departments, the atmosphere is what one would expect in a People’s Liberation Army training camp. Also, in my experience, they seem to have a unique talent for breaking equipment, contaminating areas with radioactivity, hiding reagents, and leaving trash strewn on floors. Finally, the Chinese attitude toward scientific ethics seems different from that of Westerners, and it is often not surprising to American scientists when Chinese data cannot be reproduced.

Michael Rienzi, Boston, Mass.


Sir — Upon returning from the AR conference, I found waiting for me the new issue of American Renaissance, and especially appreciated Jared Taylor’s thorough account of the recent immigration conference held by David Horowitz. “Neo-Con Games” is indeed an apt way to describe the efforts of self-styled conservatives who apparently have no desire to conserve those things, tangible and otherwise, most important to a people and a nation. One wonders, in fact, if they have any idea what those things are. I also noted with appreciation that both Mr. Taylor and Sam Francis were in attendance to provide an alternative point of view.

Daniel Ruchames, Hillsdale, Mich.


Sir — On the inside cover of your February issue, I read a quotation from Charles Krauthammer’s “Disarm the Citizenry” in the Washington Post: “Ultimately, a civilized society must disarm its citizenry if it is to have a modicum of domestic tranquility of the kind enjoyed by sister democracies such as Canada and Britain.”

I cannot speak for Canada, but on Feb. 24, the day on which I learned of British domestic tranquility from Mr. Krauthammer, I read on the editorial page of the London Sunday Telegraph an article “If the State Fails Us, We Must Defend Ourselves,” arguing that “we need the right to bear arms again” and pointing out that “in America, the two states with the highest levels of gun ownership have the lowest levels of crime.”

The author of the article did hint that though there were now victims of criminal violence all over southeastern England, the heart of the problem was a predominantly black area in London, and the race of a disproportionately large number of the violent criminals was black.

Prof. Anthony Flew, Reading, England


Sir — I would like to suggest that you use the term “sub-species” instead of ���race.” The term is more scientific and avoids all the negative connotations of the word “race.” For example, it is hard to condemn a person who opposes marriage between sub-species. And the term “sub-speciesist” is too awkward to become a substitute for “racist.”

Richard D. Fuerle, Grand Island, N.Y.


Sir — I very much admired Dwight Frye’s review of The Death of the West, which describes both Mr. Buchanan’s errors and achievements with equal acuity. I was as disappointed as any by his choice of running mate, but I voted for him all the same. Even if he does not understand race, he understands immigration, and we need men like that in government.

Some of my friends think of him as the worst sort of traitor, but this is silly. We should be glad he understands as much as he does. He’s better than anyone else in politics.

Sylvia Hadley Craig, Bellingham, Wash.


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