Posted on June 24, 2024

The X Files: Another ‘Random’ Killing

Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, June 24, 2024

This is a case you should remember the next time they force you to hear about lynchings or “redlining” or the time Jackie Robinson allegedly heard a rude comment.

The case has not been called a hate crime; police say the attack was “random.” Lawrence Auster wrote about this sort of thing in 2012; it’s always “random.” There would be a frantic investigation of motive if a white person killed a black child. The FBI sent 25 agents to Florida to interview 75 people to sniff out George Zimmerman’s racial attitudes after he was found innocent of killing Trayvon Martin in the state murder trial. This black killer’s mother already says society failed her.

The Smithsonian Institution has announced an exhibit of Trayvon Martin’s “flight suit.”

It is part of an exhibit on the “broad and impactful spectrum of Afrofuturism.”

Pro-Palestine protesters outside the White House a few weeks ago vandalized monuments and held up a model severed head of President Joe Biden. No arrests. The National Park Service cleaned up the mess.

A few days later, teenagers were accused of leaving tread marks on a gay pride mural on a street in Spokane, Washington. They face a possible decade in prison. Even the company that makes the electric scooters wants them punished.

Every society has blasphemy laws.

Every society has a religion too. Our “original sin” is slavery, but this religion offers no salvation.

State media PBS gives respectful treatment to Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) and her claims of magically healing people. Watch for yourself.

“Wokeness” is not “like” a religion. It is a religion, complete with miracles. “Trust the Science” applies only when it does not conflict with the faith.

Progressivism advances through stories of martyrs: George Floyd, Matthew Shepherd, Emmett Till, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, etc. Some of these are pure myth. The victims of illegal immigrants are never martyrs. You may laugh at them.

How often do we hear that misinformation and conspiracy theories are a threat to “our democracy”?

The media better stop talking about racism.

So, back to regularly scheduled programming.

On television:

More than 200 localities have declared “racism” a public health crisis.

A case in which the woke may be on to something:

Her people are dependent on the country she hates so much, which is why it will be very hard to break free of them.