Posted on June 28, 2024

Biden Downplays Illegal Migrant Crime by Saying Women Are Also Raped by In-Laws, Sisters

Hannah Knudsen, Breitbart, June 27, 2024

President Joe Biden seemingly downplayed illegal immigrant crime during Thursday night’s presidential debate by asserting that women are also raped by their in-laws, brothers, and sisters.

“Look, there’s so many young women who have been — including a young woman who just was murdered, and he went to the funeral, and the idea that she was murdered by, by-by an immigrant coming in — they talk about that,” Biden said during the debate {snip}

“But here’s the deal. There’s a lot of young women to be raped by their, by their in-laws, by their, by their spouses, brothers and sisters. It’s just, it’s just ridiculous, and they can do nothing about it,” Biden added, making the remark during a Q&A on abortion.
