Posted on June 27, 2024

Turkish Migrant Arrested for Allegedly Raping 15-Year-Old Girl in His Car in Albany

Jennie Taer et al., New York Post, June 27, 2024

A migrant from Turkey was charged with raping a 15-year-old girl in Albany — and questions are swirling about why it took cops more than a month to inform the public about the horrific assault.

Sakir Akkan, 21, is accused of attacking the teen inside his car on Arch Street in the state capital in the early hours of May 14 after she ran away from a local group home, court records obtained by The Post show.

Sakir Akkan

Sakir Akkan

Akkan — who wasn’t arrested until last week — allegedly told the girl, who was in the passenger seat of his Toyota Prius, that he’d pummel her if she didn’t get into the back, and threatened her with a metal pole, according to the filing.

Once she was inside the backseat, he allegedly took the girl’s clothes off and raped her, the filing charges.

The victim, who lived in a group home close to where the attack unfolded and was known to cops, suffered scratches on her legs from trying to resist the attack, according to court docs.

The teen was cut loose soon after and fled to a nearby residence for help, a police report obtained by The Albany Times-Union shows.


But his private criminal defense attorney, George LaMarche, said  Akkan won’t be able to post bail because the feds have filed an immigration detainer against him, keeping him locked up.


He was arrested by US Border Patrol agents on Nov. 5 last year after crossing into San Diego, California, illegally, a Homeland Security source told The Post.

Akkan informed agents he was trying to get to Philadelphia but failed to provide an address.

Just days later, he was released on his own recognizance due to a lack of bed space and ordered to appear in a Philadelphia court on Feb. 19, 2025, the source added.


Police in Albany have taken heat for failing to notify the public of the vicious sexual assault until after the local news outlet started probing — even as the suspect was on the loose for about a month.


The number of Turkish migrants crossing the southern border illegally has skyrocketed under the Biden administration due, in part, to smugglers boasting on social media about how easy it is.

There were roughly 1,400 Turkish migrants encountered by border agents along the US-Mexico border in fiscal year 2021, which exploded to more than 15,000 each in fiscal years 2022 and 2023, federal data reviewed by The Post shows.
