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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've got me wanting to listen to it again - I did enjoy it!

An enjoyment in reading Tolkien's Letters again, which I had somehow forgotten, was Letter 241 on his lecture, 'English and Welsh', and the anecdote about the mainlanders calling the inhabitants of Môn "moch 'swine'" and Sir John Morris Jones telling visitors to his new house "overlooking the Menai Straits, to Môn" who "asked if he was going to give it a name. 'Yes', said he, 'I shall call it Gadara View.'" ('Mochyn drwg' - 'bad pig' - was one of the Welsh phrases still common in my immigrant-descended family when I was growing up...)

David Llewellyn Dodds

1 May 2024 at 01:41

Blogger a_probst said...

Yes, the 1969 Hamlet was my introduction to Nicol Williamson. And with the enchanting Judy Parfitt as Gertrude and Anthony Hopkins as Claudius. I remember that Richardson staged Hamlet's interaction with the ghost of his father to suggest that he may have imagined the conversation.

1 May 2024 at 06:05

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ap - I loved the way that the 1969 Hamlet movie was cut (from a very long and sprawling un-cut text - that would (apparently) never have been performed complete in Shakespeare's time.

(Probably the plays as-performed were all done in versions about as short as Macbeth - which is nowadays the shortest of Shakespeare's plays, and not coincidentally has the least corrupted text.)

The movie kept all my favourite bits, and fused them into a concentrated and tremendously powerful structure - yet with no sense at all of rushing or skimping, but on the contrary a spacious quality.

1 May 2024 at 06:57

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@DLD - Yest, a pretty good learn-ed pun.

1 May 2024 at 06:59

Blogger Ranger said...

Thanks for this, I will listen to it. Sounds great! As regards the Andy Serkis and Rob Inglis, I'd say Inglis version is like the experience of having a talented story-teller read the book for you, while Serkis' version is almost like a full audio play with a full cast. Very different, and both very good.

13 May 2024 at 14:44