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Anonymous Ben said...

"The modern dissenter is seen as someone who is trying to impose delirium tremens"

What a great summary. I sense this as an instinctive insiderness to the resistance.

18 September 2017 at 12:37

Blogger Michael Dyer said...

Jordan Peterson has an interesting point, he says that a great deal of human misbehavior is actually trying to reduce complexity. Without God or even some kind of organizing ethos, the world is too complex and dangerous a place for even the strongest to handle in full. We need something that reduces complexity, and that method can be any number of evil things like drunkenness or even totalitarianism. They provide simplicity.

19 September 2017 at 01:13

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Michael - While there is something in it; I don't think that is a deep or primary explanation, not from looking at the general trend of people's lives. At this point we really need to be getting at the root of things.

19 September 2017 at 06:45

Blogger whitestone said...

The minimum working hypothesis. Huxley 1944. Illustrates quite brilliantly why people choose nihilism and depravity over belief and virtue.

23 September 2017 at 21:51