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Anonymous Rollo said...

It's a pretty broad thesis: Western Christianity, driven by questioning, has become agnostic; meanwhile, Eastern Christianity, rejecting said questioning, has stayed the course and remained true to the faith.

Well, does the data support your thesis? I can't see how. Look at the nations of Orthodoxy today - they are in utter spiritual and cultural shambles. I fail to see the spiritual light radiating. Now, I'm not claiming any huge cause-effect thing as you are with a decline of Western Christianity, but if EO doctrine leads to such spiritual development and enlightenment as you posit, why don't we see it?

Rather, what we do see is a demographic implosion in the EO countries that has rarely happened in the history of mankind, and the creation and destruction of one of the most evil empires ever.

Also, in the East we see a lot bitter spiritual angst against the West that one sees far less from the West, which is quite friendly to the East. For exmaple, most Western Christians don't even remember the Schism, having long moved on. Yet most EO can't seem forget it. Which approach best embodies the teaching of Christ and shows spiritual development?

27 November 2011 at 19:56

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Rollo - presumably then, from what you say, you would put the date further back than AD 1000. Maybe so...

But the breakaway of the West has, of course, influenced the whole world with no place exempt.

So, I don't really accept the method of comparison.

And also, it does seem that the some of EO world has been experiencing a large scale and real revival of Christianity since 1989/90: I am thinking of Russia and Romania especially.

The damage of Communism is a long way from being healed, and indeed it never can wholly be healed - especially since the scale of damage keeps being revealed as greater and greater: for example, it is less than two years since I discovered the appalling scope and severity of Christian persecution in the USSR.

The damage of atheist Leftism is of a type unprecedented in human history - it has penetrated very deeply into the mind, so that many have lost not just religiousness and high culture, but basic common sense and instinct - and have been rendered insane and idiotic. This is a new kind of evil.

27 November 2011 at 20:41

Blogger Gyan said...

Is the present day disruption truly unique?

Churches and monasteries were looted and destroyed during Reformation in England and don't forget the Iconoclasts in ancient Constantinople.

Dante had placed several Popes in Hell itself. I suppose he witnessed a great disruption too.

28 November 2011 at 08:58

Anonymous Wm Jas said...

The spirit of questioning was already a central feature of the West long before the Schism, and indeed long before Christianity itself. It dates back at least to Socrates and Herodotus. Within Christianity, it has St. Paul on its side: "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good."

Surely what was behind the filioque conflict was not the spirit of questioning but the spirit of answering. The sin, if sin it was, came not when they asked "Why from the Father only? Why not from the Son also?" -- but when they concluded from their inability to answer that question that it had no answer and proceeded to rewrite the Creed to match their philosophical opinions. Pride, not questioning, caused the Schism.

In fact, I wonder if "opposing the spirit of questioning" is even a coherent concept. After all, a monotheist questions every religion but his own, and your own worldview depends on questioning virtually everything most moderns believe.

It's not a matter of whether to question, nor even of what to question, really -- but of whether and how to answer a question once it has been raised.

28 November 2011 at 10:57

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Gyan - one of the main tenets of this blog (and the Thought Prison book) is that things nowadays are indeed unique.

The destructions that you mention were done by people in the name of Good - they believed they were more spiritual and more theologically-correct than the mainstream.

Moderns are judging the Church by secular criteria, and are not even trying to be Good - indeed that is what they are against (eg they 'believe' in Good, but evil makes no sense to them).

@WmJas - well, pride is the ultimate sin behind the others, so in that sense you are correct.

The ancient spirit of questioning was not the same as postmodernism - nonetheless I think there were serious problems in Socrates attitude, and I have never been able to embrace him as a hero. St Paul's attitude is quite different from Socrates.

One of the triumphs of modernity is to question common sense, spontaneous knowledge, eye-witness etc in favour of (first) expert professional knowledge (such as science, which people did used to believe) and more recently mass media (which people sort of believe, sort of disbelieve).

"opposing the spirit of questioning" - I can't see this as incoherent. There is a thing termed 'spirit of questioning' - and I oppose it.

The spirit of questioning is the commmon idea that anything should be questioned, nothing is sacred (above questioning), we should teach students to be 'critical' etc. etc.

Of course this spirit is only applied to things which Leftist oppose; nonetheless they do go on a lot about this spirit and use it as a first line argument to defend the freedom of the press to lie and distort, the necessity for state subsidy of high art and science and academia, modern morality etc.(the s or q is only the front line behind which they have ranged several fall back positions).

28 November 2011 at 13:50

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, question about gay people being normal, and you will be how far this spirit of questioning goes...

But the hardest thing is not to be able to talk with your friends and family about God, about the Good, about the falsity of progressive thinking, about things that matter.

They are so drowned in nihilist categories (learned through media, school and the society in general) that you would have to deprogram them for months only to start being able to have a conversation with them that they could understand.

So you end up feeling alone...A crazy wolf...

28 November 2011 at 19:14

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ANON - "But the hardest thing is not to be able to talk with your friends and family about God, about the Good, about the falsity of progressive thinking, about things that matter."

In a nutshell. This is conclusive evidence that we are NOW (already) living in a totalitarian state, which has imposed itself incrementally, by stealth.

28 November 2011 at 20:27

Blogger Gyan said...

It has been argued that the modernity is just the terminal phase of the decaying Protestantism--Advanced Decay Product as it were.

29 November 2011 at 04:57

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Gyan - I would disagree strongly. Protestantism is Christian while Leftism is anti-Christian.

I agree there is a lineal descent; but even there Protestantism is partly a reduced from of Christianity, making things worse (especially in the sense of deleting the highest possibilities of Christian life - monasticism culminating in Sainthood); but Protestantism was also partly a response to the fact that things were getting worse, and a way of making it possible to be a Christian in situations which would otherwise have been impossible.

29 November 2011 at 05:27

Blogger Gyan said...

Leftism is in fact a collection of heretical Christian ideas. see Socialist Phenomenon by Igor Shafarvich. You can call it anti-Christian if you like but it is not anti-Christian in the same way as Hinduism is.

As Belloc puts it (The Great Heresies), there is the Church and various heresies that surround it and attack it. Protestantism is another set of heresies, having quite in common in Leftist ideas.

For Belloc, there is nothing called a Christianity and never has been. There is only Church.

As for the great disruption, note that Dante had put several Popes in the Inferno--things were never rosy.

30 November 2011 at 03:20

Anonymous Jens said...

I find myself agreeing more and more with Gyan.
And asking questions is not the problem, its how you get answers. Questioning something is different. One asks why is this, the other asks why not toss this aside.

1 December 2011 at 03:51