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Anonymous Mia said...

I've been wanting to ask you about these less-conscious Beings and what you think is happening when we use pieces of Beings e.g. to build a house or to eat. For me, it's hard to envision this in a way that is not profoundly disturbing a la chairdogs and sligs.

10 September 2023 at 20:11

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Mia - The tragic nature of this mortal life - its 'entropic' nature, the way life feeds on life etc - has been noticed as far back as there are records.

It is the basic nature of existence, as we know it.

It is Christianity that offers a potential way out from this, but only on the other side of death.

10 September 2023 at 20:24

Anonymous Mia said...

True. I suppose if you're correct, it makes sense of the 3 afterlife choices. A return to primordial Being-ness is a return to an atomized existence without feeding on others but without cooperation either. Hell is feeding on others and being fed on eternally with no cooperation. Heaven is pure cooperation. Modern man struggles to believe the third is even possible.

10 September 2023 at 21:36

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Mia - That's a very neat summary - quite memorable!

I wonder how the various kinds of reincarnation fit in. I believe that reincarnation is possible, and was perhaps very common before Jesus - but I would guess that after Jesus, many people would prefer Heaven-Now; rather than another mortal life, or many more such lives. I certainly would.

11 September 2023 at 07:19