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Anonymous Wes S said...

I had the same realization about the birdemic last year: a plague in name only is perfect for further damning sleepwalking souls. A real plague would mean constant confrontation with death, especially that of younger people. There might then emerge a budding connection with reality, mortality, and some soul-searching, the exact opposite of what Screwtape would want.

Likewise, a purely-placebo peck plan would be the "safe, slow" choice from Screwtape's Ahrimanic perspective. But the more Sorathic fiends thought it would be enjoyable to "spike" the present pecks and get a few thrills, or worst case drive a few souls who awaken into despair. Continual fiendish "needling" however might finally awaken too many souls and orient them toward God.

15 April 2022 at 14:53

Blogger Ahuehuete said...

"amid doctors who lie, nurses who lie, friends who lie"

CS Lewis was very prescient about this. The jab made this very visible to anyone who didn't allow himself to be overcome by fear of the virus. My personal doctor nagged me to get jabbed, and I had to tell him to shut up.

I did wonder, long before the scamdemic began, about the wisdom in allowing someone whose personal beliefs are unknown to me to be allowed to provide me with medical care.

18 April 2022 at 16:25

Anonymous Todd said...

@wes S:
The best short explanation I've seen on why the pecks seem to be (or are, according to analysis of the peck harm databases) spiked in certain batches only, to cause horror.
And yes, it seems we are in a "phony war" being held back for a while by the more strategic demonic thinkers. But for how long?

18 April 2022 at 17:34

Blogger a_probst said...

When I read your headline, the first answer that came to mind was, "For the reasons Screwtape outlined."

18 April 2022 at 19:58