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Anonymous Joseph A. said...

Western man has embraced his fetters willingly -- and with enthusiasm. Our fate trends more according to Huxley than Orwell, it seems. To go back a bit, though, St. John's prophesy appears even more frightening . . .

I always suspected that people would accept the mark of the beast with mixed intentions -- willingly but only because they wished to avoid persecution/starvation/suffering. I never considered that men would relish the thought of getting branded -- would choose to stand in long lines to be among the first to wear the seal. The insanity of today's techophiles might be a foreshadowing type for the apocalyptic damned -- cheerful slaves of forces who tirelessly work toward their (the slaves') destruction.

26 September 2016 at 03:07

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@joseph - It is interesting that women are even keener on this kind of thing than men - for example twice as many young women as men engage in self-mutilation via tattoos; and it is celar that smartphone addiction is far stronger and more frequent among women.

(Of course, most women are lost souls, adrift, deeply-confused, and incipiently subject to being overwhelmed by self-loathing in this post-religious and anti family/ marriage world; hence the pitiful grasping at social and virtual peer approval.)

I wonder whether the social engineering of near-ubiquitous tattoos (plus extreme piercing) may have been, in part, a psychological preparation for the implantation of monitoring and control technologies (masquerading as entertainment and communication devices)?

26 September 2016 at 10:59

Blogger Nathaniel said...

I see "virtual reality" as a serious threat, and not just a curiosity. Of course, we all seem to live in "virtual reality" to some extent, where media enters our lives and those around us.

I definitely see the desire of virtual reality as society decays, of fantasy and escape. Most of my life I'd have rather been at Hogwarts or Middle Earth than where I was.

The threat from implanted technology is already here, I think. Smartphones already actively report your location, activity, etc. There is no definite escape from the comprehensive tracking - though the mask hasn't completely fallen off yet - it's not used in a Communist fashion - yet.

(Even just to comment on this blog we're assisting the "artificial intelligence" that interprets photographs)

26 September 2016 at 16:25

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Nathaniel - "Even just to comment on this blog we're assisting the "artificial intelligence" that interprets photographs" - there can be no escape from this - but we can create enough space to start work, and then we can raise our conscious state to a point that we are immune.

26 September 2016 at 18:21

Blogger Rainforest Giant said...

Weaker vessels. Women need social approval in ways men do not or not to the same degree. I expected more men than women would have tattoos. It was certainly true when I was a boy. Only sailors and criminals had tattoos.

Now you see it all the time.

27 September 2016 at 16:45

Anonymous Albrecht said...

"Technological capability is already declining…"

I won't dispute this, but can you cite specific examples?

1 October 2016 at 04:12

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ALb - One of the most influential posts from this blog gave the example of space travel

My book ( Not Even Trying discusses this in more detail. Another book The Genius Famine explains some of the reasons why we hardly ever make intellectual breakthroughs - although I don't mention that this decline in power and capability may have divine reasons, and be for our own good - i.e. to prevent the transhumanist nightmare.

1 October 2016 at 06:27