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Blogger David Earle said...

I imagine death to initially be similar to a dream. Once dead we enter into a dream-like state. We aren't conscious we are just passively dreaming. At some point, it may seem like days to us, we will begin to wonder what's going on. Semi-consciously you might think, "I must be dreaming" then you drift off some more like often happens as you're mid-sleep. Perhaps you never achieve this semi-lucid state and continue on eternally in this post-death dream world.

Maybe you become lucid again, try to remember the last thing that happened, and realize that you are dead and cannot wake up, but you're still very disillusioned and confused, tormented...eternally.

Maybe you're a Christian and once you realized you're lost, you cry out for Jesus. "Jesus! Where are you? What happened? Help me!"

You have been trained to call out for something beyond yourself in the post-death world, because maybe that is just how things work in the afterlife.

18 March 2021 at 00:10

Blogger a_probst said...

"...will be too paralyzed by the dishonest assumptions of pseudo-realism of mainstream materialism..."

Or too spiteful to want to be drawn out in conversation with a religious person as this would be 'giving quarter'.

18 March 2021 at 00:20