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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous Gary Bleasdale said...

Bruce Charlton showing his hope-ful (not optimistic) side much more vigorously and conscientously is surely a sign that we are experiencing a great and fairly sudden change in our current environment, spiritually. A qualitative change.

For the past few days I have also been feeling that whilst a continuation of the collapse (because we're already well into it, it's not "to come") into very much more palpably serious outcomes is certainly going to continue, each individual Christian (or even currently-non-Christian who is, despite that, aligned with Good - and I believe this is possible albeit vanishingly rare) has and will have the opportunity to develop in this new mileau, spiritual virtues and strengths, capacities and learnings, which would otherwise have remained merely embrionic.

Many of these will strike us as odd or mad - but that is just a matter of perspective. Many of them may be virtues which are only really becoming possible for the first time in history. Extremely exciting.

God will not leave his chosen to perish like dogs, even if it may seem that the world will suck us into that willy-nilly. The establishment, their dupes and servants, and their whole system is not even dust on the feet of God, even if from a wordly (very limited, narrow and deceitful) perspective it may seem they are almost all-powerful - that there is no escape.

We are much, much more active creators of the world than we imagine - small acts, including honest, directed thoughts and prayers, can cause great changes in ways which are hard to fathom to ordinary waking consciousness.

We as Christians must absolutely strive to avoid living in a state of "unexamined unconsiousness", of "going with the flow" - we must subject all our assumptions to honest scrutiny and then put into practice the things we know to be true, no matter how crazy it may seem (to others).

It is a very tall order, and it does really seem as though few will heed the call. But it does not take many people (quantitatively) in a world of evil, to do God's will diligently and lovingly and perseveringly, and revert what seemed to be certain annihilation. Think of Noah.

I feel deeply honoured and priviliged to have been given the chance to be part of this. May my nerve not fail, may I not "sell-out" under pressure, may the incomprehension and malice of others not cause me to compromise, may I not fall into traps and snares laid up by the adversary- may I live up to my destiny, which is a great one, as is the destiny of all those who want to follow Jesus Christ and love God with all their heart, mind and soul.

18 February 2021 at 09:27

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

GB - Good comment - thanks.

18 February 2021 at 09:44

Blogger Francis Berger said...

I appreciate Gary's comment as well; especially this part "We as Christians must absolutely strive to avoid living in a state of "unexamined unconsiousness", of "going with the flow" - we must subject all our assumptions to honest scrutiny and then put into practice the things we know to be true, no matter how crazy it may seem (to others)."

A timely post. Your observation about possible good coming out of this is very important. I once remarked that just because good can come out this does not imply that this is good. Even when Christians create something good out of the hardship and suffering that is sure to intensify, they must not fall into the snare of interpreting the collapse itself as a Deus vult event.

18 February 2021 at 15:18

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Frank - A good example of what you mean is war. Often evil in intent, and in overall effect; it is also clear that many people were stimulated by war to extraordinary virtue. It was often said that the war years were good for the people of Britain (despite everything) - indeed this was almost a platitude when I was a kid. You make recall that the experienced devil Screwtape was very unsure about the benefits of war for the demonic cause.

18 February 2021 at 16:16