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Anonymous S.K. Orr said...

This is very interesting. I have speculated in a similar fashion (though not with anything approaching your depth or complexity) about childhood toys I once owned, and more recently, about certain icons and statues and crucifixes. While gazing at them during prayer, I "know" they are inanimate objects fashioned by artists and craftsmen for a specific purpose, but I wonder if the fact that I focus genuine love and affection and interest in the person represented doesn't make the Christ on the cross truly alive during that time. Same for an icon or statue of a favorite saint. Can it be that such "objects" become infused with the spiritual energy from my devotions that they are alive, at least while I am in their presence? Sometimes it seems to me that such objects are like dry cell batteries...that they absorb and hold a "charge" from me, and that while they might just be a lump of metal or ceramic or wood to someone else, for me they truly do hold some deep reality, some LIFE, for lack of a better way to express it.

And for the record, I've always believed Hobbes was alive.

16 June 2021 at 13:22

Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

This made a big impact on me when you originally posted it, and impressed on me the importance of taking intuitive knowledge seriously.

16 June 2021 at 17:44

Blogger Restitutor Orbis said...

This post really struck a chord with my family. My wife is disabled and homebound. She has a large collection of stuffed friends, similar to Hobbes, and her relationship to them is definitely that they are alive. I read her your article and she was delighted. Shortly thereafter, Benjamin the stuffed bunny did a happy dance about it, too. I think he was thrilled at the metaphysical confirmation of his realness. All of your posts provide hearty food for the soul, but this one was a banquet!

16 June 2021 at 17:57

Blogger Avalon John said...

Fantastic post, thank you for it. I'm sharing this with my daughter who despite efforts is falling away. We are both huge fans of Calvin and Hobbes, and the topic is somewhat new-agey enough (or at least new-agey sounding) to appeal to her current tastes and hopefully will help in turning her back to the good/beautiful/true.

16 June 2021 at 17:59

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Thanks to commenters. I reposted this because a couple of people had said that it made a significant positive impact on them, back in the day. Glad to find a couple more who liked it this time round!

19 June 2021 at 07:11