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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger David Earle said...

This is an impressive and clarifying summation of the situation. Atheists may claim disbelief in God, but yet their values and metaphysical assumptions are conveniently in direct polar conflict with God--and Satan-serving--but this is never recognized.

"God isn't real and I hate him."

18 June 2021 at 10:29

Blogger William Wildblood said...

Superb essay. What people completely fail to understand now is that the nature of evil has changed. Now it has moved from being principally a material thing (murder, violence, lying, cheating etc) to being a spiritual thing - denial of God. Or reality since God is reality. And this denial can only come from a misaligned spiritual will so it is never innocent. The old evils still remain, of course, but a deeper sin has been added to them, all the worse for not being regarded as such.

18 June 2021 at 11:01

Blogger Jacob Gittes said...

Wonderful essay. I still remember my personal feeling of being able to sense God as a child. It was quickly burned out by multiple forces. It's been a long, slow journey to choose God again. I like the fact that the journey is a challenge and never-ending.

One one level, we've been taught to rationalize all bad choices as a deterministic product of the environment: criminals couldn't help being criminals, because of their upbringing and environment. The same could be said of atheists.
When one somehow stumbles into believing in God, though, and the non-material, non-deterministic, even non-linear world of the spirit, it is no longer tenable that individuals "had no choice." I believe that every soul has access to incredible discernments and connections and insights if they just open their hearts to it.
So maybe it's the state of the heart that is primary? Closing oneself off from the love of God?

18 June 2021 at 15:16

Anonymous The Continental Op said...

A+ , Dr Bruce.

I have observed a big difference between ancient Israel and Christianity. In Israel people were born into it, and didn't choose it. One reads the Old Testament and sees the occasional man who is "all-in", such as David, and he is a stark contrast with the people around him.

Christianity is an all-volunteer army, made up of people who have made the choice to go "all-in". What you call System Christianity is more like the old Israel. It's encrusted with System characteristics: in the world, and of the world.

I've noticed this in raising children. At some point they have to volunteer for it, otherwise they're just coasting in a default mode of "I believe but an not all in on it" which they will turn into a System Christian eventually.

18 June 2021 at 16:44

Blogger jana gatien said...

Nailed it! Thank you. This idea:
"For a while, there was a situation in which many or most people did Not believe in God but - by inertia, and the overlapping of generations - the properties of a God-believing society were retained."
Thank you for articulating this. I often think variations of it. Like an echo of godliness permeated the west til now, but w no sincere spiritual architecture to back it up. And along comes stupid liberalism and blows that flimsy veneer to the ground! Simulation of morality: over.
A great essay, Bruce. Will share.

18 June 2021 at 18:44

Blogger Francis Berger said...

". . .a small minority of actively, consciously, demonically God-rejecting beings; are able to lead a mass majority of passive, unconscious, atheist God-deniers . . . "

This crucial point is often overlooked. Though they pretend otherwise, the minority is fully aware and cognizant of the spiritual. Their aims and objectives are fundamentally spiritual.

The minority, on the other hand, is de-spiritualized to such a point that they cannot even fathom the concept of spiritual objectives, be they Good or evil. As such, they have forfeited the rudimentary resources needed to recognize let alone resist the negative spiritual aims and objectives of the minority.

18 June 2021 at 20:38

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Dear commenters - thanks for the kind words.

18 June 2021 at 22:20