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Blogger Francis Berger said...

This is very good.

Getting to the point where one understands the problems are not in the external but the internal is no easy task, precisely because it requires freedom, and the sheer thought of such freedom terrifies -- so much so that the unfreedom of blockage is preferable.

The Grand Inquisitor reproved Jesus for expecting too much of man. Sadly, for the most part, man appears to agree with the Grand Inquisitor.

Side note - I really must re-read Philosophy of Freedom soon.

23 September 2023 at 18:26

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Frank - This way of thinking also clarifies the methods of the devil. In a situation where salvation can be had by all those who want it; it is vital that Men be induced Not to want it.

That has (it seems) been largely achieved, but not by a direct denial - instead by inculcating assumptions by which the whole thing seems absurd; and by leading Men to expect that - if God/ Creation/ Jesus were Really-real, then that knowledge would of course be forced-upon us, no matter how much we resisted.

Meanwhile; all the time We are the problem, We are what makes God invisible/ nonsense; and so long as we are the problem (and are unaware or refuse to admit the fact), there can be no external solution.

23 September 2023 at 21:37