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Blogger whitney said...

This is the answer. It seems like it's not enough we should be fighting burning down buildings getting in their face! But this is the answer and our path will come from this

Mark 9:29
[29](9-28) And he said to them: This kind can go out by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.

7 May 2022 at 14:59

Blogger Francis Berger said...

"But secondly, genuinely Godly-opposition needs to be about 'doing-Good' rather than the 'double-negative' of 'opposing-evil'. And Good can (as a strong generalization) now only be done by individuals doing very specific and personal acts of Good with other individuals - aiming for spiritual benefit primarily."

Though I am fully aware of this, I find I constantly have to remind myself to go beyond mere opposition. At the same time, going beyond the 'double-negative' of evil should be easy for us in this time and place.

After all (as you have made clear many times on this blog), who or what can we possibly oppose in a tangible sense? In other times people could pick up their pitchforks and march against their lord or king. Who are people supposed to march against now? And who would support them?

Neo-reactionaries forget that the original reactionaries had fought to re-institute a world that could readily be re-instituted, which helps explain why they were sometimes successful. The same does not apply today because all organizations and institutions are on the other side and they are all oppositional to the core.

This is why your point about specific and personal acts of Good aiming primarily for spiritual benefit is so important. I consider this to be a spiritually creative approach, whereas reaction is simply reaction - responding to external forces.

Current circumstances prompt us to focus on the positive task of doing Good, not the 'double negative' opposing evil. We really do need to concentrate our thinking on that.

7 May 2022 at 19:30

Anonymous Evan Pangburn said...

"Modern war is highly abstract and ideological..."

As silly as the name "The War To End All Wars", as applied to World War I, it could be argued that WWI was indeed the first stage of the last traditional wars, given that WWII was a consequence of the first.

11 May 2022 at 02:15