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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You accuse liberal Christianity of succumbing to rationalism, but in practice, the mysticism of environmentalism and socialism has replaced the mysticism of Christianity.

The environment exists in the sense of trees and seas and so forth, but environmentalism attributes to them the characteristics of a single living conscious being, Gaia, as for example "The seas are the earth's lungs", and similarly socialism attributes agency to collective entities such as the proletariat, which imagined beings of course have a priesthood to speak for them.

28 July 2011 at 03:59

Anonymous Gabe Ruth said...

No wonder Mencius Moldbug likes VFR so much. I've visited a couple times and haven't been too impressed with Mr. Auster, but it appears I've been missing something after all.

This is good analysis, but I think MM's is even better, his key incite being that in ejecting the supernatural the liberal "Christian", AKA the progressive, becomes even more powerful. They claim their position is unassailably reasonable, innoculating themselves against the tool that all men have used to discern the vanity of fools and apprehend the truth for themselves. As they have a bully pulpit before those that seek to be educated, thinking that is the path to truth, few ever examine their "reason based" revelations with a critical eye.

30 July 2011 at 00:25