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Blogger U_rant said...

I am of the opinion that technology, or the worship of Science, has pushed aside traditional Christian motif's and attitudes. The prevalent atitude from the Universities on down seems to indicate that to believe in God is a belief in mysticism. Spiritual reality is no longer cherished by the general population as we are constantly chided that to believe in supernatural events is some sort of foolishness. Commonly, many people demand some sort of sign from above in exchange for their belief in god, Yet they have forgotten that Jesus warned about those that seek signs from above.

Spiritual revival, Christian or some other, requires from the people a demand for truth. Until this thirst for truth becomes widespread, I am afraid we are stuck with a materialistic world consumed with Narcissism, Egomania, and Fraud. I am at a loss to concieve of any other salvation.

26 September 2016 at 19:54

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read your "impatiently" as 'determinedly' - which is likely to be very patiently, persistently focusing on the Matter of Concern, as U_rant says, on Truth, which can be done (Inklings-wise) with lots of humour (and varying degrees of satire) as part of being Serious - which ("It's all in Plato") can both work wonderfully well, and get you beaten up, imprisoned, killed (Socrates, Our Lord, St. Paul).

That attention to Serious Talk (without over-calculating how propitious the times and circumstances - indeed, rather assuming they're not) seems very much the approach of the Inklings and Dorothy L. Sayers and T.S. Eliot, and also, variously, of Eric Voegelin, George Grant, and Illtyd Trethowan (to speak of writers and thinkers I've been delighted to encounter). I was struck reading yesterday by Elizabeth Goudge's characterization of her father (a scholar, teacher, and priest of the Church of England): "While my mother was quite sure that everything would turn out all right he was privately very much afraid that it would not; yet he was able nevertheless to place disaster in God's hands and leave it there; a condition of mind that he described as being 'an optimistic pessimist'."

Perhaps also appropriate to mention, here, is Tolstoy's wonderful little story, "The Three Questions". (And at the same time to recall how much tosh Tolstoy sometimes seems capable of swallowing and serving up: we must be always a-winnowing, with respect to others and ourselves! The freedom to try to winnow is one of the things very much at issue, too.)

David Llewellyn Dodds

27 September 2016 at 14:31

Blogger Nathaniel said...

I think you're right. Very few people follow philosophical arguments to faith. Even if the argument seems legitimate, we are so used to being taken-in through sales, marketing, politician, and them media these days that being skeptical and cynical about all information is almost a necessary defensive mechanism.

I think the first step is for individuals to become simply tired of meaningless, to stop putting their faith and hope in the next entertainment product or distraction - to perhaps go through depression of sort that causes them to seek something-else (though here something like half the population medicates this away). Having children and simply seeing the apparent importance and utility of religion in keeping them out of evil influences was important for me, but that requires actually accepting even a basic gut-level response and rejection of sickness rather than ignoring your hating your instincts.

It, as you say, all comes down to making a primary personal decision.

27 September 2016 at 15:01

Blogger pyrrhus said...

Christianity must be spiritual to be effective, because that element is what is missing in today's society, as it was missing 2000 years ago. People need spirituality, and they need the love and kindness that comes with it....

28 September 2016 at 02:34