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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for this Dr. Charlton, and for your previous valuable commentary. This topic is especially applicable today. As believers, recognizing our power (from On High, of course), influence and duty should motivate us to rise to the occasion.
No one is coming to direct our movements. There is no guru. Christ is King, His commands and guidance are given through Scripture, and we must take up the sword and head into the fight.

18 July 2022 at 16:29

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Anon - Thank you - But take note for the future that I very seldom publish "Anonymous" comments.

18 July 2022 at 18:25

Blogger No Longer Reading said...

The sideways concept is interesting. I hadn't thought of it in that way before.

I would say that, even given your reservations about physics metaphors, spatial metaphors shouldn't be as much of an issue because they have less assumptions associated with them. Also, at least in this world, beings interact with each other in space.

19 July 2022 at 01:43

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@NLR - wrt physics metaphors - It is partly laziness that I don't always think them through into more-accurate/ less-misleading personal metaphors/ symbols; and partly that to do so requires an extra degree of understanding that I probably don't have.

19 July 2022 at 06:49