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Anonymous Hoyos said...

Jesus' command to forgive others is no joke for that very reason I think. There's a tendency in people to think that forgiving others means thinking "it wasn't that bad" or "I'm partly to blame", or that forgiveness is something less radical than it is. In the Lords Prayer however it seems that our own forgiveness only goes so far as we forgive others. Forgiveness means a complete passing over ESPECIALLY a genuine sin against us, a place where, like you say, we were totally wronged and without fault.

Of course, if the nature of the sin requires that we get the authorities involved for the sake of future victims or informs a sense of prudence when dealing with the other party, then that is fine, provided there is a ruthless extermination of personal animus.

29 April 2016 at 05:35

Anonymous Leo said...

Let our enemies go by their old dull tracks,
and theirs be the fault or shame
(The man is bitter against the world who has only himself to blame);
Let the darkest side of the past be dark, and only the good recall;
For I must believe that the world, my dear, is a kind world after all.

--Henry Lawson

29 April 2016 at 11:02