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Blogger AdamW said...

Almost all politics is now in the service of the Market god. It is difficult to see any benefits arising from close direct personal involvement in that activity.

P.S.: I had to lurk here a long time before I realised that you use the word 'Left' in a very traditional manner, rather unlike its 'conventional' definition (which indeed varies from country to country and obfuscates matters greatly).

25 April 2016 at 09:08

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@AdamW - "I had to lurk here a long time before I realised that you use the word 'Left' in a very traditional manner, rather unlike its 'conventional' definition"

I wrote so much about this matter of The Left (which of course includes all mainstream self-styled parties of The Right, and all parties of The Right that are not primarily religious) in the early days of this blog, and in four books (so far) that I have to rely on those who are interested, in finding this out for themselves - it is just too tedious to insert explanatory paragraphs every time I mention The Left!

Even when I wrote *whole books* on this - such as the two referenced here - I find reviewers and commenters of these books assuming I restrict the term to mainstream usage and that I am a partisan supporting conservatives, republicans and libertarians!

25 April 2016 at 10:01

Blogger William Wildblood said...

I'm inclined to think that any religious person who gets involved in politics nowadays will soon either lose his religion or it will be taken over by the political side to such a degree that it will have no real spiritual content any more. Perhaps that hasn’t always been the case but it certainly is now.

25 April 2016 at 10:50

Anonymous JP said...

"Almost all politics is now in the service of the Market god."

I certainly can't agree with that. Politics now does not serve or care about "the Market" - indeed, politics *despises* the market. Politics requires us to do (and pay for) things that are tremendously wasteful, unprofitable, destructive, and stupid. "The Market" would force us to stop doing these things if it had any power to command politics - but it doesn't.

Do not confuse the transfer of money and resources with "the Market". Politics today serves to transfer wealth from the politically unconnected to the politically connected. This is not an operation of "the Market".

You would have just as much luck looking for a reactionary *economic* politics that was strong enough to defeat the Left as you would looking for a reactionary *Christian* politics strong enough to defeat the Left. The Left has won in the economic arena just as it has everywhere else. It has coopted and corrupted the large economic enterprises. Politics is thus impossible for true believers in the free market - though not, of course, by any means impossible for those who believe in using state power to steal the wealth of others.

The Left has won politically. Therefore, to say that politics "serves the market god" is to say that the Left serves the market god. The absurdity of this is readily obvious.

25 April 2016 at 15:04

Blogger John Fitzgerald said...

Maybe we should spend our political energies forging links with like-minded people in Russia, where Christians playing a role in politics seems much more a part of daily life.

25 April 2016 at 15:15

Anonymous Don said...

My personal choice, monarchy will not make a comeback in my lifetime. An explicitly Christian monarchy would be a better place to abide until the return of our true king. Since my vote is really a waste in most cases when not actively stolen there really is no reason to engage in nose counting.

25 April 2016 at 19:28

Anonymous Leo said...

It certainly must look like this to anyone with sensitivity and viewed from the perspective of the modern West. The contempt in which powerful elites hold Christianity is often palpable and increasingly gaining popularity. But hell is fragile. One might have predicted the rapid demise of Christianity after the French Revolution and the popularity of deism in America. But history didn't quite work out that way. Russia and China spent generations in the grip of a crushing, militant atheism, but Christianity is now showing a remarkable recovery in those countries. The less developed world is still fertile ground for Christianity.

History, though it may go through an apocalyptic phase, is really on our side (2 Kings 6:16). Our duty is to fight the good fight (2 Tim 4:7), which will largely be a spiritual and religious matter, though an honest merchant, scholar, journalist, or public servant can shore up a faltering society in valuable ways.

And consider these lines from Hopkins for the poetically inclined:

And for all this, nature is never spent;
There lives the dearest freshness deep down things;
And though the last lights off the black West went
Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs —
Because the Holy Ghost over the bent
World broods with warm breast and with ah! bright wings.

26 April 2016 at 15:20

Blogger The Sanity Inspector said...

In real life, every age is a checkerboard, light and dark squares adjoining. ~ Barbara Tuchman

2 May 2016 at 18:31