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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Lucinda said...

I really like this explanation about how the truth is also a choice. I think there are two layers when considering it. There is the outer chaos, where there is not life or anything. But then closer in, we have something not chaotic at all, which is perfect justice. But we can't survive there without some kind of help.

Several years ago I came to think of it like this: water makes it possible for a tree to be nourished by the Sun, instead of being destroyed by it. I think that is how it is with Christ and justice. We must learn how to thrive under the shining of justice, because that is an essential element to order rather than chaos. Christ's grace is not merely a shield, but works together with the justice inherent to meaningfulness to produce growth, utilizing the rays of the sun and the water together. I'm not sure if the Father invented justice. Maybe it is just part of the package of creating meaning/order. Love, on the other hand, doesn't seem to be part of the package of meaning. This seems to me to be what God is after, why He creates/expands the realm of order and justice, so He can express His love ever increasingly.

With regard to the development of consciousness, we passively receive love at first, but at some point, we must learn what it means to love and choose to love. I think the modern corruption of the concept (particularly in the areas of marriage and child-rearing) is hard to take, but ultimately it will lead to greater awareness of what is at stake in believing such deceptions.

21 September 2017 at 23:13

Blogger Avro G said...

I think God exerts a force of repulsion and one of attraction. He repels sin and attracts what is pure and righteous, that is, whatever is true. When we cling to our sins, which are false, we are repelled along with them. When we release them, thereby purifying ourselves, becoming characterized by truth, we become subjected to his attractive force. Hell, then, may be seen as the perimeter, "the outer darkness."

Maybe the paradox you see can be resolved as follows. By choosing to purify ourselves we receive a share in His reality. But if we opt out reality is made no less real. We have thereby made ourselves false and of no part of reality.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

24 September 2017 at 02:52