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Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

Nonetheless, repentance requires some overt actions different from passive withdrawal from the world.

We can no longer hope to join some established 'army of the righteous', with a P.O. box and a newsletter. Indeed, such a thing never existed in the first place. The essential corruption of bureaucratic human organizations is not a new thing. The goodness of any human organization has always been dependent on the goodness of the humans within it, which they had prior to and regardless of the organization. What kept human organizations good in the past was precisely the willingness of good humans in the organization to answer to their consciences and God rather than simply follow the organization.

In ancient and modern military affairs, the military effectiveness of an army comes precisely from the people who would fight even without an army backing them. But the men (and materiel) who only are there to fill out the numbers do serve to make the army as a whole more durable, and thus extend the survival of the component who actually are effective.

This is true of all warfare, not just 'military' conflict. And we are at war. The people with the will and courage to fight even if they must fight alone for a forlorn cause are the core. They create the opportunity for others who cannot fight alone to have some kind of meaningful repentance.

Those people are not found in traditional organizations because all the existing organizations have been infiltrated and subverted by evil and have thus driven out everyone resisting that process. But they have not all been killed outright, not just yet.

31 August 2018 at 14:25

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@CCL - Things *have* changed, and qualitatively, and within my working life (c. 35 years): formerly net-Good institutions have, in pretty much every instance, become net-evil. And this makes a difference.

31 August 2018 at 16:03