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Anonymous Anonymous said...

All too often, the intellectuals, even "conservative" intellectuals, have been instrumental in actively pushing totalitarianism, so I suppose it's natural that they wouldn't call attention to it. The process is not as far advanced over here in the United States, probably due to the fact that religion is still farily strong in many parts of America, and due to our heritage, many Americans are still very suspicious of state power. But the trend is unmistakable - the United States is most certainly less free in most ways than it was when I was a young man. Were just a few decades behind Britain, I fear.


31 July 2010 at 13:51

Anonymous a Finn said...

Large complex organizations want people to be atomized to individuals, because individual is weak in interest conflicts vis-a-vis lco's and more easily manipulated, because the common faith of the community does not give him psychological and worldview constancy and durability.

Local communities are a necessary counterweight to the power of lco's. The following site offers useful information, although it might require occasional conservative filtering.

Schumacher, a Catholic towards the end of his life, published two books with nice titles "Small is Beautiful: Economics as if people mattered" and A Guide for The Perplexed"

31 July 2010 at 21:39

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

I have been familiar with Schumacher since I was a teenager in about 1974. His legacy has mostly been co-opted by the politically correct left, although Joseph Pearce (a Catholic Distributist) is also a prominent advocate. I have mixed feelings about Schumacher overall; but I enjoy reading him and I believe he deserves close scrutiny and reflection.

1 August 2010 at 06:20

Anonymous a Finn said...

Bgc: "His legacy has mostly been co-opted by the politically correct left, ..."

- True. I have become skillful in filtering in my mind the politicized, distorted, selective etc. leftist information from leftist texts and I don't react much to them emotionally. I wonder how skillful other conservatives perceive themselves to be at such filtering?

1 August 2010 at 17:31