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Blogger William Wildblood said...

Excellent post, Bruce. I feel this whole EU thing ties in with your previous post about the destiny of the English. Being part of the EU has probably corrupted that to a large degree (though it's not the only thing) but I hope the situation is not irretrievable. Although I share your view of voting and believe that, whatever the outcome, the same elites will dominate,I shall probably vote to leave simply because in the last referendum, as a callow 19 year old, I voted to stay without having any idea what I was doing. At least this way I can rectify that error.

28 May 2016 at 12:09

Blogger Luqman said...

Yes, first the revival of the spirit must come, but could not certain circumstances make such a revival more likely? I do believe at least some people can be shocked into repentance. It would be difficult to say whether one outcome or the other would help in the case of the EU I accept, but distance from this particularly evil institution makes a statement that may strengthen what is needed. I compare it to the election of Trump in the US. Trump does not strike me a particularly good person, he represents the same evil as any other choice would in what he is about. Yet a victory for him would give an inertia to those that speak out over the evil they see, however misguided. It is likely that even this would ultimately be perverted and become a part of evil-as-usual, but its not a reason not to try.

A revival of the spirit is required for real change, but we should try to create a situation where such a revival can occur. Does there really need to be anything selfish about tactics? Despair would be not doing what one can no matter how hopeless it may seem, how little the gesture or how inevitable its futility from a rational perspective.

29 May 2016 at 20:48

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Luqman - I've no idea how things would work out. Certainly, the secular Left are energized and motivated by any sign of backlash - so, unless the backlash is strong enough to win it can, and usually does, make matters worse. But who knows...

29 May 2016 at 21:15