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Blogger William Wildblood said...

This goes along with the endless banter and constant need to laugh and refusal to take serious things seriously of modern English life. We're frightened of depth because it requires something significant from us so we hide behind facetiousness.

30 May 2019 at 13:56

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@William - It is indeed an evasion, on many levels. An evasion that has hardened into strategic dishonesty.

30 May 2019 at 14:23

Blogger ted said...

I think this brings in the notion of irony, which seems like a dead end in one's progress but maybe a necessary stage for some. I think creative and intellectual types lose conviction and earnestness on the way, and instead of becoming more humble, they become ironic in both a defiant and defeatest sort of way. Some may get past this, and surrender to something Higher.

30 May 2019 at 16:01

Blogger Luther Burgsvik said...

From one Englishman to another, thanks for writing this. It rarely gets spoken of, and needs to be spoken of in order to be remedied.

Unfortunately this inability to be serious and engage with the world makes us more disconnected from it. Everything is assumed to be known and is then reduced to nothing more than an amusing triviality. We become spectators rather than agents in life. Kind of like the popular TV series QI, where aloof comedians make irreverant remarks about interesting titbits of information.

30 May 2019 at 18:49

Blogger Karl said...

Here's a hobbit standing in for the English nation in the Third Age of Middle-Earth:
"It is the way of my people to use light words at such times and say less than they mean. We fear to say too much. It robs us of the right words when a jest is out of place."

31 May 2019 at 04:30

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Karl - I'd say that Ted Sandyman was more of the typical English intellectual, in this respect.

31 May 2019 at 06:30

Anonymous Faculty X said...

Romanticism and the related latent potentials of mind are typically suppressed. In Colin Wilson's work it would be the left brain fighting the right brain, the left intellectual thinking itself all there is, like an inflated god.

Institutionalized intellectuals do similar suppression in different forms everywhere. Look at what happens to Rupert Sheldrake and you will see the same with Dean Radin or Jason Reza Jorjani in the USA.

Jeffrey Mishlove in his Thinking Allowed series observed that only a few hundred years ago witch-burning was going on.

The witch mania was in the 1600s leading up to and around the time of the Restoration. Tens of thousands of witches were executed.

People may have had a conditioned response to the witch-burnings and didn't want to think about what it might mean, especially the fact that large numbers of people were regarded as having significant alternative powers and that they were then systematically murdered for it.

31 May 2019 at 08:39

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@FX - wrt 'witch burning' - it makes a difference whether one believes that there really are such people as witches, and whether some/ many of them are evil. A further question is the extent to which real-evil witches were involved in a conspiracy of evil.

Modern people (supposedly) believe that the whole thing is nonsense* and all persepction was therefore based on false assumptions. But n past days, almost 'everybody' believed in the reality of witches - and the main questions were how to detect them and what (if anything) to do about them.

In the Middle Ages nothing much was done about witches - perhaps because people felt that the devout were not susceptible. It was in the early modern period, the 1600s onward, that witches were persecuted.

The numbers involved in witch persecutions and killings were massively inflated by the early 20th century scholars such as Margaret Murray.

*But a significant number of very high level and poweful people in politics and the mass media (eg popular music) engage in what look like witchcraft occult practices, many of which appear evil in form and intent (to a Christian) - for example, Hillary Clinton recently acknowledged she is a coven member. She is not likely to be unique, and there are many other examples which seem to be well attested. So perhaps it is truer to say that the middle management level of modern society disbelieve in the effectiveness of witches and witchcraft; whereas the elites and masses often believe in witchcraft of one sort or another.

31 May 2019 at 10:00