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Anonymous Alex said...

"The mind 'knows' in advance what is possible and what is impossible: it is intelligent, rational, educated and tender; but it is not devout. It does not know how to capitulate to the impossible and accept it as real."

This is why I see Fatima as so supremely important: because it's so directed toward the mind. One cannot be an intellectually honest thinker and conclude that there's not at least something "special" to this event, and that it requires very serious investigation.

Sorry to keep harping on Fatima, but it truly is an intellectual keystone for me, because of its epistemological status (mass-audience of direct witnesses of the supernatural happening in modern times - like Doubting Thomas x 10000, in our own temporal neighborhood).

I'm having a hard time conveying my thoughts, hopefully some of you will get what I'm getting-at :)

13 April 2021 at 20:32

Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Could you provide some basic background for people who have not read TTA? Are Angel Archer and Bishop Archer different people, and if so what is their relationship? In what sense does Angel reject Christ at the end?

14 April 2021 at 04:20

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - This is something I just wanted to put out there for two reasons.

1. I couldn't see a reference to the fact that the Angel character was based on ULG, which might interest people.

2. That I've read the TTA about three times, and found it unsatisfactory - partly because of the (to me) annoyingly 'Californian' characters and assumptions, and that it doesn't go anywhere.

Indeed, the last time I read it, I decided that the problem was exactly that Angel did Not make the choice of Christ (but stayed essentially the same as she began) - which was where the book seemed to be going, structurally.

I found it interesting that PKD did this deliberately, and regarded it as the point of the book. But PKD was very bad at ending books! It was a recurrent problem for him - he lacked the 'instinct' for it. And furthermore, this deficit was much more serious in TTA because it was essentially a 'mainstream' novel (not scifi/ fantasy); and therefore it was about the people (not ideas).

For a mainstream novel, what happens to the characters is primary - there must be some kind of shape, progress, resolution... Something like a courtship and marriage, or a coming of age. PKD could not (nobody could) write a really successful mainstream novel in which the 'point' was that the main character *failed* to make the right choice - with a 'negative' frame, the novel is reduced to the sum of its parts.

In other words, the point of the TTA novel (from PKD's POV) is the cause of its structural inadequacy.

Or, you can have a scifi novel whose main point is 'philosophical' (about ideas) but you can't (successfully) do this when its a mainstream novel of characters and relationships.

This is why philosophical type people are seldom successful mainstream novelists, but often write good scifi (e.g. Colin Wilson); and why the best/ most-effective 'pure novelists' write about people and relationships primarily - and ideas hardly matter (e.g. Barbara Pym, whose early novels I read over and over with delight - but who hardly has two 'ideas' to rub together!).

14 April 2021 at 06:23