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Blogger William Wildblood said...

I reread this a month ago and agree it is a wonderful book. The title refers to Lewis's rejection of the idea that Hell and Heaven can somehow unite in a marriage because they are all part of the one whole and must be integrated, a popular Jungian (amongst others) misconception. Nothing of hell can get into heaven.

22 August 2021 at 22:36

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@JQ - Thanks - I watched when it was first posted online. Both amusing and disturbing!

22 August 2021 at 22:40

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The seventh-last paragraph ("The truth is almost the opposite. [...]") seems especially clearly 'MacDonaldian', but the whole post gives me a sharper sense of why Lewis's guide on this (dream) journey is George MacDonald. Your readers may like to know (or be reminded) that the book with which Lewis followed up The Great Divorce is his George MacDonald: An Anthology, with a quotation a day for a year (starting at any day and going on for 364 more, if one likes reading it that way) - as well as a candid and interesting introduction about MacDonald's strengths and weaknesses. (And there are now searchable texts - transcriptions or scans - online of many (I'm not sure about all) of the works Lewis selects from, if one wants to see the selection in context.)

Very different from The Great Divorce, but also well worth trying (e.g., at fadedpage, too, I see). I think I read it right through, the first time, but have also read it day-by-day. (I am now finally making the acquaintance of Dietrich Bonhoeffer in a similar way, with a Dutch daily-selection book - as well as rereading day-by-day Charles Williams's wide-ranging, thought-feeding, conscience-challenging New Christian Year: available by a link on the Williams Society homepage which gives the current day of the Church Year - and a handy index, too.)

David Llewellyn Dodds

23 August 2021 at 03:15

Anonymous Joseph A. said...

My favorite part is the procession in honor of Sarah Smith of Golders Green.

Concerning the topic of your post, though, what of loners? I've reflected upon my own "distaste" of the idea of heaven, and I've concluded that the most objectionable part for me is its apparent hyper-social nature. I'm not a total misanthrope. I appreciate people "from a distance" -- rather as people who do not like arthropods can still find them fascinating and enjoyable to behold behind glass as a zoo. Yet, the idea of forever being among hordes of other souls, never being able to escape, to become invisible, to hide, to dwell alone . . . it's an intolerable thought. A spin on Sartre -- le ciel, c'est les autres! Is paradise exclusively for the nauseating ENFP masses?

23 August 2021 at 05:12

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@DLD -

Unfortunately, I don't respond positively to George MacDonald! I've made a fair effort, but he (like most authors!) is beyond my range of sympathy. Also, the Lewisian theological passages of the Great Divorce - about 'time', and mostly put into the mouth of the MacDonald character - are the least good from my perspective. Perhaps because I regard the metaphysics and theology as mistaken, and incoherent.

@Joseph - On the one hand, the idea of Heaven as entailing hordes is indeed unpleasant (as is the actuality of Hell as an ultimate aloneness with one's own circling obsessions, which Lewis describes in this book).

But Heaven certainly is for those who commit eternally to live by Love as their principle of Being - so persons incapable *or* rejecting of Love could and would not choose Heaven.

I have written extensively on this blog concerning my understanding of Heaven, which is (in a nutshell) based upon the extended and inter-married family as the 'unit' of organization, and participation in God's continuing creation as the 'work' or activity being-pursued.

Further; I regard each individual persona as existentially unique from eternity - so Heaven, like earth, consists of beings who have always been different from each other, no two are the same, and Love is the way that such individuals cohere and cooperate in an open-ended way.

(As with the ideal family in mortal life, which most of us can imagine and yearn for, and some will experience - to an extent.)

@William "Nothing of hell can get into heaven."


But I think it is most accurate to regard the reason for this as a necessity for Heaven to exist, rather than something like a exclusion being applied. I think of it that Heaven Just Is the place where all inhabitants have been enabled (by Jesus Christ) to make an eternal unbreakable commitment to live by Love. This entails willingly leaving-behind (at resurrection) all that is Not of Love.

23 August 2021 at 06:30

Anonymous Bruce B. said...

I’m sorry if this comes off as a stupid comment but here goes.

Most people don’t choose heaven or hell because they don’t believe either exist. Most people don’t choose their favorite sin or turning from their favorite sin because they don’t believe such a thing as sin exists. They don’t believe anything except the universe as organized particles.

Isn't nihilism the primary belief of modern man?

23 August 2021 at 20:59

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lewis and MacDonald seems a fair-sized and engaging 'matter'. It strikes me that I've never tried to line up each thing that Lewis said in a publication about MacDonald in the order he said it - which would be good to see, when most of us have probably encountered what he said in Surprised by Joy - or a quotation from it - first, and when there are lots of things he said on paper, but which have only been published posthumously. Lists of the published and 'private' things would be interesting to compare.

One early public one is in Lewis's third essay (chapter 5) in The Personal Heresy published 'controversy' with Tillyard from 1939: "I am sure that I do not care for these things [things "which seem to give me a new and nameless sensation, or even a new sense, to enrich me with experience which nothing in my previous life has prepared me for"] because they introduce me to the men Morris and Macdonald: I care for the books, and the men, because they witness to these things, and it the message, not the messenger that has my heart." This follows his speaking of finding such 'things' "most of all in the prose works of George Macdonald" - in a sentence which continues "where literary competence is so often so to seek that any of us could improve even the best passages very materially in half an hour" - !

I wonder if by 1946 Lewis expects or foresees the likelihood of people not responding positively at once to MacDonald and tries to give them 365 chances to make a 'bite-sized' fair effort?

The 1945 MacDonald character in The Great Divorce does invite attention. Is this an example of Lewis attempting to improve some of the best things in MacDonald "very materially"? If so, does he succeed? Or is his MacDonald not, in the event, MacDonaldy enough?

If one ends up not responding positively to MacDonald, I suspect Lewis wants to give every one the chance to have as positive an experience as he had.

I can't remember what MacDonald I read when, but I suspect The MacDonald Anthology was pretty early in my experience, and succeeded as I take it Lewis hoped it might for people.

David Llewellyn Dodds

23 August 2021 at 23:31

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@BB - "Most people don’t choose heaven or hell because they don’t believe either exist. Most people don’t choose their favorite sin or turning from their favorite sin because they don’t believe such a thing as sin exists. They don’t believe anything except the universe as organized particles."

These unbeliefs (heaven/ hell. sin etc) are a *consequence* of having rejected Heaven/ not believing in any explanations except 'physics'.

The metaphysical (by assumption) rejection of any possibility of meaning, purpose and participation - has consequences. And some of these consequences can become self-reinforcing.

One consequence is demotivation - so that nothing is believed deeply or strongly enough to sustain courage; and no effort is made to escape this condition (only Not to think about it, or to distract oneself).

24 August 2021 at 06:57