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Blogger William Wildblood said...

I will bite! The most important thing is presumably the proper awareness of God?

20 February 2018 at 10:08

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@William - Well, Yes, more or less! - but you don't get a prize for stating 'the obvious'!

20 February 2018 at 12:07

Blogger William Wildblood said...

Joking aside, it should be obvious that this is the solution to our woes but it's extraordinary how resistant people are to accepting this idea. It really does seem as though modern humanity will have to be driven to the wall before coming to its senses. i suppose sin is just too attractive for most people, that and the false idea of freedom we have deluded ourselves into believing.

20 February 2018 at 12:13

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@William - As you know, I think our modern-materialist false/ incoherent basic-metaphysical assumptions make it (essentially) impossible to think truly (and impossible to take thinking seriously) - plus, people don't even try to think (being 'addicted to distraction').

20 February 2018 at 12:29

Blogger Lucinda said...

I was just making something like this post's point to my husband the other day.

I certainly used to put more think-time into trying to solve the systematic problems between men and women, but when it really comes down to it, the fundamental unit, the relationship between a man and a woman, is individual. There will always be those cases where a man and a woman get it right, even against a misguiding system, as well as those cases where a man and a woman get it wrong, even in the best designed system. And even more, those best prepared to participate in an individually functional couple (and I'm not speaking solely of romantic partnership) seem to be those most willing to recognize the limitations of the system in solving individual problems, to see those in close relationship to them as individuals, rather than simply instances of a class.

This is not to say that a person's appreciation of the class of women generally, or the class of men generally, doesn't matter to individual relationships. Indeed, an appreciation of the opposite sex generally (or even the same sex generally) is probably one of the first things to be fixed by fixing the most important thing, which I think involves a sense of gratitude for the reality of the situation and choosing to value whatever pieces of truth available to you; discarding the destructive elements of entitlement, while still embracing a special duty to honor the heritage of being children of God.

21 February 2018 at 14:58

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Lucinda - Thanks for the comment - You are right that individual relationships can be poisoned by group attitudes.

(Of course, we shouldn't use 'everyone is an individual' as an 'excuse' for unwise or selfish or short-termist decisions tah ignore evidence and experience. On the one hand people sometimes do change; on the other hand, past behaviour is usually the best guide to future behaviour...)

21 February 2018 at 15:49

Blogger Lucinda said...

I guess part of my background assumption is I don't believe that history is primarily misogynistic. Part of my basis is that it seems to me that the human male biologically seems to follow the pattern of attracting female attention through acheivement, allowing for female choice. It is the less fit males who engage in domineering behavior toward females, and their offspring would tend to suffer additional hardship because of the dysfunctional relationship between the parents. The other mammalian option would be some sort of single-motherhood, like bears or elephants. I think human offspring with single-motherhood doesn't create the robustness and adaptability that it does in other mammals where single-motherhood is the established method of caring for offspring.

It is true that civilization apparently cannot develop without a patriarchy that channels natural sexual instinct in a way that allows far more unfit individuals to successfully reproduce, but it seems to me that the most successful types of patriarchies are the ones which heavily draw on the alpha model, where the males are expected to form sexual relationships based on qualities that are attractive to the females they partner with. I regard as malignant and fundamentally unfit patriarchies based solely on male authority to determine the sexual pairings. I believe modern examples of such, and historic ones, to be basically parasitic, leeching from the vast benefits produced by fit female-attractive males, whether in their own population or some very successful competing group.

But we are told that these malignant types of patriarchies are basically the same as the ones where female-choice is honored and protected, as though the ancestors of modern freedom-loving and women-valuing civilizations engaged in patriarchies indistinguishable from modern malignant patriarchies where women have no rights. I just don't believe it.

23 February 2018 at 15:01